I had a LONG night last night..............

Started by SKR8PN, February 21, 2004, 09:08:59 AM

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Noticed yesterday afternoon,that my Husky was "off" a little bit more than normal. She ain't NEVER been "right" if you get my drift. Always been her own dog so to speak. Listens when she wants to,comes when called if she feels like it,,etc.etc.etc. Let her out about about 2:30 AM and she never came back in. So I get dressed and head out to find her. Backyard is fenced so,she can't go TO far. Find her staggering around the back yard like a drunken sailor,called her and she ignored me(of course) So I go get her.......she is acting like she is lost or confused and when we get inside,her front legs give out and she collapses. Get her to the Vet first thing this morning,only to find out she has had a stroke. Major bummer...
Doc gave her a couple of shots to help reduce the swelling in her brain, and we decided to give her a day or so to see how she reacts and how much strength she can regain. What is a shame is she is still VERY alert and bright.She just can't get around at all. Here is a shot of her in full song......
Thanks for listening.
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.


Jim, any of us who have dogs as pals understand how you feel.  Hopefully she will recover and be around for a long time.

It doesn't seem fair that pets, who have unconditional love and devotion, have such short lives.


Jim and Debbie, Your dogs are so beautiful, and gental, and I know your both very close to them. I'm really sorry to here about this. I know your both very attached to them as all of us animal lovers are with our pets!!!

I'll be praying for all of you, please keep us posted!!

Debb & Rob

Fat Cat

Jim I am sorry to here about this. Having when through a similar deal a few years ago I know how hard it is. I will be thinking about you and Debbie.


I feel for you.
I can not imagine lifewithout Gizmo.
I know her time will come, but I will not be ready.
Lost old Sandy quite a few years back to a driver who was not at fault.
I can relate.
Give her love and as much care as possible, just cherish the time you get to spend with her.

Life in the fast lane aint so great. Just ask the opossum


I'm Sorry to hear that Jim, I know she means a lot to you guys, wish there was something we could do.
If I have to explain it to you, You really wouldn?t understand



Hey I hope you get well real quick.  I was hoping to run into you one of these days.  This last year I was getting where I limped everywhere and Sum was really starting to worry about me.  He gave me some herbs and stuff, not much fun swallowing that stuff  :x , but it really seemed to help.  I'm all well now and able to jump into the back of the Jeep again without help.

Take care and tell your papa to take good care of you.

c ya, Shush

P.S. Jim take care and from one whose dogs mean everything to me I'll be thinking of you,  Sum

Shush's World


The neighbors dog had a stroke a couple years ago and now he's just fine; hope you get the same results!


Jim,That's sad news indeed.Hope everything works out for the best.Hardly a day goes by that I don't wonder "Why in the heck do I have this dog"and yet at some point each day,Katie manages to do something to remind me just how boring life would be without her! I guess I'll go out and pick up all the piles of tootsie rolls that Katie has left in the yard and be glad they're there!See you in Detroit!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Sorry to hear about your Dog. I had to put one down a few years ago and haven't had another since. Too hard on the family when something happens to them...


I understand going in, that I am going to be losing them at some point in time.It is a small price to pay for all the years of unconditional love they give us. True,it may hurt when they leave us,but I truly believe we are better off with them,than with out. I have had numerous dogs and few cats over the years.Some I had for a long time and others, it seemed they were gone as soon as they got here. Every one of them made me a better person by their presence in my life. I also hope I made a difference in theirs as well.
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.


sorry to hear about the dog. the wife and I have been rescuing Borzoi dogs for the past 10 years. You really get attached to them.
Don Colliau


Since I have moved into Town, I will probably get another Dog. Where I lived before was on a heavily traveled state road and we lost three Dogs to Cars within ten years. One of which, I had to put down myself because he was busted up too bad to even try and move him.


Jim, sorry to hear the news.  I sure hope she gets better soon.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Jim,  Given time she may recover.  We've had two dogs that had conditions that required a lot of attention and help from us but they recovered from their illnesses.  One, was a very large Irish setter that we had to make a sling for and carry outside for several months and the other was a dog who got in a fight with a racoon and got "coon dogs desease".  He was total paralysied for about 6 weeks and then slowly recovered into the most active and strong dog we have now.
We'll be thinking of you and your dog.
