The most bizarre thing . . .

Started by rumrumm, August 08, 2005, 09:38:27 AM

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. . . happened to me at the Nats Saturday afternoon. I decided to go back to my motel and get another roll of film, and as I was driving down one of the "alleys" (for lack of a better word) leading the road next to the East wing, I came to the end and found two cars parked so close that I didn't know if I could get between them. So two people on each side were guiding me through so I wouldn't hit either car when the female owner of the car to my left started harassing me ad nauseum in an obnoxious voice, "Hey buddy, don't hit my car!" and "Hey, buddy, you'll be sorry if you hit my car." Well, I didn't need to hear that kind of nonsense when I was concentrating very hard to maneuver between the cars, and my patience was wearing thin, and I said, "Get out of here, will ya." But she just kept going on but more so. The owner of the car on the right courteously backed his car up a couple of feet so I would clear, and I had 8 inches clearance between my rear tire and the tip of the woman's car's rear fender on the left. She of course, never offered to move her car, but instead, just kept at it. Finally I had heard enough and uttered the expletive, "Oh, f**k you." I usually don't talk to people this way, especially women, but in this case it just came out. After driving back  to the motel, I re-entered the fairgrounds twenty minutes later and was driving up the main road next to the East wing, past this woman's car, and she ran out into the road, and started harassing me again right out in the middle of the street. So, I said, "Learn how to talk to people. People wouldn't tell you to get f****d if you talked nice!" At that, she took a swing at me, missed me and hit my door post. Never in all the years I have been going to car shows have I ever encountered such behavior or has anyone ever made me that annoyed. I guess there is a first for everything. BUT . . . I sure had a great time in Louisville this year. Nice seeing you all again.
'32 3W

I write novels, too.


I have one hard and fast rule in life: Never hit girls. But, that rule has been superseded by a chick taking a swing at me. If she thinks she man enough to  swing she's man enough to get whats coming. That is kinda chickes**t of her to get * at you but still not move the car. She was probably scared of it overheating or losing that primo spot she had to get up at 3am to set the lawn chair in.
Every man should forcibly leave his steel toe boot print on the face of history.

Mark Stefan

I bet that was Denise. Sounds like something she would do. :lol:


'32 3W

I write novels, too.


You know, some people have attitude these days, I try my best to leave well enough alone because some of these people (and I use the term quite loosely) have guns and are mentally blighted enough to use them!
If I was in that situation, I really don't know what I would do other than call the authorities and let them do their job!! It maybe a case of too much beer!? (or other substances).
What ever the case we don't need this kind of thing to wreck our fun!
(you know, people can be jealous).



Yea, I was at Kentucky Fried Chicken the other day getting to "power" lunch and this little 14 year old girl was with her grandfather ordering and having alot of attitude and being real demanding to her grandfather and he was just taking it. So I leaned over to her and told her that she should be alot nicer. She just looked at me with this evel look and I told her "I'm serious, you really should be nice". The whole place got quiet and just stared at her. I kinda' felt bad for the grandfather, but he just was grinning after I chatted with her.

Chris Nelson


Quote from: "Mark Stefan"I bet that was Denise. Sounds like something she would do. :lol:

Don't know who you are and you certainly don't know me.  I found your comment uncalled for and rude, not even the least bit funny even though you have a smilie face there.  Your probley one of the thugs from the east coast and can just kiss my * you SOB.  Oh yeah,  :lol:
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Quote from: "HotRodLadyCrusr"
Quote from: "Mark Stefan"I bet that was Denise. Sounds like something she would do. :lol:

Don't know who you are and you certainly don't know me.  I found your comment uncalled for and rude, not even the least bit funny even though you have a smilie face there.  Your probley one of the thugs from the east coast and can just kiss my * you SOB.  Oh yeah,  :lol:

I have to agree. Nobody should come on here without an introduction and take a shot at one of our most respected members, Smiely face or not.

We are a close group of friends and will find it approiate to take jabs at each other from time to time. But the point would be we know who is making the joke and it may actually be cute or funny.

Your comment is neither cute or funny and was indeed uncalled for. Denise as outspoken  is she is would NEVER act in the manner dicribed above.

On the contrary. She would have made every effort to mover her car if it was the one blocking someone elese.

So it would be my recomdendation that you FIRST appologe and then do a proper intro and MAYBE the moderators will let you contunue to post here.

 :evil:  <------ untill I see a reply thats the only face I have for you  :evil: here, one more just incase you don't get MY point!!!!


Quote from: "HotRodLadyCrusr"
Quote from: "Mark Stefan"I bet that was Denise. Sounds like something she would do. :lol:

Don't know who you are and you certainly don't know me.  I found your comment uncalled for and rude, not even the least bit funny even though you have a smilie face there.  Your probley one of the thugs from the east coast and can just kiss my * you SOB.  Oh yeah,  :lol:

Check your PM, babydoll...Someone's home!!
***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...


Quote from: "Rayvyn"
Quote from: "HotRodLadyCrusr"
Quote from: "Mark Stefan"I bet that was Denise. Sounds like something she would do. :lol:

Don't know who you are and you certainly don't know me.  I found your comment uncalled for and rude, not even the least bit funny even though you have a smilie face there.  Your probley one of the thugs from the east coast and can just kiss my * you SOB.  Oh yeah,  :lol:

Check your PM, babydoll...Someone's home!!

Woulgn't you know it!  Someone mentions kissing stinky parts, and you show up.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Oh my God I don't belive it!!!!!!!!  Hi Bry!!!!!!! Nice to see you back  :lol:


It could be worse...I pitty the poor bastard that's married to it :wink:
See Ya


certainly an interesting thread.

usually I do my best to avoid returning ' physical fire' with a woman.... since there is always a group of people with her.  You will be fighting the whole crowd if yer not careful

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Check your PM, babydoll...Someone's home!![/quote]

Woulgn't you know it!  Someone mentions kissing stinky parts, and you show up.[/quote]

HI DAD!!  I hear you took off your mask and scared a piece of metal into running away...
You know, you could probably apply for that makeover show. Nah, they'd send you to Maaco-too much damage.
Your Mom told me last summer that she used to feed you rock candy from across the street with a slingshot...
In your younger single days, the women you dated used to bring their own bag and place it on their heads before the date started...

Hey, you Furby on steroids, you still wrenching or did you retire yet? How's the BBQ trailer holding up? Maybe inna coupla months I'll head up that way for 3-4 days after the leg gets better, just to put everything back where it belongs so you'll never find it again.

I tried keeping up from time to time, but our computers were locked onto specific sites. We had to use the military unit systems at the local camp, but were limited to 10 minutes, and that's after the grunts were done. Most of the systems were blocked because of the political, cultural and religious implications that alot of sites on the net would pose if any of the locals saw it. About the only thing available was the IM sites for the folks to talk to family back home with. We were working 14/7 anyway and usually too tired to do anything when off duty; especially wait around for satellite time.

I guess I missed a good weekend, but I got home late last week and was too dog tired to go anywhere. I haven't seen a rod or a show since last fall...I've got some catching up to do.

Didja miss me?? And when you coming down this way? :D
***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...


Quote from: "KustomLincolnLady"Oh my God I don't belive it!!!!!!!!  Hi Bry!!!!!!! Nice to see you back  :lol:

Good to be back-it's 30* cooler here in Florida than where I was. What a difference.
Thanks for remembering me Debb...It's been a while. Hopefully I can stir things up around here for awhile.
Leg's healing up, gimp is near gone, and the balance is coming back, so it's time to kick some *&% and wake some folks up!!!
Has that topless huzzy been behaving herself, or are things still the same?
How was the show? The Nasariyah Nationals was a bummer this year..!!! :D
***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...