B'ville Hotels/Motels/Casinos

Started by MO_JUNK, January 18, 2005, 11:01:35 AM

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Folks, I replied to Sums post but my response must have ended up somewhere in cyberspace. Anyway, I went to the SCTA-BNI site and gazed at the Motel/Hotel/Casino list for Wendover. Before I start calling, have any of you had any other than desireable experiences with any of the establishments? Any you would recommend? thanks, Sam


There are three major hotel/casinos in Wendover. In the last couple years, they were all bought by the same company. So they are all under the same management, with nearly identical pricing. As far as I can see, it doesn't make much difference. They are all pretty nice. The Montego Bay, the Rainbow, and I don't remember the name of the third one.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"The Montego Bay, the Rainbow, and I don't remember the name of the third one.
The Stateline?....Peppermill?


the first two years i stayed at two of casinos and concur with enjenjo in that there isn't much difference. last year i stayed at the motel 6 on the utah side. the rooms at the casinos were MUUUUCH nicer for about the same money :shock:  as the motel 6. that said i enjoyed the motel 6 more because the rodding social aspect of the motel 6 was better. more parking lot action, beer drinkin and BSin.

later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


Quote from: "river1"the first two years i stayed at two of casinos and concur with enjenjo in that there isn't much difference. last year i stayed at the motel 6 on the utah side. the rooms at the casinos were MUUUUCH nicer for about the same money :shock:  as the motel 6. that said i enjoyed the motel 6 more because the rodding social aspect of the motel 6 was better. more parking lot action, beer drinkin and BSin.

later jim

Is there enough room at the 6 for driving around with the door open?

Our crew is booked into the Rainbow again this year.


Quote from: "Cword"Is there enough room at the 6 for driving around with the door open?

Our crew is booked into the Rainbow again this year.

ahhh i forgot about that. in my defense i was pretty overwelmed that first year. i'll have to amend my previous statement. if you can get a room at the same hotel as the canadians you'll have plenty of socializing. you might even get to drive a * roadster.

thanks for reminding me it brought a  :D  BIG SMILE to my face.

later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


The bad part of staying at the Motel 6 last year was the group changing engines ALL night long outside my room.  It was nice to socialize in the parking lot but we didn't get much sleep.  We're over on the east side of the building this year....


Quote from: "MO_JUNK"Folks, I replied to Sums post but my response must have ended up somewhere in cyberspace. Anyway, I went to the SCTA-BNI site and gazed at the Motel/Hotel/Casino list for Wendover. Before I start calling, have any of you had any other than desireable experiences with any of the establishments? Any you would recommend? thanks, Sam

Thanks for the input. I spoke with the Wendover Chamber of Commerce yesterday. They also stated that all of the rooms are about the same quality. I requested a city map as to determine the location of the casinos. They stated that their map would not fax well and they didn't have an electronic version. Anyway, I believe the Rainbow Casino is where we ate in 2002-it's on the Nevada side down the main drag on the left. I'll probably try for that. Sam