Got lucky......I think!

Started by Jokester, January 05, 2005, 11:17:45 PM

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Some SOB stole my El Camino a few days ago.  It was recovered the next day, but the cops didn't notify me for about 5 days.  By then I was kind of used to it being gone.  But I had to cough up $158 for towing and storage.  They took my tag, spare tire, tool box, tilt wheel lever, and shift knob.  Plus now I have to fix the column.  

I wish the guy had wrapped himself around a tree.

To the world you\'re just one person; but to one person, you might be the world.


I had an 85 Camaro stolen out of my driveway in Sacramento when I lived and worked there. The cops came to our door in the middle of the night asking if we owned the car and if it was in our possesion. When we looked, the car was gone.

Luckliy there was limited damage and insurance covered it, but I still had to pay a deductable.

They nailed the guy within a day or two!  He was 13 years old and they got him because he had left fingerprints and he already had a record to compare them against!

The probation officer made him get a job and he eventually paid me back for the deductable.

Luckily you had limited damage and most parts are readily available for El Caminos. I think you will be glad that you got it back in relatively good shape.


"I wish the guy had wrapped himself around a tree. " I couldn't agree more! I hate thieves :evil: Looks like you've got quite a mess there...any chance they'll catch the A-Holes??Considering it took 5 days to notify you....probably not :roll:
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"