Big Olds' Ego-Rama Adventure Day 13: THE COMPETITIONS

Started by HotRodLadyCrusr, October 05, 2005, 03:49:22 AM

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Day 13 Tuesday Oct 4
Ontario, CA to Fontana, CA and back
Today's fuel "Sponsored" by the HAMB........ one ¼ mile at a time 

What an EXCITING day!  After breakfast, all the ladies headed off to the mall except for Cory's wife Judy...... and me of course.  The rest of us headed over to California Speedway in Fontana for a full day of testing our cars.  

We all lined up and dumped everything outta our cars.

It didn't take long for the mag staff to set stuff up and we were tearin up the dragstrip.  The start line was nice and sticky.

Jerry from Kansas in his '59

Jim Shelton in his roadster

Rich was a wildman in his roadster.  He certainly put on a show for those watching.

It was real cute, Cory's wife Judy ran out and gave him a kiss for luck at the start line.  Bummer I didn't get that photo but I did take this one of him.

Dad's 56

Big Olds

Everyone got 5-7 runs down the track, depending on how many times they actually wanted to run.  The atmosphere was very easy going and casual.  We then thru everything back in the cars and headed over to this other area that had some grass and trees, unloaded the stuff again, then started the braking portion.  While the cones were being set up, everyone kinda just hung out and chatted.

We had to brake from 60MPH and while the smokey braking was impressive and fun to watch, NOT locking them up was the key.  


Jerry in his '59

Cory, he flat-spotted his and will be shopping for new tires before he starts for home.

Jack, AKA Phat Rat, he had a little slide action going on

I did my first three attempts and did pretty well

and stupidly went a fourth time cuz I wanted a smokey, side-sliding last one.  Well, I locked them up on purpose and just at the end my brake pedal went to the floor.  Holy smokes!  I coasted to a stop.  The guys all said just to let the brakes cool off cuz the fluid was just too hot but I had a feeling it was more.  Well a short time later we cocked the wheel and sure enough I had busted a brake line.  Cody from Super Chevy ran me up to the parts store for the brake line and fluid.  Jim Shelton's passenger, Scott offered to change it out (he built Jim's roadster and owns his own race shop so I felt confident in his abilities)  Anyway, he had me up and slaloming within ½ hour.  He's a great guy and I couldn't thank him enough.

Jerry with the '59 is also having some mechanical problems and will hopefully get it fixed at the So Cal shop tomorrow.  They think it's a U-joint.

Our very own JimA on his bicycle.

We then started the slalom portion.  Six cones set up 75 feet about.  They used a wireless system that had a transmitter at the first cones and last cones and Kevin had the receiver which told him how many second it took us to travers the 450 feet.

After the slalom course they wanted to shoot some photos for the features.  Since I was having problems with this one wheelcover staying on, we thought we'd try a trick of using duck tape to kinda help the prongs grip.  Didn't have any luck getting it on.  Good thing I got two more waiting for me at home.  Hopefully one will fit right.

Kevin shooting PhatRat's

JimA shooting Rich's

All in all a most exciting fun filled day.  Sorry we can't give out who "won" each of the competitions.  The mag staff wants a few surprises in Dec when the March issue, that the Ego-Rama article will be in, hits the new stands.  Can't say that I blame them.  As far as I'm concerned, we all are "winners" because we got the opportunity to participate in this very cool event.

BobK road with me on the way back to the hotel and shot this photo.  I thought it'd be a nice way to end this post.

Total milage thusfar 3,894
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Following along has become addictive. It's way better then the morning paper. Thanks, Frank
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...

Elmo Rodge

I'll see you guys today at the Museum.  :D  Wayno


Agreed. I look forward to each days post. Gosh it looks fun. Joe


great stuff--wre you going to create a photo album with narrative when you return. :D


"Following along has become addictive"........I have to agree with Frank, Josh won't eat breakfast or get ready for school untill he's checked the computer! Have Fun!!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Dang, that looks like fun. Maybe I can do that one day--when I don't have two kids in college, when I don't have to go to work everyday, when I win the lottery. LOL!
'32 3W

I write novels, too.


It's the end of summer here. The last 2 days were in the 90's. Today is 50 and the low is supposed to be 33. Your posts have been the highlight of my last 2 weeks. Thank you so much.


Did your slalom practice help?

Are they only taking pictures of the "good side" of Big Olds with both hubcaps?

Keep on having fun.
Philosophy of hot rods
The welder is the Yin and the Grinder is the Yang


I must say that I'v been very impressed with your happy trip! Like you said, everybody was a winner!!! Especially you because you not only took the challenge but you did a super job on the photos as well as narrative.
I am a captive here in Florida (job and all) but your experience has made me feel like it was my experience.
Good Luck!!, Drive safe and  just remember about hubcaps, They go faster than the car! (I'v had that experience)


I have to say that we here down under are living the experience through you as well, it has been great checking up on your progress every day.
I just dont want it to end, have a safe trip and keep the updates coming. :wink:
If you can\'t fix it with a hammer, you\'ve got an electrical problem


Is anybody having problems viewing the pictures??  All I get is the dreaded red X and up till this daily posting I didn't have a problem. Tried to go to and it won't load either.



Your doing a great job Denise....not only in Big Olds, but you haven't forgotten about us stuck here...and over here. Your narration and pics are great. Next best thing to being there. :) much appreciated
See Ya


Thanks for the updates Denise, glad to see you are having a great time.




 Plutophobia (Fear of money)