Its that time of year again

Started by Fat Cat, January 25, 2005, 12:05:49 AM

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Fat Cat

It is that time of year. Time for me to beg for support. I have and will continue to make improvements to the site.

The first of which is that we moved the site to a new host. This was done for a number of reasons but the biggest share of it was the old host was not providing customers with any details of planned outages or upgrade. Our new host is a company that was recommended to me by a respected web guru by the name of Fred Langa if you are at all a computer geek or just want to know more about this thing called the internet check out his site at The next change was there are now 2 different domain names that this site can be accessed from and

Both addresses will get you to the exact same pages and content.

I also have more data transfer available to me. I currently have 20GB of data transfer a month and am using about 6.4GB of it. I will also have 2GB of disk space instead of 550MB's.

I have instituted a plan of benefits for users here that will also include things that we have yet to decide. One benefit is that people we provide support here will get their account on the forums upgraded from normal user to Supporting Member or Premier Member, depending on the level of support. These support notes are located in your profiles.

I had mentioned at the last drive that I wanted to move to a yearly support drive and this is the time. I will only make this request from here forward in January of the year. I will accept payments throughout the year and only want you to donate when you are ready and willing. I am looking into a few benefits for you guys at this time, but I am not ready to announce them.

I have put some of the details up on this page. If you would note there are two different email links for Paypal. One is for accounts supported by a credit card and another for those supported by bank accounts. If you use the one supported by a credit card, Paypal takes 1.5%+ a fee to process the transaction. So if you are using a bank account to make Paypal payments use the other one as We would get the full benefit of your donation. As always I also have contact info on that page so that if you want to mail me something it is on that page.

Before I am done let me also say that those of you that have already given me or enjenjo monies and/or setup auctions for support of the site. Thank you for your support.

If you have any questions just post them on this thread or email me at


tryed making payment to ! got a message no such address.


I think you need to use the account below, that is where I send my last one.  Is this correct Frank?

1965 Impala SS  502
1941 Olds

Watcher of #974 1953 Studebaker Bonneville pas record holder B/BGCC 249.945 MPH.  He sure is FAST



Okay, my check is in the mail ...I know you won't pay a percent to anyone that way.  Thanks for all your hard work and the great site.  Keep on!   Cal   :wink:
Great Grandma Lee always said;  FAIR something you pay when you get on the bus!

SKR8PN to!
Check is in the mail :D

And thanks for all the hard work you do to keep this place open for us.
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.

Bob K

Just paypaled you my friend. Thanks for keeping this thing going.

B :)  B
Have you ever wondered how your mother knew enough about people like me to warn you about us?

Bruce Dorsi

I didn't forget you, Frank.  You'll get something................

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If being smart means knowing what I am dumb at,  I must be a genius!