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Started by Fat Cat, January 21, 2004, 12:34:15 AM

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Fat Cat

So Tell me what you think.  :lol:


:shock: I just woke up and thought I'd try a reply and see what it looks like.   I'll try posting a picture later ..  When I registered I saw I had an option to turn html on or off.  What's the difference?  

Gotta go to work :cry:

edit at 1:25PM:
Some observations:  
I see it is letting me edit this over 7 hours after I posted.  That's nice.  

There's a delete option.  That could be handy, except every time I see a deleted post my curious side wonders what it was :)

I definitely like that this still has the preview option.

I like that you can type something and hi-lite it, then click on the buttons to make it bold, change colors, etc.

I changed the title of my post like we do sometimes and I see that it shows, but real small.

I don't see a way to respond directly to a post.  It appears that you can only respond to a thread and the new posts go on the bottom without any reference to a particular post.  I don't see a way to view an expanded thread with responses shown staggered under different posts.

I'm still exploring....maybe there's different ways to set up my preferences.


Is this the same software used on the AUBB? It looks like it.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


A friend's truck

This picture is in one of my online albums.  I didn't see a way to upload a picture from my hard drive.

Fat Cat

Quote from: "Crosley"I think this will work well. Every new response is at the end of the thread in the proper sequence.  Some less savvy computer folks  cannot figure out at what post in a thread to respond.  

They end up responding to a post that has nothing to do with the original post

Yea I have noticed the same thing. That is another factor that lead me to this software even though I like the threaded format myself.

I also like the quoting features here better.

I am going to work on this for a few weeks and make sure I have most of the features working the way I want and to see if I can convert the old forum into this format. If not everyone will have to start anew.


I, for one, LOVE the threads workig this way.  The frequent reader doesn't have to reread every post to make sure he didn't miss one, he can just scroll down to where he left off.

I really don't want to bring up that other site BUT one of the things I liked about it was not only all the replys in order but you could reply to a certain person and it shows, at the top of your reply, who you were replying to.  Not a number, cuz I found I'd have to scroll back up to see who was replying to who, but the persons screen name.  Did this make sense?

I also like the fact that a photo can be included in a persoanl message, haven't tried it yet but I will.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.

Fat Cat

Quote from: "HotRodLadyCrusr"BUT one of the things I liked about it was not only all the replys in order but you could reply to a certain person and it shows, at the top of your reply, who you were replying to.

This message is a test of the reply buttom. It should have a sub heading that says reply to XX

Fat Cat

Quote from: "Fat Cat"
Quote from: "HotRodLadyCrusr"BUT one of the things I liked about it was not only all the replys in order but you could reply to a certain person and it shows, at the top of your reply, who you were replying to.

This message is a test of the reply buttom. It should have a sub heading that says reply to XX

Second test


I deleted all the quote to see if it would show that I replied to myself but I didn't want all the quote in there.

Ok, that worked GREAT.  Now what about an edit feature where you can chose to have the edit show or not.... just like the HAMB?  I like to be able to edit mis-spellings and wrong sentance structure that I might have missed on the preview but I don't care to see the words "edit" in my post.

Cool, it worked, I edited and it didn't show that I edited!  Boy, I'm a happy camper  :lol:
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.

Fat Cat

Quote from: "HotRodLadyCrusr"Boy, I'm a happy camper  :lol:

So have you got any more ideas on how we can make it better?


Quote from: "Fat Cat"So have you got any more ideas on how we can make it better?

I was thinking about how the posts with good tech info get buried in the archives with the rest of the posts.  It might take too much monitoring but I was wondering if there was particularily detailed and helpful threads, could they be tagged somehow or moved into a tech forum with the ability to search just those posts or that forum?

Also, it's my opinion that moving all the archives from the current RRT to the new board isn't all that necessary unless it is just the "special" ones.  I don't know how they could be sorted tho.  I think most people with technical expertise wouldn't mind reposting their knowledge when questions come up, especially if they know that the tech posts might be readily retreivable.

One other thing I noticed is that when you're trying to separate and delete one quote from another when two show up on the reply (like this one was), that it is hard to get your cursor in the right spot between the two brackets.  I just got close then used the keyboard which isn't a problem.

.....just some thoughts.... :)

Thanks for all you do Frank  :D


Quote from: "Fat Cat"
Quote from: "HotRodLadyCrusr"Boy, I'm a happy camper  :lol:

So have you got any more ideas on how we can make it better?

How about the ability to have a more detailed profile.  I would like to be able to check out a members profile and see a photo of their ride/rides and read alittle more about what they have done.  I hate to compare, especially to SRS, but their profiles abilities rock.

I like to add that I LOVE the new place and can't wait to get everyone in here.  If there is anything I can do to help, please don't hesitate to ask.  I have quite a bit of free time in the mornings at my "day" job. :D

Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.

Fat Cat

Quote from: "HotRodLadyCrusr"How about the ability to have a more detailed profile.

I am working on that now. It may take me a while. I spent all of last night on installing a layout editor. it will alow me to add and remove all kinds of fields from the site. If you look at the box on the left now there is a small image that is either gray or green which is a online/offline indicator. Also it now lists your gender as well, so long as you define it in your profile. I would like to add a section for you to place info about you rides too. I just need to learn how to work it.

Slick 50

Hi Y'all. just checking in to see what's happening with the new look. I think it will be fine after a short aclimation period! I'll try some new features tomorrow.
Ken    8)
aka Slick 50

Slick 50

Quote from: "Slick 50"Hi Y'all. just checking in to see what's happening with the new look. I think it will be fine after a short aclimation period! I'll try some new features tomorrow.

Does this just continue on the thread unless it's manually deleted? OK, it does.

Where do we find a spell checker?
Ken    8)
aka Slick 50