
Started by Leon, September 25, 2005, 03:10:30 PM

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The Torino got nailed....  A woman nailed the left front fender of my car while I was in back gassing it up.  The damage wasn't bad till she decided to not stick around and ran, doing more damage to the front end of my car.  We caught her in the street and managed to get her keys to hold her there till the cops came.  Cops won't site her for hit and run since the accident took place on private property (Arizona law?).  Since I wasn't in the driver's seat (hard to fill it up from there) the cops list my car as unattended.  More for me to explain to the insurance.  Good thing I was planning on taking the 54 wagon next week to a car show.


Sorry to read about the crash,

As I understand it in AZ , the police have no authority over a crash unless a person is hurt or killed on private property.  Something about reckless driving they have authority too.  Riding wheelies on a motorcycle in a closed parking lot gets the cops PO'd..... I know  :shock:

Saying the car was unattended is stoopid if you were putting gasoline in it. What if the dumb b**ch had hit the car hard enough to push it over you? I guess that would have been partially your fault ?

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Glad to hear that you stopped her. Here in Michigan, if a car is legally parked the other persons insurance has to pay for damages. ( we have "no fault) Hopefully your insurance goes after hers to get damages. I had a car creamed parked in front of my house, the kid tried to run but his driveshaft was laying in the road still attached to the rearend which was almost out from under the car and had punctured the gas tank, luckily it didn't ignite. Good luck!


My wifes car was hit in the super market parking lot about a year ago, did over $2,000 damage to the left quarter. No one saw it. I had to pay the $500 deductable.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Just got done talking to the insurance company, sounds like they don't have a problem with it.  I have 4 people that volunteered their names as witnesses, and they are going against the other person's insurance.  If the info she gave the police is wrong and she doesn't have insurance, they said my uninsured coverage would handle it.  the main thing now is to get estimates and decide who can handle the job.  At least it is a front fender which can be bolted on, but it is sitting a little high so something got moved.  The bumper also got shifted.  Still, it doesn't look major, but still hurts.
We did get the "Down the River Without a Paddle" award at the car show we were at. First time I've ever gotten a hard luck award!


Wait till you hear my story! Last Thursday, I was "waiting" in line to get gas in a small station. Some Lame Brain had a Big tractor/Trailer (70') with the trailer almost taking up the parking lot, I was next to this * in my '57 Chevy. He starts to back out (the only way he could get out) and about the time he gets near me, he cranks his steering hard to the right and nails my passenger door! Not only nails me, but keeps on the gas!! I had to crank my wheel hard left, to get away from this Idiot and keep him from running over me!!! Most of you really don't know me, but I have a very bad habit of speaking my mind to whoever needs it!) so, I exited my vehicle letting the guy know that he had just committed a "brilliant" move with his eyes in his *.
I live in Florida and this was private property so, no cops! But, Imagine what I thought when the guy I was getting the info from knew his insurance co. name, his agent's name, and their phone number from his memory! sounds like this guy has had too many accidents already!
So far looks like about $2000. I guess you can say I'm lucky as only the door on that side was smashed! (it's a 4 door hardtop).  And, the guy from the Chevy dealer informs me he saw a door for my car on EBAY! and it's in Orlando! I bid $20.00 for it and won!
Now to find someone who really knows body work and get my car fixed!
Every time I look at it, I get sick, my car was pretty decent except for the side that got hit! Thank god I hadn't had my body work and paint done yet!
Thanks for letting me vent my fustration!


The more I look into this, the more I find out that this "private property" bit stinks.  Who was the idiot that came up with that?  If it's open to the public, such as a gas station or store parking lot, the cops should have the same responsibility to enforce the laws as if it were on a highway.


QuoteWho was the idiot that came up with that?

The state has no jurisdiction  over traffic on private property, and if you think about it, that's the way you want it. How about them coming in your driveway, and ticketing you for something that didn't happen on the road. Be careful what you wish for you might get it.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"How about them coming in your driveway, and ticketing you for something that didn't happen on the road.
That's why I said if it is open to the public.  There's a big difference between my driveway and a lot that is open to the public.  In my town there are signs in most parking lots that give the local Police number if there is trouble.  
When she ran we managed to get her stopped on a public road.  She left the private property and still the cops wouldn't do anything, Yet when I had trouble finding the current insurance card (the old one was in the glove box) the cop said she would have to site me for not having insurance when she listed the car as unattended.  It wasn't being driven, was on private property, and she was going to site me for insurance and not the bimbo that hit me and ran.  I don't see the logic in this.  I finally remembered the new card was in my wallet and when I produced it the cop seemed disappointed.  She did mention to me and Sharon that if the car meant so much to me I shouldn't be driving it.  Guess it was my fault I for needing gas :shock:


Quote from: "enjenjo"
QuoteWho was the idiot that came up with that?

The state has no jurisdiction  over traffic on private property, and if you think about it, that's the way you want it. How about them coming in your driveway, and ticketing you for something that didn't happen on the road. Be careful what you wish for you might get it.

Many years ago a fellow Janice and I knew liked police cars.  He added a push bar and non operational lights to the package tray & front grill like an unmarked car of the day would look like on his 1980's Impala. ( when the Impalas were square box like cars/boats)

A Phoenix cop got angry with the fellow about the car. The car had NO police emblems of any kind on it.  The cop felt he could possibly impersonate a police officer with it and should write the guy a ticket for that.... Our friend asked the cop if he would also write a ticket for speeding since the car was able to run over 120 mph, yet the cop had not seen that either.

The guy drove that car for years.  I'd be afraid some wack-O would shoot me in traffic  thinking I was a real cop.

Leon , I hear you.  You were voilated and then the cops turn on you it seems .   I've had cops that seem to hate older cars when talking to me (writing) and others that would just keep yapping about what ever old car I was driving at the time.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Quote from: "Leon"She did mention to me and Sharon that if the car meant so much to me I shouldn't be driving it.:shock:

Sounds like "she" might have traded in a brass pole for a brass badge, with all that apparent gray matter........Frank
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...


Regarding the accident, it seems like very few people nowadays have any sense of responsibility.  She hit your car but her normal reaction was to get the hell out of there instead of staying and dealing with the consequences of what she had done.  

Sunday I had just parked at Menards and while I was getting my list and stuff together I heard a loud whistle.  I looked up and a group of employees....on the clock....standing in the parking lot smoking a joint.  The whistle was to call over some others who where out gathering up carts.  They didn't seem to care who was watching at all.  Two of the employees, a guy and a girl....also on the clock...didn't walk over to burn the joint because they were busy kissing and grabbing each other almost to the point of making babies.  While I'm watching all this a lady pulled up in front of me and opened her door hard onto the car next to her, leaving a dent.  Then she used the door as a support while she got out of the car, banging it into the other car a few more times.  This all happened in about 2 minutes within 50 feet of me.  It made me wonder how much stuff goes on across the country by people who have absolutely no concern for the consequences of their actions.

Oh yeah....on the way home I stopped at a Burger King and had to walk around three employees standing by the door burning a joint.  Then while I was waiting for my Whoppper one of them hollered inside to tell another employee to come out and get a hit.

This is just a guess, but I'm pretty sure if any one of the people I saw that day had hit one of our cars in a gas station, they would have driven away too.  :|

Ohio Blue Tip

Quote from: "purplepickup"
Sunday I had just parked at Menards and while I was getting my list and stuff together I heard a loud whistle.  I looked up and a group of employees....on the clock....standing in the parking lot smoking a joint.  The whistle was to call over some others who where out gathering up carts.  They didn't seem to care who was watching at all.  Two of the employees, a guy and a girl....also on the clock...didn't walk over to burn the joint because they were busy kissing and grabbing each other almost to the point of making babies.  While I'm watching all this a lady pulled up in front of me and opened her door hard onto the car next to her, leaving a dent.  Then she used the door as a support while she got out of the car, banging it into the other car a few more times.  This all happened in about 2 minutes within 50 feet of me.  It made me wonder how much stuff goes on across the country by people who have absolutely no concern for the consequences of their actions.

Oh yeah....on the way home I stopped at a Burger King and had to walk around three employees standing by the door burning a joint.  Then while I was waiting for my Whoppper one of them hollered inside to tell another employee to come out and get a hit. :|

Wow, George what a town your in. :P   Guess I should come down and we can just hang around in the second hand smoke. :lol:
Some people try to turn back their odometers
Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way.
I\'ve traveled a long way and some of the
roads weren\'t paved.



Quote from: "Ohio Blue Tip"
Quote from: "purplepickup"
Sunday I had just parked at Menards and while I was getting my list and stuff together I heard a loud whistle.  I looked up and a group of employees....on the clock....standing in the parking lot smoking a joint.  The whistle was to call over some others who where out gathering up carts.  They didn't seem to care who was watching at all.  Two of the employees, a guy and a girl....also on the clock...didn't walk over to burn the joint because they were busy kissing and grabbing each other almost to the point of making babies.  While I'm watching all this a lady pulled up in front of me and opened her door hard onto the car next to her, leaving a dent.  Then she used the door as a support while she got out of the car, banging it into the other car a few more times.  This all happened in about 2 minutes within 50 feet of me.  It made me wonder how much stuff goes on across the country by people who have absolutely no concern for the consequences of their actions.

Oh yeah....on the way home I stopped at a Burger King and had to walk around three employees standing by the door burning a joint.  Then while I was waiting for my Whoppper one of them hollered inside to tell another employee to come out and get a hit. :|

Wow, George what a town your in. :P   Guess I should come down and we can just hang around in the second hand smoke. :lol:

See, thats what you get for being so close to Climax   :shock:  I just knew some day it would be trouble, lmao!!!!!  :roll:
Are you sure it wasn't just "YOU" wishing you had a joint?  :twisted:


I just got back from getting two estimates started.  The first shop is real easy to work with and we have a good idea how to best handle the repairs, while the other one is telling me the parking light can't be rechromed because "it's pot metal and will dissolve when they put it in the tank".  They also weren't too sure about rechroming the bumper.  Looks like I want to go with the first shop!   I've also known the owner for several years at the first shop so I feel safer with them, too.  

I've really done some thinking about people after this.  McDonalds gets sued because a woman stuck a cup of coffee between her legs and blames them for making it hot, a burglar falls through a skylight and sues the homeowner and wins, etc.  The courts are teaching people to point the finger at everyone else.  

Two weeks ago we found out that when we bought our home 10 years ago, they transferred the land to us but not the mobile home.  Now everyone is saying it's someone else's fault that it didn't get done, and it's not their problem.  Another example of the "not my fault" society we are now living in today.  I'm living in the place, paying taxes on it for 10 years, and don't own it.  I'm just having too much fun :roll: