To The Boys from Oz

Started by Bib_Overalls, March 02, 2005, 09:20:38 PM

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Way back in 69 I was lucky enough to spent 10 days in Sidney on R&R.

It was a long flight from Siagon and the plane stopped in Darwin for fuel.  We were all required to get off.  In the terminal there where a number of ladies my mother's age offering coffee and pastries.

When I said "thanks" for my refreshments one of the ladys said "Every time I see a Yank I think about the Coral Sea."

We have a language in conflict and much more than hot rods in common.  I'm glad you are here.
An Old California Rodder
Hiding Out In The Ozarks


Thank you for the pleasant welcome.
I can relate similar stories about my travels in the US and the way I was treated. You have to pay for petrol ( sorry Gas ) before you fill and I never did. Reply was that Guy is an Aussie he is OK.
I love the welcome and also any from the US welcome here - under the Southern Cross.


Yeah.....I keep reminding any anti American here in Oz that they should read the history books...cause if it wasn't for you guys kicking sheet outa the Japs in the Coral sea in WW2, we would have been in dire straits. The nice lady handing out the bickies and scones was obviously aware or that fact. I'm also pleased we are with you guys in Iraq. Wrong or right, you support your mates in a fight...Also its Sydney...not your edumacated. :wink:
See Ya

Bruce Dorsi

Quote from: "Pep"...Also its Sydney...not Sidney.

I'm not sure about that, Al.  

Bib did say he was on 10 days R&R.

:D      .....Possibly, he was in Sydney, as well.


BTW, here, Sidney can be masculine OR feminine!
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If being smart means knowing what I am dumb at,  I must be a genius!


Bruce maybe Bib meant Cindy. ~:)


QuoteBTW, here, Sidney can be masculine OR feminine

Now that puts a whoile new connotation on "Flyin into Sidney" aye Bruce :D
See Ya


Quote from: "Bruce Dorsi".....Possibly, he was in Sydney, as well.
I always thought Sidney was a nice gurl.   :shock:

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


Quote from: "Pep"Yeah.....I keep reminding any anti American here in Oz that they should read the history books...
Yeah, I also recommend they should visit and see the real America, not the one written about by the left wing pinkos we call journalists, or the gay liberationists who do TV.

Even as hot rodders, the first thing you'll notice it that the place is just like here and all the Fords we see in the rod magazines are only a part of the story.  There bazillions of GM, Mopar and other makes being rodded by grass roots rodders who do what they can with what they have, just like we do it here.

The only real difference is the scale, we have a lot less people on the same sized chunk of earth and maybe a few less guns.  But even then, the gun issue as we get it in our media, is nothing at all like the reality.

QuoteWrong or right, you support your mates in a fight...
Which I believe is how come all us Okkers are here on the Roundable.

I think some other ignorant folk out how 'Aussie Mateship' works too.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


I think we agree on more things than we don't Carps...It's just the things that we debate seems to be more passionate to us both.
See Ya


How,s life in the Ozarks? ,Bib Overalls.  Glad to hear of your fond Oz memories.If you had journeyed further south to Melbourne ,they would had to have dragged you away ,importantly you have survived the experiences of all those years ago to enjoy life today.........Frank..


Quote from: "Pep"I think we agree on more things than we don't Carps...It's just the things that we debate seems to be more passionate to us both.

Yup, and you can debate me all you like, I'm also man enough to take as good as I give without the need for any help from some  bloodsucking ambulance chaser.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


Yep, its easy to forget who your mates were/are. When this happens I get my Dads diary out and read some of his entries from New Guinea and Northen Australia in 1942/3. Very very scary stuff! If it wasnt for the Yanks we would have squinty eyes, absolutely no doubt about that, so dont ever forget.


Yes 32V8 , My dad ,a veteran of the New Guinea/islands  campaign opens up sometimes,and the stories he tells of the "Yanks" he encountered ,always referred to their friendliness and generosity,he could never understand though how those he encountered once had such a love for canned beans,U.S plane flys into airfield his battalion was securing,takes crew to cookhouse for refreshments,they stop and ask what was in the crates among the sandbags protecting the cookhouse,when told "beans".There was a shocked reaction, at what was seen as a mis use of such an item, and a request made for said crates,granted ,crates of beans loaded onto plane,anything else that was in the plane jettisoned to make room.Later that day another plane lands ,cigarettes and other goodies that we were short of, as a thank you......Frank


My Grandpa was in New Zealand for some of his "Tank Scout" Training, then New Hebrides where he was loaded on a ship in preparation for the Assault on Tarawa. Not sure if he was ever in Australia...

Oh well, Australia and New Zealand are pretty much the same thing aren't they? :wink:


Sean - wash your mouth out!!  :D  :D   Those Kiwi's are different to us Aussies.  They talk different and do strange things to sheep  :shock: (well - allegedly, according to all the jokes we hear) and we love beating each other at sport - any sport.