RRT Relay

Started by Bob K, May 29, 2005, 01:43:31 PM

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Bob K

Is there anybody coming to BTT50'S from near Sturgis SD. I have some side trim there that he cannot find a box to ship. Would appreciate it someone could haul it to BTT50'S for me. There might even be some cold Leiny's Red involved.

B 8) B
Have you ever wondered how your mother knew enough about people like me to warn you about us?

Charlie Chops 1940


I wonder if he considered a cardboard tube?

Be seeing you Thursday?

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!


Or PVC pipe with a cap glued on each end.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.

Bob K

Yep, to both of you. This is a set for my 47 Chevy, it includes the piece that runs from the door all the way around to halfway under the rear window.

The tube would have to be about 4 feet in diameter.

B :cry: B

P.S. Yeah Charlie, I've got something for you. No I won't tell you what it is either, I'd rather let you squirm. It's really neat.
Have you ever wondered how your mother knew enough about people like me to warn you about us?


Bob....I'm right across the river from the very Southeast corner of South Dakota....Be glad to help if I can....I can get it from here to the 50's.
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


  I live in Mitchell, SD about 300 miles east of Sturgis.  Next Saturday I will be at a SDSRA meet in Chamberlain.  There are usually some cars there from the Black Hills area.  I'd be glad to bring it if you can get someone to bring it down there.  The club in Rapid City is called the Counts of the Cobblestone. www.countscarclub.homestead.com
 Maybe you could get in touch with someone through their site.


40 Chev Coupe

Let me know what happens, because when I'm in SD the week before the 50's I have no specific destination. Maybe, I could swing by and pick it up for you. And either give it to you at the 50's or drop it off at your house.

Bob K

Bob: Thanks for the offer. TMan is out there and has offered to pick it up and ship it. He could also prolly get it to one of those guy's.

Lee's offer sounds like the best if he is going to go out that far. That would avoid any handing off. And he only lives 120 miles from me if we would miss each other at the 50's.

40 Chev you have a PM.

Thanks again guy's

B 8) B
Have you ever wondered how your mother knew enough about people like me to warn you about us?

Bob K

Thanks for all of the offers guy's, we have got it handeled. TMan is gonna pick it up for me, he is only 20 miles away. Another Bud is gonna bring it to Mpls and drop it off at my hotel.

Thanks again:

B :D B
Have you ever wondered how your mother knew enough about people like me to warn you about us?