A super weekend at the G G Show in Des Moines

Started by moparrodder, July 03, 2005, 11:08:52 PM

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Man the weather was great and the cars were awesum and the turn out was the best.  Saturday there were rods in every crook and cranny there was and then some and the quality was top notch.  We met a lot of old friends and made a lot of new ones too.  The meet and greet on Saturday was good with Hamb members as well as RRT members. Sorry we all were having such a grand time visiting and then  lunch was over and we all forgot to get a group pic :roll: But I did get a pic of Denise having fun on the giant slide!!! :oops:  :wink:   here's a few pics

Here is a pic of Rudy' 32 a fine cruzer,  Rudy I sure enjoyed meeting you and hope to see you again soon!!

Denise and Daryle's grandson Josh having the time of their life on the giant slide

38 Chevy coupe

a real fine 34 Stude

hey Phil(58 Yeoman) here's one for you only with a Buick grill that was in for Custom rod of the year section

And I can't forget Bob K as he was heading out for home this morning, thanks for the super visit Bob, I really enjoyed every minute, hope to see ya again soon!!!!

I'll get some more posted on my web shots and post the link later.  Hope everyone enjoys the pics.   Oh I almost forgot,  thanks for the COOKIES Denise!!!!!   Bill


Wish I could have made it, maybe next year.  But at least we had no rain here and now I have a barn full of hay for my wife's horses and I'm free for the rest of the summer. Ya Hoo.



Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...

Charlie Chops 1940

Good report on the doings out there. Love the dirt tires on Rudy's duece.  Road trip impressions of the tires is needed.

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!


good report.

looks like that tranny in Bob K's car is still working.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


I agree....It was a Great Weekend!! Lots of nice cars,great weather and good friends! Josh is still talking about "screaming like a girl" on the big slide....I didn't do the slide but it seemed to be pretty fast...just ask Rudy!Josh really enjoyed the rides in the roadster...so much so that he now thinks we need a convertible!The weekend went by really fast and my "official photographer" forgot his camera so I have no pictures to contribute.For those that have never attended this event,it's one you may want to think about in the future....I'm already looking forward to next year!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Thanks for posting, I really missed going this year.  Hearing from some that did go makes me feel as if I didn't miss quite so much.  Sounds like the "annual meeting" just gets bigger and bigger, can't wait for next time.
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)


John....Missed seeing you and your boys!Sometimes life gets in the way!Perhaps we'll run into each other sometime yet this year!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


I've never been but many have said it's the best event, period. Maybe next year I'll get to find out.


Here is the link to my web shots albums of the Heartland Nationals in Des Moines.  Enjoy,   Bill




I'm a little disappointed I could not make it this year,  but I did get the '32 buttoned up and ready for its first drive this week. So, I  should be ready for Louisville next month.
'32 3W

I write novels, too. https://lsjohanson.com


You're so right Bill.  It was a great day for Sue and me - and a great day for the show.  How about this midwest weather?  

We got to go at the "last minute" when Sue's work schedule changed so didn't get to stay overnight but made a good long day of it on foot Sat.  Had a great lunch with friends we hadn't seen for over a year.  Met some new friends too.  Daryle's signature line says it all - The one who dies with the most friends wins.

Thanks for sharing the pictures Bill, I forwarded the link to one of my brothers with the title "just like being there".  Tom & Sue G.
The Vicky Henry never built, it won\'t be long now, it won\'t be long now, it won\'t be long now...  Tom G.


As all have said, it was a great weekend in DM. Good to see all the past people. Next year it should be great when we all have out finished cars there instead of on foot.  :D  Took about 200 pictures so I will try and get some up on the net this week. Time goes so fast and not enough of it either.


here's the finalist for custom rod of the year