Happy Vets Day

Started by WZ JUNK, November 11, 2005, 07:22:55 PM

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God Bless America

Last night I went to the College of the Ozarks where I heard Tom Brokaw speak about the greatest generation.  It was a very moving evening.  He recognized several veterans in the audience and presented some awards along with his speech.  I saw some real heros.  One man's story, he was a POW 3 different times in the same war.  I can not imagine what some of the people endured.  I do appreciate their service and sacrifice.  My tour was a walk in the park compared to these guys.

USS Intrepid (now a museum in New York City)
1967 - 1971
Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH

Dennis the Menace

You have that right.
Dennis Hemingway
U.S.Navy 1965-1969
USS Hornet CVS 12.
Vietnam Veteran, Apollo 11 Recovery Ship 8)
Photo Guy: WWW.hotrodhotline.com
Dennis  8)


I would like to add my sincere "Thanks" to everyone who has served our country.I tried to enter the Naval Academy out of high school but was determined to be a physical reject  :shock: I did not serve but many of the previous generation,including my Dad,were career military so I am very aware of the sacrifices made.I will be attending the University of Nebraska football game tomorrow....The stadium should be full of Veterans as this year they implemented a program where people donated their tickets to "Thank a Vet"! I'm sure they have some special things planned to show our appreciation!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


i also thank all that have and will serve in the military.

my father and both grandfathers and all my uncles served.

i wish i had been able to hear brokaw's greatest generation. that would have been a nite to remember.

later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


This is one holiday that I enjoy getting off work. Most every year I spend a part of the day at a friend's auto salvage yard, and today was no exception. I've never had it too bad, but after 4 years active duty, 24 years national guard, 5 trips to the middle east including getting activated for the first Gulf War when my wife was pregnant, I feel I deserve the day off.

'48 Chevy Custom sedan in progress-Z28 LT1 drivetrain, chopped, shortened, too many other body mods to list
'39 Chevy driver


To all those who have served and those who are now!!!!


Till we meet - On the street


God bless all the Veterans-

Father served in WW2 --Normandy Invasion
Brother just retired
me--U.S. Army 69-71
thanks to all.


Thanks to all the Vets.

USAF 67 to 71
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.

richard 36dodge

Thanks to all the Vets.!!!!!!!!!!!!

Father flew B-17 in WW II

Me USAF 68 to 72
Ramstein AB ,W. Germany 70 to 72
Thanks Again, Rick Harris