What are you doing today ? 2019

Started by Crosley.In.AZ, January 01, 2019, 10:18:58 AM

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Well Matt ...You asked for good news sooooo......Here we go....

After  7 months of testing, poking/prodding/scratching/scraping/peeking/scanning/looking/seeking & general ,"gee, what do we have here ??", I have been declared reasonably healthy & able to go back to the pursuit of life ...... :roll:  :roll:

 The severe cough that I somehow acquired about 6 months ago, ( it was neat...I would start coughing...Then loose control of the cough, stop breathing & turn red,RED,RAY-ED & sometimes purple ) ...GREAT entertainment in a restaurant or other gathering place, LOTS of people running up trying to help, calling EMT's, etc..etc....

The doctors, About 5 I think, never figured out what caused that , they just pumped me full on antibiotics & it seemed to have gone away ....   :?:

The "masses" they found in my chest WERE kinda large... :shock:  I converted the size of those from metric to regular with a yardstick... :? ..
 When the one imaging session came back from review with the words "spiculated & consistent with malignancy ", it hit the fan ..... :shock:  :shock:  :roll:  :roll:  :?:  :?: ...

 My primary Doctor now advises that the reviewing Dr. could have saved everybody a lot of trouble by inserting the word, "somewhat" , in front of the "spiculated & consistent with malignancy " phrase a lot of anxiety could have been avoided ....

It has taken an additional 4 weeks but I got the word last night that I have NO current cancer or lung fungus issues at this time & we will start the complete series of tests in about 90 days to monitor any possible growth ....


Sorry to hear about your aunt, our thoughts & Prayers will be with her ......

Bob..... :wink:
1940 Oldsmobile- The "Ugly Olds"
1931 Ford sedan- Retirement project

***** First Member of Team Smart*****


Thanks. I know you guys can take it. I'd had thoughts of dripping some air tool oil into the coupler but hadn't thought to take it apart. I guess I have a fundamental prejudice toward it because its the push-on type. Never have liked those, they pop off and hit you. I get along best with the ones where you pull the collar back. Or so I thought. My kingdom for a smooth operating coupler on a pliable, uncoiled hose.  I should do like the old days and get a spool of DeVilbiss hose and some screw-together ends, Milton couplers and plugs, wall regulator, triple hose manifold, and make it all quarter inch hose. Yeah.

Still can't buy an air tool that doesn't spin constantly. The older tools' throttles work. I got half a mind to try an electric 3" cutoff tool that I saw in the junk mail.

I mowed today. Lower than 3".  :wink:  Put wiper blades on the GT yesterday at the shop and sent it home with Dad in case they need it soon. :)


Quote from: "UGLY OLDS"Well Matt ...You asked for good news sooooo......Here we go....

After  7 months of testing, poking/prodding/scratching/scraping/peeking/scanning/looking/seeking & general ,"gee, what do we have here ??", I have been declared reasonably healthy & able to go back to the pursuit of life ...... :roll:  :roll:

 The severe cough that I somehow acquired about 6 months ago, ( it was neat...I would start coughing...Then loose control of the cough, stop breathing & turn red,RED,RAY-ED & sometimes purple ) ...GREAT entertainment in a restaurant or other gathering place, LOTS of people running up trying to help, calling EMT's, etc..etc....

The doctors, About 5 I think, never figured out what caused that , they just pumped me full on antibiotics & it seemed to have gone away ....   :?:

The "masses" they found in my chest WERE kinda large... :shock:  I converted the size of those from metric to regular with a yardstick... :? ..
 When the one imaging session came back from review with the words "spiculated & consistent with malignancy ", it hit the fan ..... :shock:  :shock:  :roll:  :roll:  :?:  :?: ...

 My primary Doctor now advises that the reviewing Dr. could have saved everybody a lot of trouble by inserting the word, "somewhat" , in front of the "spiculated & consistent with malignancy " phrase a lot of anxiety could have been avoided ....

It has taken an additional 4 weeks but I got the word last night that I have NO current cancer or lung fungus issues at this time & we will start the complete series of tests in about 90 days to monitor any possible growth ....


Sorry to hear about your aunt, our thoughts & Prayers will be with her ......

Bob..... :wink:

That is AWESOME! Bob. Great to hear. I was beginning to wonder. Thank you much!

:D  :!:  8)


Bob all I have to say is,

:D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D
Don Colliau


Quote from: "UGLY OLDS"


Bob..... :wink:
That IS great news Bob :!:  
Bet that bumps your spirits up a few notches :D  :D


1965 Impala SS  502
1941 Olds

Watcher of #974 1953 Studebaker Bonneville pas record holder B/BGCC 249.945 MPH.  He sure is FAST



Quote from: "purplepickup"
Quote from: "UGLY OLDS"


Bob..... :wink:
That IS great news Bob :!:  
Bet that bumps your spirits up a few notches :D  :D

    It was the first time my Doctor told me to celebrate with ONE...Just ONE Bacon double cheeseburger .... :shock:

He said it was that much of a special day ...... 8)  8)  :D

Thanks for the good words guys ..... 8)

Bob.... :wink:
1940 Oldsmobile- The "Ugly Olds"
1931 Ford sedan- Retirement project

***** First Member of Team Smart*****


I suppose you will be bothering us at Kalamazoo then :D
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.

chimp koose


Good to hear you are doing better Bob ...

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Thats good news!!
I had a kick butt health issue recently, couldn't walk 5 steps without stoping and gasping for breath! Had 2 ER experiences ending in hospital time. Outcome was I had "heart Failure" I gained about 35 lbs, my feet swole up to a point where I couldn't get my shoes on!!!
A trip to my (new) cardiologists revealed that the gain was from fluid build up and that this was all brought on by a Virus in my respiratory system!??
What a scary experience!!!Pills prescribed were for Gout but helped eradicate the Virus but costs (generic) $300 a month!!
Thank god Im off those now!



I'm glad you are recovering. We all have to take care of ourselves.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"I'm glad you are recovering. We all have to take care of ourselves.

Yes....  your body will tell u when something more than usual aches is happening.

we attended a RV sales event saturday...  on west side of Phoenix.   Look at new  models.

FIRST question out of the sales rep's mouth after the introduction was: "How is your health?"  Caught me off guard .  I did not think we loook that worn out.  mayb I do?

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


I made a 50 mile trip in the 72 this morning to retrieve a playhouse for the granddaughter. My wife was impressed at how good it was. The V.A. made her knee cold. :) My 1st impression of gas mileage isn't that good. I'm afraid 20 will be out of reach.


I have spent most of last two weeks dealing with the death of an uncle and his non estate.  He died with $900 in the bank,  a big mess to clean up,  and no will.  He was a good uncle and my brother Sam and I will forgive him, but it will take some time.  Amongst other things, he had 8 cats in the house.  Do any of you need a cat or cats?

I want to get back to my Ranger project

Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH