Forum with Project Gallery !

Started by ANIM8R, February 08, 2005, 11:22:36 PM

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Hey Folks ... The doors of Old School Customs is open. Please stop by and take a look , take off your shoes and stay a while. There is a place to post your Project, Parts and Cars. Heck, there is even a place where you can post as many pictures as you want in your very own OSC Users Rides Gallery.

See you there Soon!!

OSC Webmaster



We like it here just fine thank you very much

Why no proper intro?  Aren't "we" worth it??  The folks around here might be alittle more receptive if you tell them about your '53 project BEFORE you spam them about your website.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


I wonder if he sells cell phones too? GPster


Hmmmm ... Not Spam .. Not a bot ... a real person ... I thought Rodding and Customization was a "Community" . There are plenty of people to spread around I thought. Guess I was wrong. No Selling Cell phones, "Male Member" enlargements or anything of the sort. As you see on OSC there is not 1 advertisement.

As for an Intro :)

I'm a 36 Year old Professional that was into restoration 10 years back, then got out of it to have 3 wonderful children. They are big enough now to hold wrenches and get the low spots :) I currently live in Saskatchewan and am working on a 53 Plymouth P24 Cambridge. Its going to be getting a 4" drop to the top and about a 4" body drop.



This group is friendly but a little leary of someone that just appears to offer us something. I tried that site and just got the notation that it wasn't ready yet. The word School (Skool?) in the title might also make us a little leary because he's been here, done that. People may judge without merit but you should offer some merit first because you're liable to be judged. GPster


"I tried that site and just got the notation that it wasn't ready yet. The word School (Skool?) in the title might also make us a little leary because he's been here, done that."

Hmmm ... Well the site is ready and gathering the flock LOL .. I don't know where you got the idea that its " Not ready yet " ... What I started OSC for was a community to help People Starting up in the world of Old Ride Customization. I have done a few newer rides ( Late Chev Truck and a number of early 70's Muscle Cars ). Looking for information and knowledge from all of you folks out there, nothing more and nothing less. As for the Word School, yes it is a school for people like me that need a little extra help with the "project".

And as a closing note :) There is no catch, nothing hidden .. you will not receive a "Spam" email from me after signing up. I make a good living and am footing the bill for the server for all aspects of the OSC site. On the Image Gallery side I have made it so each and every person has 15MB of space for now ( I may raise it if need be ) to post any and all images of Rides that they have.

Take care all

Brandon - OSC Admin

Charlie Chops 1940

Notwithstanding being goaded into an intro, thanks for advising us that your board is open. I took a quick look and everything opened up ok. I used the link in your last reply, didn't try the previous ones.

Joe, not sure why you weren't able to open it.

Hang with us, we're not always so defensive, or offensive as the case may be, but lately we've had some strange bits of spam.  We're really a good bunch - strange at times - but a good bunch.

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!


Thank you,

I'm not getting Spam on my forum .. but I do have a couple of people Flaming some of my patrons ... can get quite funny at times ( Because of spelling mistakes ) but most of the time its just a supreme pain in the trunk.

I will stick around .. I'm a member of a number of other forums out there and get tones of help .. Hopefully I can do the same at this one :)

Take care all



More then just flaming because of mis-spelling...... You've had someone from Rodtek spamming his business in every single post he makes, and Bulletnose was outta control with his off the walls posts.  Not interesting or funny at all in my opinion.  One look around a month or so ago was all I needed to know it wasn't a place for me and I certainly didn't/don't want those two clowns following you over here.  Looks like you've gotten rid of the Rodtek problem and have gotten "Bulltnose" to behave himself.  I guess time will tell.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Well I have put a leash on RodTek .. Him and his buddies are full of Air anyways ... I know "RodTek" personally and he didn't come up with his "business" until I bough my 53 and then a good friend of mine bough his 49 Ford a few weeks later ... He has to be like everyone around him. RodTek is nothing but another way for him to try and get more attention, nothing more and nothing less.

Eventually I would like OSC to be a Storefront Selling Rod parts and such. But for now its just a dream and a site.

I did really me "Funny" in my last post ... I guess I should have put Pathetic.

I feel sorry for people that do not have anything better to do than go onto someones site and a) Spam or b) Flame the members.

Take care all !!

Brandon - OSC


Quote from: "ANIM8R"

Eventually I would like OSC to be a Storefront Selling Rod parts and such. But for now its just a dream and a site.

Someone else most of us here know also had that same "dream" when he started his online "Streetrod Shop" in 2000.  Too bad he let undesirables hang out there and take over, which eventually ran off the decent rodders.  Don't let the same fate befall your site.....especially in the very short time you've been "open" for business.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Well online yes ... and an actual tangible storefront ... nothing huge ... Just with a few specialized items. Its hard to find cheap enough parts here in Canada. We have to order 90% of them from the states, and then get gouged at the border when they come over. Mostly it will be the backend that will keep it afloat. I have a friend that is one heck of a body man ( the same one that is going to be working on my car ) and I plan on buying old rides and restoring them. Then reselling them, most likely online. I know there is a tonne of folks out there that purchase fixed up customs, so it might be something to do in my spare time LOL. I know I'm not inventing the wheel here. Its just something that I would like to try.




 Plutophobia (Fear of money)