Does anyone here,restore license plates??????

Started by SKR8PN, March 14, 2004, 06:46:04 PM

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Or better yet, any suggestions on who to talk to about getting a
"special"  set done?
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.


I saw this subject come up on the HAMB once, but I don't remember who it was.


Did you happen to see the 1940 Michigan plate on my  coupe? My best friend painted it. He has a method of using the letter color as a base, and then a clear coat then the plate color over the whole plate. then he wet sands the color off the letters leaving them the color you sprayed on first and then clear the whole plate. They come out awsome and you don't have to have a lettering or striping guy do the letters.

I also have friend here in town that makes plates up with different letters and  numbers. He has had real good luck getting them registerd. In Michigan they just request a photo copy of  the plate when you apply for a year of origan plate. So you just make up something that looks like it might have been a real number or letter combination and send it in.

Let me know if I can help.


Safariknut just did a How To on the HAMB last week.
His are all hand painted,but from 10 feet away,you can't tell.


I would post a picture of what I STARTED to do,but StarPhoto is in the SLOW mode........I had the original "SKR8PN" plates from a couple years back(I have the new Red,White and Blue ones now) and I cut the letters out of those,and started to install them in a set of 1938 Ohio plates(so I end up with a set of 1938 Ohio vanity plates!) I have the lettering tack welded into the old Ohio frames. They will need to be finish welded and refinished.I attempted to gas weld the pieces together(wasn't real happy with how they were coming out) and had a friend try his hand at MIG welding them,with his new welder. He didn't have much success either............I could probably finish welding them,but I am afraid I will just make MORE work for the finisher/painter.
That's where I stand right now. I need some HELP !!!
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.