Sure a bunch of old guys here

Started by ZIP, February 12, 2004, 01:01:25 PM

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QuoteI notice Denise does not want us to know how old she is....

Never ask a lady anything she can't answer with a yes.... :wink:

Sailing the turquoise canyons of the Arizona desert.

Fast Elvis

Quote from: "HotRodLadyCrusr"Well I guess that is one thing to look forward to with the onset of older age :D   :D   :D   that and my AARAP card for discounts  :lol:

 Don't forget the old saying," you are blessed with the look of youth and blessed with the wisdom of time"! or better...George Burns once said, " I feel like a 20 year old....too bad there's none around." Like the rest of you all, age is a state of mind!


Seems like the AARP card costs money(membership) to get a discount. kinda confusing[/quote]

That's funny, my wife and i were discussing this as i brought up the your post. Seems i recieved another offer to join yesterday. I didn't think i'd ever make up the enrollment fee in discounts. If i want to read their magezine I can borrow my brother/sister/moms copy.  :lol:  Now maybe if Speedway or some of these other guys would offer an AARp discount....


[I only get it for the motel discount, It even saves money at the Nats. If we go to 2-3 events a year we make out. :D


Quote from: "chopped"[I only get it for the motel discount, It even saves money at the Nats. If we go to 2-3 events a year we make out. :D

Yes and no. I decided on AAA. A little more expensive for the family plan but I do believe the motel discount is deeper and more often taken.

I dropped out of AARP as I was not only getting all their extra promotions stuffed into my mail box but it appeared that they sold my name to other mail box stuffing sending people.

Well, back to the frozen yard work. I find I can push the hose a lot easier in the Winter. And speaking about age and the "your only as old as you think you are" thing, my arthritis keeps reminding my how old I am no matter where my head thoughts are......
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...

Bob Paulin

....say anything I want and have the people around me smile and say, "Aw! He's just a cute old guy."

You know what I mean?

Pretty young girl walks by and you comment on her wiggle/jiggle, and she just turns around a smiles at you instead of screaming "Dirty Old Man" at the top of her lungs.

BTW - I am definitely NOT old enough yet - I keep finding that out the hard way - but I look forward to living to whatever age that might be.

Bob Paulin
"Cheating only means you really care about winning" - Red Green


Am not sure about this "old guy" stuff. I, for one, am not old.

Have dropped the AARP stuff... not worth the mountain of offers and constant sales pitch. Don't get to use the discounted stuff enough. Looks like the AAA might be in order as I am inclined to buy cars that are closer to my age than current offerings from manufacturers.

None of this is very important... just wanted to try the new board. I like it. himmelberg


Quote from: "chopped"[If we go to 2-3 events a year we make out. :D

remind me not to go to events with you :lol:

later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


Yea, but the age thing in the profile is a bit of a concern to those of us who don't particularly like to get the actual birthdate out in public view, what with all this identity theft stuff going around.

You can't just fill in the year and have it work.  You have to fill in all three fields or it won't load.

so...., since it doesn't like just plain 1945, mine's blank.

Early Hemi SME
Hot Rod Wiring Consulting

Bob Paulin

Quote from: "Skip"Yea, but the age thing in the profile is a bit of a concern to those of us who don't particularly like to get the actual birthdate out in public view, what with all this identity theft stuff going around.

You can't just fill in the year and have it work.  You have to fill in all three fields or it won't load.

so...., since it doesn't like just plain 1945, mine's blank.


You make a valid point, and I have taken my birthdate out of my profile.

I religiously guard my S.S. number - even to the point of having a fairly heated argument with registration about using my S.S. as a patient identification number when I was being admitted to the hospital for coronaty tests.

Thanks for pointing that out.

Bob Paulin
"Cheating only means you really care about winning" - Red Green


Thought I'd post just to see if my profile comes up.......then all will be revealed
See Ya


Quote from: "Skip"Yea, but the age thing in the profile is a bit of a concern to those of us who don't particularly like to get the actual birthdate out in public view, what with all this identity theft stuff going around.

You can't just fill in the year and have it work.  You have to fill in all three fields or it won't load..

I didn't like that either so I put a fake date in there with the year pretty close to when I was born.  At least it gives the general idea of how young I am.


[I wish I had thought of that. I could have been 21 again.  :lol:  :lol:


Quote from: "Bob Paulin"
A lot of things do get better with'll see.

I think Carps would agree with that, he has certainly aged well and tells me that I look better with every day.  I'll admit I'm not the gal who some of you met many years back, but I'm not so sure about my looks having improved with age.  Here's a recent picture so you'all may be the judges.....

It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others.