HRI Refugees

Started by Jahoota, February 23, 2005, 02:35:35 AM

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TJ's Dad

QuoteSo, Mike, you're only a junior knight.  

Take a 2nd look .. I'm getting the distinct idea you may need a 'seein eye dawg' too !!  :wink:  :wink:
I\'d rather a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomomy !!!

ASRF Life Member

VHRA Member.


Hey Thanks for the info Ripper. I guess if HRI get back up you may be glad to see some of these Aussies leave and stop making comments about Seeing Eye Dogs.

Mike, ( Tree Hugger ):lol:  you just went up a rung. :lol:

Mr Cool

Quote from: "ram-rod"I like what you've done with the place the colours are diffrent but it feels like home
If you want to change the colors to that of HRI, you can do it through the profiles (right next to the "you have no new messages" button near the top of the page). Click on "profile" tab, then the "Your profile" tab, and then select "profile settings" on the left side of the window.
The second option on the right side of the window will show "board style" and select HRI layout from the drop-down box.
Simple to do and no yucky yellow.  :D
Im nobody, right?
And dont forget, nobody\'s perfect.


You're so clever, tell me why my signature will not work ?  I have it typed in but it will not appear.

TJ's Dad

You're so clever, tell me why my signature will not work ? I have it typed in but it will not appear

Simon Simon Simon you bluddy dill ... you told me you were a computer guru ... a geek .. a nerd .. the man !

Now as u know i'm computer illiterate but I worked it out ,below this box are 'options'

One of them says 'attach signature'

Surprisingly if you do your signature appears

Now get off ya bum .. go outside n hug a tree !!  :idea:  :idea:
I\'d rather a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomomy !!!

ASRF Life Member

VHRA Member.


Quote from: "TJ's Dad"
You're so clever, tell me why my signature will not work ? I have it typed in but it will not appear

Simon Simon Simon you bluddy dill ... you told me you were a computer guru ... a geek .. a nerd .. the man !

Now as u know i'm computer illiterate but I worked it out ,below this box are 'options'

One of them says 'attach signature'

Surprisingly if you do your signature appears

Now get off ya bum .. go outside n hug a tree !!  :idea:  :idea:
Now don't be too hard on the man. Us techno-types sometimes look too deeply into an issue and fail to see what lesser intellects easily find. (Has to do with target audience and lowest-common denominators etc)...

As they say in Tasmania: "Two heads are better than one"..


Hello all,

Same story, but for those that don't know, heres some info about 'me'....

Long time lurker, 'first' joined the RRT about 2 or 3 years ago (cant find my password, and my email has changed so I can't retrieve my old post count etc).

I recently turned 30, married to Carla, I 'work' as a 'Design Engineer' for a mining company, and currently building (although I haven't touched it for 6 months due to house renovations & a thing called 'life' etc) a 28 roadster pickup.....

Also a big 'salt racing' fan, I'll be heading over to 'B/ville' in August, and will be exploring California for the remainder of the month, so I hope to meet up with some of you guys along the way.

Plenty of dreams and aspirations for future cars, and on the hunt for a HEMI (like everyone else I suppose).

Anyhow, look forward to spending a bit more time, and getting involved, since HRI has shut shop.


\"Dear God,
help me be the MAN that my dog thinks I am.......\"


I'm off to find that Tree but not being the Tree Hugger like you perhaps you could again show just how you do that.
Not sure just what I doing wrong but signature will not work for me. :roll:

Nice rod but why is that motor rapped in plastic  :roll:


Bill! You know the value of global friendship. The difference between American and Canadian culture is minute compared to our Aussie compadres. As Hot Rodders we all speak the same lingo. The slang only adds to the romance! A couple years ago I had the pleasure of hosting a couple of bikers from Australia who where touring through our village on their jourmey through North America with their focus on Harley's 100th birthday. 18,000 Kms. in 49 Days! What a commitment. These fine gentlement came through our shop and spent the day with us ( In fact, after many "Buds" they spent the night at my home!. A friendship was spawned!  Shane, after touring my "field of dreams" fell in love with my '60 Olds bubbletop. The following spring he called and asked me to build the car in our shop. This summer he and Cindy will be coming to North America to retreive the Olds and take it to a few shows in the USA before shipping it back to Australia. The debut event will be the Back to the 50's in St. Paul Minnesota. in June. Look for the primered peacock blue Olds with 20" Coloradas and air ride.Oh Ya! check out the right hand steering and the bald guy with the * eating grin!


Quote from: "cool23"Drewfus,
Nice rod but why is that motor rapped in plastic  :roll:

the 351 clevo is wrapped in a couple old bed sheets, in the interest of keeping dust and bugs etc out  (that shed is at my parents country farm).

Will be coming up for sale soon (need to rebuild a old carby for it, so it can be heard running) as I want to build a HEMI.......


Drewfus :D
\"Dear God,
help me be the MAN that my dog thinks I am.......\"


Quote from: "_Drewfus_"Will be coming up for sale soon (need to rebuild a old carby for it, so it can be heard running) as I want to build a HEMI.......


Drewfus :D

Smartest thing you've ever done. Sell a Clevo (truck engine) so that you can get a HEMI. You're my hero. :)

So how much of the HEMI do you think you'll get with the money you get from the Clevo?

Chev owners could get real nasty here. :lol:
Yes it is Grandad\'s Old Rambler!




And I'm not a chev owner.


Quote from: "X38"And I'm not a chev owner.

I know. It's a 200x Deuce Customs model isn't it? ;)

Yes it is Grandad\'s Old Rambler!



Ahhh ya killin' me!