OT: Ex-pat Aussie Volksrodder Seriously Injured in Head On

Started by hotrodmatt, July 01, 2005, 01:04:11 AM

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Pistol-Pete a seriously talented pinstriper formerly of Sydney has been seriously injured in a head on in Oregon.

He is a regular goodguy in the Volksrodder scene and all round nice-guy.

He was hit head on by a Fed-Ex truck.

Pete is in critical condition. Pete has a bad head injury and broken bones. He is in a coma and they are going to keep him that way to help reduce brain swelling. Pete has a young wife who was also in the car. And today is his 29th birthday!

I'm sure most people here don't know him but please keep him in mind and if you are the praying kind say one for a fellow customiser.


Story here: http://katu.com//stories/78116.html

Pete doing his thing...



 Plutophobia (Fear of money)

Bruce Dorsi

I sincerely hope this has a HAPPY ending for all concerned parties!

Best wishes for Pete & his family!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If being smart means knowing what I am dumb at,  I must be a genius!


I've been on the inside of this kind of thing. This is what is listed as TBI (tramatic brain injury) and I hope his wife will get some answers from one of their support groups. This is a hard subject for me to keep my mouth shut on (not all bad) but for my sake I must. GPster


Sorry to hear the bad news  :(

wish them both a speedy recovery.

they are in our thoughts and prayers

"I don\'t know what your problem is, but I bet its hard to pronounce"

1934 Ford 3 Window
Member, Rural Rodders
Member, National Sarcasm Society  "Like we need your support"
*****Co-Founder  Team Smart*****


Some more news...

I haven't been near a computer for a few hours now and I haven't read the 100 or so posts from that time so forgive me if I am repeating anything that has already been posted.

Steve called me from the hospital a couple of hours ago with Bill and Lora, Eric and Shawna, He also said that Pete's friend Derrick was there and Melanie's mom and uncle are there for her.

Here is what Steve told me about Pete's condition: The doctors are still keeping Pete in an induced coma because when he starts to come to he starts * on tubes and stuff. His blood pressure also starts to elevate which causes more swelling of the Brain so they need to keep him down. He has two blood clots in his brain but they are starting to recede which of coarse is a good thing. He has no broken arms or legs but his collar bone, cheek and eye socket are broken . There are also numerous cuts to his face and both knees are badly bruised.

Melanie has been in to see him for very brief visits. I think Steve said that the doctor saw Pete at around 5:00 PM after which he gave Melanie a big thumbs-up.

Pete has made it through the first 24 hours with a slight improvement so that is a very encouraging thing. For the first time since this thing happened, I finally feel a little bit better. But please keep your thoughts and prayers coming. Steve was able to give Mel a check for $3000. I am so proud of all of you. I know that is just a start for us and we need to keep spreading the word.

It's my understanding that Steve is going to set up Melanie with a user name (Melanie) and password so she can access the forum. If she hasn't had a good cry yet she will after reading what all of you wonderful people have said about Pete. And let me be the first one to say Welcome Melanie. We all care about Pete very much and you are a lucky lady to be with such a great guy. He is going to be fine. Just give it time. With this many people pulling for you guys it can't fail.

Well like I said if any of this is old news, I apologize. Now I am going to get caught up on what everybody has been talking about.



Great Grandma Lee always said;  FAIR  ...is something you pay when you get on the bus!




From Pete's wife, Melanie:

I just wanted to say again how thankful I am and I know Pete is, along with my and his family. I'm having my mom call the news station, I want this story aired! I've never experienced anything like the heartfelt sympathy from you all. It's so amazing. I've never met any of you, yet when Steve and Bill and everyone showed up, I felt so at ease. You all are such a great group of people.

As for Pete's current condition, it wasn't too good when I had to leave tonight. His pressures were up a bit, which really got to me. I've been fairly calm, until tonight, so I want to thank you all again for this forum. Reading all these posts and seeing all of my husbands photos/work had calmed me down. Although painful to see him, it's also helpful.

I had Pete's dad call the hospital just now and he assured me that the pressures rising is not a huge concern, and pretty much to be expected as things start to settle down in that big beautiful sweet head of his! I would like all of you to give your loved one a big hug tonight. You really don't realize how much you need someone until something like this happens and you don't realize who your true friends are until you need them the most.

I know in my heart that my husband will get better, he just has to and when he does, I can't wait to meet all of you. I still have his birthday presents wrapped on the table waiting for him, so I would like to have a big party for him as soon as he's ready, and everyone is invited.

Thanks again to you Eric, you are amazing! You are ALL so amazing. The kindness and generosity astounds me. It will truely be a huge blessing, as I know he'll be out of work for a long time. Thank you thank you thank you.

So far well over $3000 has been donated by people from all over the world who have had contact with Pete.

It will be a long time before we see any lines from his gifted hands, but it is great to know that people are pulling together in what ever ways they can to help out a fellow car nut.


I just posted an artwork auction on the Volksrodders board
to help out Pete and his wife:

Anyone can bid,but you would have to register on the board first.
All the money will go to Pete and his wife.

Last I heard,he was still in a drug induced coma.