OT/RANT- Are there ANY ethical businesses left out there?

Started by Bob Paulin, December 23, 2004, 11:03:11 AM

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Bob Paulin

On December 1, I started work in the parts department at a farm equipment/snowmobile/small engine dealership near Augusta, Maine.

In the first week I was there - my third day to be exact - a case of 1-7/8" trailer balls came in when only a single trailer ball was ordered and invoiced.

ALL the trailer balls that came in, however, were priced at $9.95, and put out on display - not by me. I said nothing.

On Saturday, December 18th, the woman whose husband owned the NAPA store I once managed came in to buy some snowmobile clothing as Christmas gifts. Her invoice came to three-hundred and change.

She gave me what she thought were four, brand-new one-hundred dollar bills, but anybody who works with money will tell you, it felt a little funny to me. I checked and she actually DID give me five one-hundred dollar bills.

A one-hundred dollar loss to her would not have even been noticed, but I couldn't keep the money....that's not my style..

Yesterday, Tuesday Dec 22, another order came in, and when I checked everything in against the invoice and our order book, there were at least 50 agricultural equipment filters left over in the box. Some of you will agree that agricultual, hydraulic filters are worth at least ten dollars each, so there was about $500 worth of filters that we didn't order, were not invoiced to us, that were, obviously, shipped to us by mistake.

The decision was made to KEEP them!!!!

I pointed out my dealings with the extra one-hundred dollar bill, and asked if I should have kept it instead of returning it.

The answer was, "NO!".

I then asked, "What's the difference here?"

Someone mumbled that they would "probably" send them back.

I checked the outgoing UPS shipment at the end of the day, and there were no packages going back to this vendor.

This morning, when I arrived at work, the atmosphere was very cold. First one brother, then his wife got on my case about some minor things.

I mentioned the filters to the wife, and she looked me straight in the eye and told me that the filters had been shipped back. I then mentioned the trailer balls, and she stuttered, "We shipped them back too."

I told her I would bring her out to the showroom floor and show them to her, if she wanted.

Between the trailer balls and ag filters, this company had stolen over $750 from their vendors in a three-week period.

Finally, I spoke with the other brother - the one who actually hired me - and he started to tell me that, all of a sudden,  he wasn't happy with my work, etc., etc., and that he planned to fire me on Monday but wanted to wait until after the holiday, etc., etc.

I guess you don't want to catch these people stealing, and let them know you know.

My wife tells me I still have my ethics intact, and that's more important than anything else.......

......but, what do I have to do to find an ethical company to work for.

I guess it's back to fabrication and race car shocks and setups for now.

I realize the economy is tough in Maine, but it's tough everywhere else, and there are still ethical companies out there.

Sorry about the off-topic rant, but I had to clear my mind.

F.C. and/or Enjenjo can delete this without hurting my feelings, if they choose.

Thanks for listening/reading!

"Cheating only means you really care about winning" - Red Green

Ohio Blue Tip

Sad state of affairs Bob.  I agree with all you said.  I sure miss the days when a hand shake was a contract and folks were good to there word.  Ah will, different world now.
Happy Holidays.

:D  :D
Some people try to turn back their odometers
Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way.
I\'ve traveled a long way and some of the
roads weren\'t paved.



Well unfortunately that seems to be the way the world is headed now days everyman for himself  :? If that much stuff took place in 3 weeks you can bet there has been alot more. I'll bet if one of them had waited on the lady she would have been out 100 bucks.......
Keep up the good work and good luck in your job search you will be taken care of for your good deeds  :)

Merry Christmas to all

MM64  8)
Racing.... Because Baseball, Football, & Basketball
Only Require One Ball..... Gotta Race


Look on the bright side Bob, you didn't have to invest too much time to find out that you didn't want that job. It's been my experience that those type of people will cheat their customers too.

My shortest employment was 5 minutes. Didn't even got my tool box fully unloaded from the car.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "Bob Paulin"
My wife tells me I still have my ethics intact, and that's more important than anything else.......


Listen to your wife, she's a smart lady.

You're a lucky man, a good wife is way harder to find than a good job.


Good for you and your wife Bob, and I agree that if someone else had waited on her she would be 100 short!! At least you can feel good about yourself, who knows about the people at that family business!! You'd think that with the economy the way it is and big business taking out small business's all over the place they would treat their customers and vendors with the upmost respect!  :shock:  I guess some just don't get it, probably never will.
But you did and God bless you for that (I can say that here right?)
Merry Christmas and I wish you good luck on your job search, some company will be proud to have you!!!  :lol:


Everyday we get up, there is only one thing in our lives that we put a price on. That's our integrity. If it's worth 50 cents, so be it. If it's truely priceless, then it will be tested again and again. Sometimes very painfully. Good luck in job hunting. There surely is someone who has the need  for an honest employee.

Charlie Chops 1940


The outcome was the best for you. Your story makes me think of something similar in my life...not job related, but integrity. An acquaintance lent me a big round porcelainized Oldsmobile sign 25 years or so ago. It leaned against the wall in the house garage for 15 years or so and then I finally hung it in the shop. About 7 or 8 years ago I ran into him at a railroad swap meet. He asked me if I still had the sign. to which I replied. "Sure do. why wouldn't I,  it's your sign." He said, "Oh, I thought maybe you'd sold it by now."  I suggested that at the end of the day the only thing a man has left is his integrity, and offered to deliver it wherever he would like it. He said that he might donate it to the  ccounty museum.  I said,  "Let me know, I'll drop it off." Haven't heard anything since.

It's a gorgeous example, about four feet in diameter, hardly a mar in the porcelain - either side. Quite a few of the RRT-ers have seen it.

I just can't imagine how bad I would feel if I sold that sign and then he came looking for it.

There's a company out there that needs you...maybe as their Ethics Director.Lots of big companies have to have them now. The little one you worked for surely needs one.

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!


Like someone else mentioned,at least it didn't take you long to find out what kind of people they are. If they are willing to treat a vendor like that,just imagine what they would do to you,or your paycheck.
You will be able to sleep tonight,knowing you did the right thing.
I still conduct my business on a hand shake.
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.


I never fail to read your posts. They are always informative and well written, particularly when they are not about cars. One nice thing about this site is you don't have to listen if you don't want to But I have yet to find a post of yours that I haven't wanted to listen to. Thank s GPster



You did the right thing.  :D  I had something happen to me just this week. One of my suppliers I buy my carpeting from sent  a Christmas card to us with a gift certificate to a local restaurant. I finished opening the mail and there was another card addressed the same way as the 1st one and another gift card in it. (I'm sure they just stuffed the cards and then someone goes thru the list and addressed them.) The next day I dropped by and talked to the owner and gave him the extra gift card back. He was appreciative of that. Told him someone might not have gotten there's.

I've had young kids give me back to much change before and tell them it's to much and give them back the extra and they look at you like your from another planet. In my high school I worked as a check out person at a grocery store and we had to figure how much change to give a person back and even figure the price of single items if they were priced  6 for a $1.00,  4/$1.00, or 3/.99 and someone only wanted one or two. Now days they'd be lost as what to do.   :roll:

Oh well nuff said on that. Someone wants the honest help.




Your post made my day.  Those that do the "right" thing will always be able to hold their head high and never have to get their story straight because they'll be armed with the truth.  When I was in business I was always on the look out for guys like you ...several times I hired one even though we didn't have a position open.  God certainly has a better job in mind for you.  Keep on and a Very Merry Christmas.  Thanks. :b-d:
Great Grandma Lee always said;  FAIR  ...is something you pay when you get on the bus!


I agree with the others Bob.   Integrety and ethics are major qualities that define who we are.  Our behavior speaks volumes.  I hear people bragging about how wonderful they are but if you watch them, their behavior says something different.  

Unfortunately greed is overwhelming our society.  I've had store clerks look at me like I'm an idiot for taking my bag and sales slip back in the store to tell them they didn't charge me for an item.  Some say it has never happened to them before.  That's a shame.

You definitely did the right thing Bob...I wouldn't have expected anything less from you.  It's just incredible that the qualities you have are a reason to get fired. :(


Ya did the right thing Bob,Theres nothing worse than having some thing stolen from you or anyone for that matter.I dont like theives!

So does this mean your gonna have more time to talk race cars :wink:


QuoteThis morning, when I arrived at work, the atmosphere was very cold. First one brother, then his wife got on my case about some minor things.

And I bet these Weasels have Alarms on all their houses and cars,
because they know firsthand how dishonest people can be.
I'm sure they pay all their taxes too. :roll:

It's been my experience in small family run buisness:
you play by their rules,or leave.