O/T Not a good time

Started by jaybee, May 23, 2005, 06:09:34 PM

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Guys (and gals, of course)  I feel a little bad coming here to vent when I've been around very little the last few months and then mainly with daily driver questions.  Then again everyone here has always been supprtive, and my family and everyday friends have already heard it.

I haven't been online because of the hours and stress level surrounding my job have been so intense.  For the last year and a half I've been going in early, coming home late, bringing work home, and otherwise giving 120% to turn around a company that wasn't performing all that well.

I went in with the understanding that I'm all about training, coaching, and revising processes that don't work.  My employers seemed to want that.  Turns out they're all about throwing people into deep water with minimal training, firing repeatedly "until everyone gets the message", and the processes are all sacred cows that can't be changed.  My boss told me repeatedly that his theory of management is "you get the best results out of people if you continually hold a gun to their heads."  His words, not mine.  The handful of people that have tenure have told me they've had 7 supervisors in 5 years, with me being by far the longest survivor.

Now the job is gone.  Obviously I don't fit the organization, but it still isn't easy or convenient.  On the good side I leave with references from two directors and an employee and have good contacts otherwise.

C'est La Vie!
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)


Quote from: "jaybee"Guys (and gals, of course)  I feel a little bad coming here to vent when I've been around very little the last few months and then mainly with daily driver questions.  Then again everyone here has always been supprtive, and my family and everyday friends have already heard it.

I haven't been online because of the hours and stress level surrounding my job have been so intense.  For the last year and a half I've been going in early, coming home late, bringing work home, and otherwise giving 120% to turn around a company that wasn't performing all that well.

I went in with the understanding that I'm all about training, coaching, and revising processes that don't work.  My employers seemed to want that.  Turns out they're all about throwing people into deep water with minimal training, firing repeatedly "until everyone gets the message", and the processes are all sacred cows that can't be changed.  My boss told me repeatedly that his theory of management is "you get the best results out of people if you continually hold a gun to their heads."  His words, not mine.  The handful of people that have tenure have told me they've had 7 supervisors in 5 years, with me being by far the longest survivor.

Now the job is gone.  Obviously I don't fit the organization, but it still isn't easy or convenient.  On the good side I leave with references from two directors and an employee and have good contacts otherwise.

C'est La Vie!

Dam that sucks. Im sure you will find a better job with a lot less stress real soon. I can tell ya all about the stress stuff and im back in court this wednesday trying to prove my innocence of sumpin i never did or even thought of doing. I lost 4 good nights of sleep a week or so ago after I suddenly woke up one night thinking that I wasnt thinking and did sumpin wrong.
I actually made another appointment with my attorney and he told me no problem and go get some sleep.(easy for him to say) At this point ive even talked to Sue about possibly having to sell my 32 to pay the legal fees. (now thats kinda stressfull) . Its wierd how one person weather its job ralated or other can take away everything you have worked so long for.
Im praying for you.... Its gonna work out fine...


That really stinks  :x

hope the best for ya.

its scary to think, at our age, jobs are getting harder to find.

but I'm a firm believer that old age and treachery shall always overcome
youth and skill.

hang tough bro, we are all praying for you.

"I don\'t know what your problem is, but I bet its hard to pronounce"

1934 Ford 3 Window
Member, Rural Rodders
Member, National Sarcasm Society  "Like we need your support"
*****Co-Founder  Team Smart*****


sorry to read of the crap that's been thrown at you.

You are not alone,  It is so common in the work place .

A buddy explained the oppisite situation to me a while back..  His work place has a supervisor/ manager that has the attitude that his employment at this shop is a "gift" to the place.

When some extra time and effort was needed due to a temporary higher work load.  He "passed " on the OT.......LOL

As my buddy  heard through the grapevine it was "explained " to this supervisor what hours he would work or not be employed there.

Good luck my friend..... every time I left a place , things got better for me.  Keep yer head up!

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Some jobs are just NOT worth it.
You try to do the right things;but if it doesn't fit their brilliant ideas,
then you are wrong.

With a turn over rate like that,you KNOW they have problems.
And those problems all start at the top.


Chin up, You were just done a favor. I've had a couple of those jobs myself. Fatcat just had one too. Looking back, it was never worth the crap, although it seemed like it was at the time.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Stress   will mess you up! Just ask some people that know me.

Hopefully venting here will help some, hearing from people that support you will make you feel better I'm sure.

Think of loosing the job as a blessing and move on, with the hope of a new and LESS STRESSFULL new job.

Good luck man.


John, if you had to work under the conditions you described, it really is a blessing to walk away from that.  Unfortunately, some companies think they need to beat up on everyone to compete.  It probably works sometimes...for a while but it's not an environment that most of us want to be a part of.  

You sound like a levelheaded guy that has high moral values and understands that respect begets respect.  There is someone out there looking for a person like you ......someone who will appreciate your values.  You just need to find them.  Good luck and don't compromise.

Many of us have been part of this RRT family for a long time and have developed good friendships.  It's good that we feel comfortable talking to each other when we need to.  For a lot of us this forum is about a lot more than just cars.


Sorry to hear it, but in the long run you will  be better off.  When I left teaching I  was  suffering from burnout and depression, and I didn't even know it. No body cared that I was working not only in the day but also at night for years. I never said "no" if I was asked to do things, and I was always one to volunteer if the department needed something. Of the nine faculty members in my department, three had heart attacks (one fatal). And had I stayed, I could  have been a  fourth. I consider myself lucky I escpaed with something treatable. And now I'm fine. I still work for the university but not in a teaching role, although I do teach one class in the summer. Life  is  much  better, and  although I  do miss some aspects of being a professor, I know that I am better off. Life is too short to work with * and *.
'32 3W

I write novels, too. https://lsjohanson.com

Land Yacht

Sounds like they weren't giving you much to work with.

I read once that there are two basic types of management theory. The goal is to get the most productive use out of people. Either scare them into performing with fear of retribution, or the opposite, try to build them up and encourage them. Some people respond to one, others respond to the other.
1965 Impala SS 283/250 -sold- :(
1977 Chevy Caprice -totaled 2005 :(

1999 Chevy S-10 ZR2  Bacon Getter


Jaybee........I have also "been there-done that,got the "T" shirt"...........
AND a heart atatck to show for it!  Like everyone else has said,count your blessings and move on. You still have your health and your family for support........and us of course!
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.


John...Unfortunately,situations like yours happen much too often today.Everything is so $$ driven that I can't imagine working for someone else.It is good that you didn't compromise your beliefs....I have a feeling a better job is around the corner! Look forward to seeing you and your boys in Des Moines! Take care and Good Luck!!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Agree with pretty much everything said so far, you don't need that crap and they've done you a big favour bey releiving you from it.

I often tell people I got my management and people skills from all the managers I ever had that nobody responded positively too.  Always figured there was a good reason folks did that and thought or said what they said about them.

Luck for me is working for a company who has what I think is the right philosophy.  People here work long hours mostly because they are proud of what they do and are recognised for their efforts.  We are well paid and well looked after in every respect.

So, the good news is there are other companies like this out there, with the right philosophies and the right leadership, keep looking, you'll fine one, kust remember what it was caused your bitterness so you don't use the same style and pass on the problem.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


Thanks to all for your words of encouragement.  It's amazing just how many have been through something similar in the past.  Then again it's sort of a hazard of middle management.  

Nothing going in clued me in that intimidation was their management style.  The only thing that was said was that my predecessor wasn't willing to fire when needed.  Turns out "when needed" is pretty frequently.  This was a mismatch in the truest sense.  My encouragement only interfered with their efforts to sow fear.  Meanwhile I'd just start getting people built up a little and willing to extend themselves when there'd be a group browbeating complete with threats that people were going to be fired.  Firings are even preferred to take place just as an employee arrives at the office because it produces the "maximum effect" among the other employees.

Now I just need to find something more appropriate.  I've talked to a number of people already and have my resume in with a recruiter but nothing I'd call a solid lead yet.  Your thoughts, prayers, and encouragement are greatly appreciated.  I KNOW who I am and my capabilities, I just need the right place to apply them.
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)


Not so tough a break.  That situation was only going to get worse, not better.  Thankfully you are leaving with references and contacts ...which might not have been the case after the environment deteriorated some more.  When you're not being treated fairly and not happy ...the sooner you can get back to a good job the better.  Life is too short.  Been there, and it'll all work out for the best.  Good Luck,  Cal   :wink:
Great Grandma Lee always said;  FAIR  ...is something you pay when you get on the bus!