James Dean Gallery Closing

Started by Fat Cat, December 14, 2005, 09:42:59 PM

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Fat Cat

The James Dean Gallery first opened in September of 1988 in the late actor's hometown of Fairmount, Indiana and remained in an old Victorian house on tree lined North Main Street for fifteen years before relocating to a modern state-of-the- art Deco style building at a nearby Interstate exit. "It was nice in the old Victorian house, but it was wooden, drafty and damp at times" says Dean archivist and Gallery owner David Loehr. After a small electrical fire in the house Loehr decided the move was necessary for the long term preservation of the World's largest collection of Dean memorabilia. The new 7,200 square foot facility is temperature and lighting controlled, and is virtually fireproof.

Read the resy of the story here


Yes heard that on the radio this morn, that is one heck of a nice museum, to bad it didn't make it



Quote from: "Fat Cat"The James Dean Gallery first opened in September of 1988 in the late actor's hometown of Fairmount, Indiana and remained in an old Victorian house on tree lined North Main Street for fifteen years before relocating to a modern state-of-the- art Deco style building at a nearby Interstate exit. "It was nice in the old Victorian house, but it was wooden, drafty and damp at times" says Dean archivist and Gallery owner David Loehr. After a small electrical fire in the house Loehr decided the move was necessary for the long term preservation of the World's largest collection of Dean memorabilia. The new 7,200 square foot facility is temperature and lighting controlled, and is virtually fireproof.

Read the resy of the story here

That's a shame that the guy didn't get any support from the local or state governments. Typical. They greet you with open arms and closed wallets. I'll bet they didn't have any problem accepting his property tax checks, though.

Another problem is the fast paced travelers in todays society. Everyone is in so much of a D%#N hurry anymore, the only thing people do anymore at an exit is grab gas, McDonalds takeout and then hit the road again as fast as they can. Of course half these jabroni's wouldn't know who James Dean is, because he's not on MTV or doesn't have a rap album out or isn't on the latest hit download list.

Hopefully word will get out and some big shot Hollywood type will step in and save the day.
***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...


Well, unfortunately, another piece of Americana is turning to dust.
Rayvyn hit on it with America's youth. Four out of five people under twenty five don't know the legend of James Dean. Or Bogart, Marilyn, or Elvis for that matter. I was stopped in a routine road block inspection, by a 22-24 year old officer. He looked the car all over, complimented me on the car and then ask me what make of car it was. I ask him if he was a born American.
I was driven my '57 Chevrolet Belair 2dr. hardtop.

Moral of this jibberish..........stop gittin old.

blksheep...what the hell were we talkin about, anyway?...in Charlotte
