If I were French, you could call me Monsieur Dumas

Started by 48builder, December 21, 2005, 06:55:04 PM

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I can vouch for the fact that both the Franks, Enjenjo and Fartt Katt, would be the first to insult you to your face.  Heaven forbid you should have a zit on the end of your nose.  They will remind you of it all day long....and then some. :wink:

I think most of us forget the fact that we have contact with hot rodders from all over the world on these message boards and what seems funny to some might not seem funny to others.  I'm sure there are French comedians that make fun of us Americans, right? :shock:   Not that there is ANYTHING to make fun of though :roll:

Happy Holidays
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


If you notice, all of those are quotes from someone else. None of those are my words, and less than all of them reflect my thoughts.

I know that history had proven our relationship with France has been "hot and cold". If it weren't for the French we wouldn't have defeated the British to win our independance. We refused to help them gain theirs afterwards shamefully. We did help the French in WWII and many an American are buried at Normandy and elsewhere. Most recently they refused to help us when asked.

I know for a fact that at several of those jokes, and that's what they are, jokes, were NOT factual and the French had a very strong underground that saved many American life and helped win the war.

No matter what I think of a country or it's politics, I can like a man from that country, be his friend, have a beer with him and share a common interest without letting politics over-rule personal value.

But, I can have my personal opinion about a country, or it's politics, and shouldn't be afraid to express it for fear of offending someone. I think if you say anything on an international forum you're likely to offend SOMEONE, even with the most innnocent of statements.

My aplogies to the board in general for causing controversy. It was meant to inject some humor and to help the original author to not be so hard on himself for making a mistake. That's something we ALL do sooner or later.

One comment did bother me though. "and are unable to accept that in other part of the world people have the right to think different and not just obey to the strongest army in the world. "

The USA doesn't have the strongest "army" in the world, and our advances in technology in too many areas to mention proves that we aren't just a bunch of stupid rednecks. That's not to say France is that far behind us as they can be proud of their accomplishments in technology as well.

However, when I hear statements like that, it bothers me to think that some Europeans have been brainwashed into thinking we are a war loving society governed by our military. Nothing could be further from the truth. I think this has helped to cause problems between our countries, and the truth should some out. Glad to see you are talking to Americans and finding out things are different than what you are hearing. And just to prove a point, if you look at recent disasters around the world, the US Military has been one of the first on the scene to help, and one of the last to leave. Others can bash our country, but personally, I'm * proud of how our country helps, and only goes to war when we see there's no other option to keep our people safe in the long run. It may not be immediately apparent to all, but not all people see a bigger picture than their own immediate world.

I'll try to keep things car related from now on. Sorry again to the board for causing controversy.


Well Steve, I thought it was very funny, and I'm not even an American. I am however a Canadian, but was born in Holland, and people that know me, know that no one is harder on a dutchman than me ie:" they should have brought twice as many half as far" Life is too short to be small. Hell, if you can't laugh with them, laugh at them!

If a blind person wears sunglasses, why doesn\'t a deaf person wear earmuffs??


Quote from: "rumrumm"I can't speak for Steve who posted the comments by various American humorists, but you should take them as what they are--humorous barbs meant to amuse rather than offend. When you get to the US, I think you will find that we are warm and generous people who will treat you like a member of the family. It's just the way we are.

Couldn't have said it bettermyself.

When you're done in the US, drop inot Oz on the way home, we tell great Yank jokes and we got more of 'em than the Yanks have French jokes.   :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


Quote from: "enjenjo"I know Steve, and it was meant to amuse, not offend. Gilles, in the US, we do a kind of joking called Ranking, which is to make rediculous insults to your friends.
We just call it hangin' shyite on yer matesz.

And when yer mates stop hangin shyte on ya, then you better start lookin over your shoulder coz you're probably now in deep shyte.

QuoteAnd I am more than willing to insult you to your face. :lol:
And once you've seen Enjenjo's face you'll know why nobody ever insults him that way.   :shock:

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


QuoteSo, can you drive fenderless and do you have snow? My only visit was summer in the south of France but I'm guessing no snow there even this time of year.
To drive fenderless is officially illegal but some people try it without problems.
There is snow in the mountains during winter, and time to time in my town.

QuoteOne comment did bother me though. "and are unable to accept that in other part of the world people have the right to think different and not just obey to the strongest army in the world. "

I apologize to have been too rude on this comment.

The French army is actually present in Afganistan, in Ivory cost and a lot other countrys, most in Africa to keep the peace.  France took part of the first Irak war in 1991, was in kosovo a few years later. As I know the actual war in Irak is the only we refused to go. View from Europe with our medias it was clear, in 2003, that Saddam Husseim had no mass destruction weapons and was unable to fabricate them due to the embargo. It was also clear that he wasn't responsable in any way on the 9/11. But  eveybody here agree that the elections and a democratic government is a good thing for Irak, though a pitty it takes so many lives to accomplish.
Maybe we suffered too much with 2 world war on our own territory and it's why for us a war is at the very, very last resort. And this last resort  farest for us than for americans.

In this post I broke a rule I made for myself, to not speak politic in a car related forum.

I prefer to say that I am rebuilding another TH700R4 for a friend (He forgot to reconnect the TVcable!) and just ordered the rebuild kit from Northernautoparts 2 days ago. If the weather is good, the road dry, I will ride my roadster next week (covered with ski clothes) as I will be in Christmas vacation for one week.

Merry christmass for all,

:D Gilles :D


Thanks Gilles! You and yours have a very Merry Christamas as well. Hopefully they won't try to ban it over there like many have tried to do here.

One last thing to clear up something about Rednecks. I'll be the first one to pass on humorous redneck jokes. But my dad was a southern boy and meets most of the redneck qualifications, and I think more of him than any man I ever met.

In fact I just sent my dad a shadow box for Christmas that shows his medals from the Korean War, where he fought side by side with French, Aussies, Canadians, and others.

While Rednecks have their ways, and are part of Americans making fun of themselves, if I had to fight in a foxhole against an enemy, there's nobody I'd rather have next to me than a redneck! .....ok well maybe an Aussie on my other side, while a Frenchman works the underground  ;)



Steve, thanks for making me laugh.

Gilles, thanks for making me think.

You have both added something to my day.

Thanks to both of you for sharing my affection for hot rods. Joe

58 Yeoman

Walt, when I wanted to raise my Poncho's body, I thought about the same thing as you, only I didn't think my roof struts would support the weight.  I used my engine lift to first lift the rear of the car, with small chains hooked to the sides of the body where the rear fenders would've been mounted; a hook on the lower sheet metal lip.  I used short 2x4's to keep the chain away from the upper body surfaces.  After I raised it high enough, I used two metal saw horses with a landscaping timber between them to support the rear of the car.

I then moved to the front of the car and again used my engine hoist to lift the front of the car at the front body mounts; you can see the chains still attached in the first picture.  I set the front down on some large home made jackstands.  It was a real bear to have the hoist on the front from the side, allowing me to get the frame out from under the body.  The rear horses had to far enough apart to wiggle the frame out from under the rear.  Had to flatten tires and use the roll-abouts to get it out.  Reverse for installation.  

I wish I had a bigger garage with higher ceilings, but you have to use what you've got.  The body will be coming off again soon (I hope), and the frame will go to my brother's garage for storage.

I wish I'd taken pix of the car on the hoist, but didn't.  Will do so when it's up in the air again.
I survived the Hyfrecator 2000.

"Life is what happens when you're making other plans."
1967 Corvair 500 2dr Hardtop
1967 Corvair 500 4dr Hardtop


I try to stay away from politics here on the RRT.

Saddam used WMD's against his own people. He had them at one time. He probably wanted nukes .

When you look at the history of how America was formed , our civil war ,  the number of people that died for the freedoms Americans have today....... Iraq is moving at light speed towards a new government and democracy.  They fact that the Iraq people have had open free elections shows democarcy is winning there

I have read many stories of how many Iraq women are highly educated and now can start / operate their own businesses that would never happen with Saddam. These Iraq women are receiving guidance from business women from around the world.

The good people of Iraq want the same thing that Aussies , French or Americans want ..... peace, be able raise their familys in a safe place and to prosper as they live.  The Iraq people are moving towards that now.

Merry Christmas to all


 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


If you will remember before the second Gulf War, the Iraqies were shooting at our plane in the no fly zone on a regular basis. Sad * was doing every thing is his power to lead us to believe he had weapons of mass destruction. If he did or didn't does not matter. I will tell you the same thing I told my wifes cousin in East Germany "wait 10 years or so and see who was right". How many years did it take for them to be free. The East Germans. I was in Germany when the  Gulf War II was just under way. There were protests going on. They were comparing Bush to Hitler. I told them he was a Cowboy. They would laugh at that.
  I don't think from one poll to the next but in the reality of the task at hand.
 As for the jokes I admit I laughted out loud at some of them :oops: . If you have any good American jokes, I'm sure I would laugh at them also.
 If I didn't have the car torn apart , I would take it out for a spin. Life wouldn't be as serious.
 Gilles, I liked hearing your opinion.

Land Yacht

Gilles, you are welcome in our country. We will always choose to have France as an ally rather than an enemy.
1965 Impala SS 283/250 -sold- :(
1977 Chevy Caprice -totaled 2005 :(

1999 Chevy S-10 ZR2  Bacon Getter


Quote from: "Gilles"Usually I really like reading RRT, some posts are really interesting, and some friendly people helped me a lot technically. But this time I don't know what to think. Maybe to take it as a joke and laugh with you? I'm not  sure to be able.

Yesterday at lunch I  eated in an American restaurant (yes an american restaurant in Grenoble, France) and the food was good. It was with my English class, the  two professors, one  from Ohio and one from London. The name of the restaurant is "Pumpkin's" the boss is from Wisconsin and married to a French Woman. So I kow that american guys can be very friendly and intelligent. And not just stupid redneck who know nothing about the world outside the USA and are unable to accept that  in  other part of the world people have the right to think different and not just obey to the strongest army in the world.
I like american cars, I like  hot-rods more more than reasonnable. I like rock'n'roll music, rock'n'roll dancing. I'm impatient to go again to the USA, and I'm yet saving money for it. When I read something like above  I'm afraid to be not really welcome in your country.

:( Gilles :(
Gilles, I am American by naturalization, Italian by birth and Italian /French by blood, So I marry an American girl who is Swedish, English, French, German and Irish,  (not a joke) so therefor our children are mutts . WE are a good example of what so called Americans  are, a mixture of everything. Please don't take it personally  its just a dumb joke thats all. When you come to the  USA you will see that most ,if not all of us will be glad to meet you.Screw politics ,enjoy the cars... Happy Holidays   Serge Agostinis


Quote from: "Inprimer
Screw politics ,enjoy the cars

I couldn't have said it better myself.   8)  8)  8)

"I don\'t know what your problem is, but I bet its hard to pronounce"

1934 Ford 3 Window
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