The Passing of an Aussie Icon.

Started by TJ's Dad, April 16, 2005, 08:34:35 AM

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TJ's Dad

Tonite i heard of the passing of Ian (Datsfa .. Shawwry) Shaw  0ne of Australia's best known respected Rodders.

Shawwry is known the world over .. a gent .. a bloke who loved the good times .. infact he made it to the recent Nats in his T ......... one  of three to have made it to all 17 rod nats in the same car..

I can proudly call him a mate.

I cud go on forever here about a top bloke who i had the privilege to know .

My life was made richer for knowing the man a feature in Supercar Mag ( one from the 80's) showed  Shawwry in his element.
As he helped me out in a feature.

Ian b4 he retired (as he always wnted to ) worked 4 a toilet paper co .. and one day asked if I wanted any toilet paper..... I said yeah that would be great mate............a day or two later he arrived in his chopped wild 283 powered Austin Ute and back up the driveway saying is this enough....a ute load .

My fondest memories are how I met Ian it was at a show I think it was Springvale Town Hall, I was a mere kid of 18 or 19, he was (as always late) and the only way his car could be placed in the show was for all these (wanker hotrodders) to remove a window and lift it through, (they) now I a member of the they did so, a lifelong friendship began there.

I joined the Thunderbirds Rod and Custom Club after being "checked out" by Shawwy, we enjoyed many an argument in our times in the club.

Tonight I have spoken with former National Director and fellow club member Bob * and am not shy to say we shed a tear.

The passing of Shawwy is one of the saddest times in my life as he was always just a phone call away.  

The last time we spoke was at the Vic Hot Rod Show when we chewed the fat and he told me my car (its a long long story) was finally underway.

To you Shawwy I can say and I did tell you while you were alive without you I may have been a RESTORER.......but you talked me out of it...........yuk...............cough..........split..................splat..........thanks mate................wherever you are I hope that u can read this.

And to Helen, Anthony and Nicole .................. wow what a ride.

I\'d rather a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomomy !!!

ASRF Life Member

VHRA Member.

TJ's Dad

The above message was left by me last nite after many beers n tears, it may not make a lotta sense to a lotta folk but to me it does, Shawwry and I were firm friends.

Blokes like him come along only once in a lifetime and I thank him for his friendship , advice, laughs,hangovers and generally for being a mate.
I'm off to a swap meet now ,doing what he loved ... Rodding.

Sorry if u find my postings hard to follow but i'm in a state of shock.

I\'d rather a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomomy !!!

ASRF Life Member

VHRA Member.


We all understand, It has happened to most of us at one time or another.  I am going through it with a close friend right now. Things will get better, but they won't be the same.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "TJ's Dad"
Sorry if u find my postings hard to follow but i'm in a state of shock..

Mick I understand your words perfectly.

All I can say is I don't think you were anywhere near as shocked I am sitting here reading this after seeing one of my very best freinds and long time travelling companions, only last Sunday at the 2 Bays Rod run.  he looked as fit and well as ever he has.

Words cannot describe my feelings at this moment!   :cry:

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


Quote from: "enjenjo"Things will get better, but they won't be the same.

Truth is, th world will never be the same.

Datsfa was a man who would have helped anybody, even if they were not in need.

In over thirty years we've been freinds, I've never heard him utter a bad word about anybody and likewise, I've never heard anybody utter a bad word about him.  Unless the discussion turned to his prowess with teechnology, but then they were just funny words.

Mich and Bob aint the only ones with a tear in their eyes.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


It was a shock to hear that Shawwry had passed on. As Carps stated, Shawwry had never had a bad word for anyone, and for sure whenever his name came up in a conversation it was always in friendship and respect. He is an Aussie rodding icon, a great friend to those that knew him, and lived his life to the full. He will be missed.
Our condolences to Helen, Anthony, and Nicole.
So long Ian, and God bless.

Jimmy B

It is sad to here of his passing. I saw his T at the Nats and made sure I took a pic.
My condolences to his family & friends.


I loved this bloke like a brother, hell, I think we were even closer than I am with my brothers, and we sure did cover some miles, share some smiles and a whole bunch of laughter.  

If you ever met the man, you know what I mean.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.

Greg Wapling

Just got off the phone from Rick Chandler, big shock as I had just talked to Ian at the 2 Bays last weekend, doing what he loved to do.

This guy was a founding father of hot rodding in Australia and one of life's true gentleman, he was a shining example of everything that was fun about this little past-time of ours. Thanks for the goodtimes Shawry.

I would also just take this opportunity to pass on my condolances to Helen, Anthony, and Nicole.
Yours in Rodding

Greg Wapling
The years have been very kind to me, it\'s just the weekends that have done the damage.....
Hot Rod Internet - Cruising the cyberhighway Down Under


Skip called and gave me the knews a little while ago.

I'm proud to have know him and glad that I got to share a few good times with him. I'm very sad to hear of his passing.

My condolences to all his family and friends of which there are many, and especially to Helen.


I couldn't believe it when Carps phoned with the news.  I just wish I'd been able to make it back to Oz this past Easter to be with Ian & Helen again but it just wasn't gonna happen.

I first met Ian in Mildura in '81 and I knew right away he was something special.

I am very proud to have known him as a close friend and I wish to extend my condolences his lovely wife Helen, as well as to Anthony & Rebecca  and Nicole & Shaun.  

I just can't help but think that, were I able to have made the trip again this year that I might have still been there to help him (Helen wasn't home when do had the heart attack)

Early Hemi SME
Hot Rod Wiring Consulting


He left, as he lived, doing what he loved.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


I just got an email from Carps, and although I've only met Shawwry a handful of times through Carps, he treated my like an old friend.

The other day I was watching the DVD from the 2003 Nats in Geelong, Sue walked past and said "Hey, that's you isn't it?" I rewound a little a bit and didn't even realise it was me and DRD57 sitting on the back of the tourer as we got chaufeurred around.

So very, very sad to hear the news. But I can't help but think his legacy is in good hands. :)

Yes it is Grandad\'s Old Rambler!



I only got to speak to Mr. Shaw ONCE......he just started yakkin' to me. Had a bit of a chuckle about somethin' and that was it....always wished I'd had the opportunity to meet the man again and introduce myself. Came across straight away as a pretty good bloke.

Will be a strange thing NOT to see his face around the traps.

My respect to you Mr. Shaw.


He was one guy who had time for everybody, always happy and friendly
He will be missed by a lot of people around the world
At least he left a lot of great memorys for all to remember him by...
Our thoughts are with Helen, Anthony & Rebecca and Nicole & Shaun

The Bates Family