Progress on the # 974 "Just Glad to be Here"

Started by WZ JUNK, July 05, 2005, 12:38:28 PM

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Sumner has added some pictures and comments on the changes we are making to the car for our runs next month.  Work, work, work...

New engine is on the dyno and Hooley should run it on Thursday.
Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH

Pope Downunder

Quote from: "WZ JUNK"Sumner has added some pictures and comments on the changes we are making to the car for our runs next month.  Work, work, work...

New engine is on the dyno and Hooley should run it on Thursday.

Wow; that is a mean looking thing!  Great work guys.



can't wait to see the car in person.

btw.... you lost me on the moving of the center of pressure.   :oops:

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Looks good - should be interesting to see it run this year!


Quote from: "WZ JUNK"Sumner has added some pictures and comments on the changes we are making to the car for our runs next month.  Work, work, work...

New engine is on the dyno and Hooley should run it on Thursday.

*. Where's the periscope?


Quote from: "Crosley"KOOL
btw.... you lost me on the moving of the center of pressure.   :oops:

John sure deserves a big pat on the back for all the work he has done on the front of the car in such a short period of time  :D .

Tony I'll try and explain the Center of Pressure ( CP ) a little more.  It is something we were totally unaware of last year when we ran.

Lets say a car looked like a square from the side.  The CP would be in the center of the square.  The CP is where the object would piviot about if there was an air force against it.  If the CP is in the middle then it would spin in the wind around a point in the middle.  If the side shape was shapped like a triangle with the large part of the triangle to the left of the middle then the CP would be to the left of center and it would spin around a point to the left of center.

By moving the CP back on a car it will make it more stable and want to make the car run straight.  In a cross wind or if the car starts to spin then it will help to straighten the car back out and keep it running straight.  It is the principal that keeps a weather vane pointed into the wind and makes an arrow fly straight.

Now it isn't just the CP that determines if the car will want to go straight.  The Center of Gravity ( CG ) also comes into play.  For our case the CG of the car is the point that the car wants to piviot about with respect to the cars weight.  You could have the CP back on the car, but if the CG is behind it you will have a very unstable car.  On our arrow example the the weight is at the front moving the CG forward and the feathers are at the back adding side viewed cross-sectional area at the back, which put the CP back on the arrow. You want the CP behind the CG.

If the CP and CG are close together in the middle of the car you get a very unstable car that wants to spin about the center of the car.  That is why so many of the roadsters spin at B'ville.  The car looks like our square/rectangle from the side so the CP is in the middle and with the engine set-back the CG is also close to the middle.  As long as the car is going straight everything is fine, but as soon as anything upsets the car, such as, wind, wheel spin, driver error, ruts, heavy braking the car has no directional stability and will go into a spin.

In our case the one area you can help to move the CP back on the car is by making the side spill plates (vertical plates) on the sides of the rear spoiler as large as possible.  Last year not knowing all of this Hooley made some side plates that kind of looked like other cars, but weren't as large as the rules permit.  The car was very stable, so we lucked out and were ok.  On the Stude the CG is probably about the driver's seat area, so by adding the scoop housing we have added side area in front of that, which has moved the CP forward.  We are hoping that by making the side plates on the rear spoiler as large as the rules permit we will add enough side area to the rear of the car to offset the scoop/blower housing.  We are also looking at adding skirts behind the rear wheels and below the rear quarter panel.  They will look much like the side plates on the spoiler.

A flat surface viewed from the side has more effect than a rounded surface with the same side view area.  Also adding more side area further back from the CG will have more effect than the same area added closer to the CG.

Knowing all of this the vertical fin at the back of my lakester has grown in size.

Well I probably have rambled on about this longer than anyone cares and it still might be as clear as mud  :cry: .

c ya, Sum


John just sent me some pictures of the Stude in primer.  I think it looks great John  :D .

I added them to the page with the changes John has made to the car ( HERE )    

c ya, Sum


John, you got a lot done in the last week.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"John, you got a lot done in the last week.

Thanks, but somedays I think I am working in slow motion.  Of course then there are the days when you were farther along in the morning than you are at the end of the day.  Those are the days that are tough.

Hooley brought the motor by this evening when he picked up the back half of the car.  The motor did great on the dyno but they did not run it out all the way as it was stressing this particular dyno.  Hooley feels we have enough motor to do what we need to do.  It sure does look pretty.  Hooley is to put the motor in tomorrow.
Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH


does look good, you got plenty of work done.  

The scoop intake hole;  I understand the designing  and size.  yet it seems a bit small to pull enough air in.

the C-G and the C-P.... is this something that moving ballist weight around you can get better numbers?

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Quote from: "Crosley"
The scoop intake hole;  I understand the designing  and size.  yet it seems a bit small to pull enough air in.
I've heard that too big of an intake and the air will "pile up" and be less effective.  I don't know how it's figured but I've seen a lot of cars with small intakes.


Quote from: "Crosley"does look good, you got plenty of work done.  

The scoop intake hole;  I understand the designing  and size.  yet it seems a bit small to pull enough air in.

the C-G and the C-P.... is this something that moving ballist weight around you can get better numbers?

Tony I know that inlet hole looks awful small but Sumner and Tom Burkland worked out the size and they convinced me that it was what is needed.  The hot rodder in me wants to make a big funnel out there to force the air in but that is just not the way it works.  Since we came up with this design, I have noticed that lots of different types of race cars have gone to these smaller inlets.

The center of gravity can be changed by adding ballast but of course the only way to change the center of pressure is by making body changes.  When you add or subtract from either of these it effects the relationship between the two.  The answer to your question is yes you can mess with it a little.  Sumner can answer this better.
Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH


You've been busy John.  The car's much further along than  when I talked to you a couple days ago.   You guys are all doing very nice work.  

It's going to be a lot different this year.  I'm real anxious to see it run. :D



Sure looks good.  For any of you who have seen the video taken from inside the car on last years run, the visability is not that good.  Looks like it will be a bit of a challenge to see the right side of the course this year, there are always the side windows though.  

Hooley is going witha 671 type blower isn't he John?  I know you guys had talked about a vortex type, but I didn't think any came along.

On the scoop, check out Sumner's web site and the talking with Tom Burkland, and check out the boards on for the discussions there on the opening size.  I have another friend that runs a 410 inch injected Deuce Roadster.  He built a scoop setup for it last year that runs through the radiator, and the opening is probably not as big as the one on the Studebaker.  But just like the 'Baker, the plenium area is plenty big.

I am really going to miss not being down there this year to see this run, but with taking the family to Disneyland the next week, just can't get enough time off.

1965 Impala SS  502
1941 Olds

Watcher of #974 1953 Studebaker Bonneville pas record holder B/BGCC 249.945 MPH.  He sure is FAST

Ohio Blue Tip

Looken good, can't wait to see her on the salt!
Some people try to turn back their odometers
Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way.
I\'ve traveled a long way and some of the
roads weren\'t paved.
