Started by Dave, November 13, 2004, 10:30:35 AM

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Hey all you hunters out there... Good Luck
We start monday and im ready. Been doing some bow hunting this year and ive seen a lot of deer and even missed a couple. Im looking for a good gun season. Im off for 2 weeks to hunt the mighty buck or doe... Im hunting about 20 miles from the house so it makes it nice cause im home every evening. I guess while im off ill even rake the leaves in the back yard :)
Be safe..


Gonna bring some venison brots to the build? :lol:
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Good Luck! Have fun and be safe!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Quote from: "enjenjo"Gonna bring some venison brots to the build? :lol:
If we get enuff deer and we have brats made again then ill be packin hopefully when we come..


My dad used to take me hunting with him EVERY year since I was about 10 till age 16. I never hit a single deer! Fast foreward another 6 years or so, I got my first deer with a 1976 Ford F100 PU, two years later, I got one with an 83 Camaro, about 4 years after that, I took one out with a my 97  Ford Explorer........About 3 years later....LAST WEEK, It was all I could do to get slowed down enough to NOT hit an 8pt buck in the same Explorer! Im doing my Part!  :roll:

Ohio Blue Tip

This will be the first time in 45 years that I won't be buying a Michigan hunting license.  But, the good news is, Marcia is doing a little better.  Day 32 on a respirator but she is getting stronger.  Thanks again to all the support from our friends.  
Besides I can still hunt in the summer, not so crowded!
Some people try to turn back their odometers
Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way.
I\'ve traveled a long way and some of the
roads weren\'t paved.


32 Chevy

Saturday I was in a remote area of Eastern Washington, packing my trusty homemade recurve bow. Did a little rattlin' and a Boone and Crockett buck steps out of the brush about 10 yards in front of me. Caught me with my pants down, so to speak. Score this Buck 1, hunter zero. Always next year, I guess... Sigh....


Quote from: "32 Chevy"Saturday I was in a remote area of Eastern Washington, packing my trusty homemade recurve bow. Did a little rattlin' and a Boone and Crockett buck steps out of the brush about 10 yards in front of me. Caught me with my pants down, so to speak. Score this Buck 1, hunter zero. Always next year, I guess... Sigh....

Im on my way back out.. Its day 2 and i havent even fired the gun. Unusual for us where we hunt. I did see a 10 point 4 point and a big doe this morning but no shots. Oh well were gonna starting cutting some up tonite as my oldest boy got 2 does and a 9 point on the ex father in laws land. Hummm I dont miss the ex wife a bit but im sure missing the hunting grounds LOL.. At least when the kid called he said dont worry dad we got meat !


I couldnt shoot a deer, but Im in for a Pig in February.

Hunting with my AR-15 though :lol:


Quote from: "32 Chevy"Saturday I was in a remote area of Eastern Washington, packing my trusty homemade recurve bow. Did a little rattlin' and a Boone and Crockett buck steps out of the brush about 10 yards in front of me. Caught me with my pants down, so to speak. Score this Buck 1, hunter zero. Always next year, I guess... Sigh....
I'm real impressed with your homemade bow.  That form looks well used.  It looks like you've made a few.  I've seen home made long bows but never knew anyone that made their own recurve.  I don't know anything about it but it seems that making the limbs takes quite a bit of skill and engineering to get the laminations right.   It looks like your bow is a take down.  Besides being a functional tool, many recurve bows are pieces of art.  Again, I'm impressed. 8)


Quote from: "purplepickup"
Quote from: "32 Chevy"Saturday I was in a remote area of Eastern Washington, packing my trusty homemade recurve bow. Did a little rattlin' and a Boone and Crockett buck steps out of the brush about 10 yards in front of me. Caught me with my pants down, so to speak. Score this Buck 1, hunter zero. Always next year, I guess... Sigh....
I'm real impressed with your homemade bow.  That form looks well used.  It looks like you've made a few.  I've seen home made long bows but never knew anyone that made their own recurve.  I don't know anything about it but it seems that making the limbs takes quite a bit of skill and engineering to get the laminations right.   It looks like your bow is a take down.  Besides being a functional tool, many recurve bows are pieces of art.  Again, I'm impressed. 8)

That is a nice bow. Ive got a buddy at work that made his own recurve and he says it shoots better than his 800.00 recurve. I got a new Martin jaugar compound this year and I love it. I couldnt believe how small it is and shoots fast. I just got in tonite from finshing cutting up 3 deer. I didnt even hunt this morning and I missed one tonite although I knocked some hair off it but no blood not a good hit :(  Im kinda glad I missed cause im looking forward to resting a little tomorrow. We quit at midnite last nite and I was wrapping meat at 8 am this morning. Oh well its a lot cheaper than taking em in and having it done. Were going tomorrow to check out a place for sausage and hunter sticks. My buddy that leases the land I hunt on hasnt got anything yet either so were not looking too good for the venison brats.  he usually gets all his deer done in brats.Im going with my kid on what he wants to do for sausage etc and he really doesnt want the brats but ill work on him. Heck we got so much meat now maybe ill have mine made into brats? If I get one :)

32 Chevy

Building recurves is quite a challenge, and I have been doing some experimenting with exotic materials to increase performance. The best I have found is laminating .020 carbon fiber over tempered bamboo for limb structure. Once I find the baseline, then changing the draw weight can be precisely increased or decreased with a thickness change of only .001 per pound of draw weight. Then complicate matters by matching the force/ draw curve to the individual archer's needs. Changing the length of the bow alters the draw weight + /- 5 pounds per inch of bow length, and the throw the desired draw length into the mix, too. Kinda makes your head hurt. I actually spend as much time with a micrometer before lamination layup as I do with the actual construction.

So far, I have built about 80 recurves and am just starting to get into longbows. I don't build bows commercially but do it just as a hobby, preferring to donate my handiwork to fund raisers for wildlife organizations. And I give a few to kids and swap one or two for other neat stuff, usually car oriented swapping.

The boat in the background is what I actually build for a living. to see more, check out www.ghboats.com.


Dave R


thats a nice looking boat, i tried going to your website but it takes me to http://www.donobi.com/ instead?


Quote from: "32 Chevy"car oriented swapping.

The boat in the background is what I actually build for a living.

Dave R
You need a mold for "T" bucket bodies. There are several people here that say that they would build one if they could find a cheap body ("cheap" price not quality). There might even be a Star around somewhere to take a mold from. Might even get your name on the sponsors list on a Bonneville project, As a design in engineering see if you can come up with a bow for wildlife management. There is talk about creating a bow season for deer in our city limits. The car kill is very high and we even had a bear break into a store right in our city limits. See what happens when you let people think you have free time. GPster


Dave, I think the period after your link changed it.  It should be http://www.ghboats.com/

Now, after seeing your site I'm WAY more impressed,  and understand your ability to make a recurve.   Your Philosophy statement says it all....quality and customer satisfaction above all else.  I wish more companies would pay attention to that.  

You're another example of why I'm proud to be in the company of the type of people that are members of RRT.