What are you doing today ? 2019

Started by Crosley.In.AZ, January 01, 2019, 10:18:58 AM

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I can see the personality better in the orange shirt one. Looks like a more natural pose and maybe thats part of it. Nice going, looks good. 8)


Quote from: "idrivejunk"I can see the personality better in the orange shirt one. Looks like a more natural pose and maybe thats part of it. Nice going, looks good. 8)
Boy you hit it right on the head. I kept saying I wasn't getting his personality, this kid is a hoot. The orange shirt is a very calm picture of him, his mom was actually smootching  him at the time on his right cheek.


Finished the commission piece today. The young man that requested said he "felt his whole body lighten" when he saw it. He really liked his uncle, he said he will give it to his Dad for Fathers Day! The portrait part came out very well, I got lucky! 😃


Good job! I'd like to be there to see his expression. :)


Quote from: "phat46"Finished the commission piece today. The young man that requested said he "felt his whole body lighten" when he saw it. He really liked his uncle, he said he will give it to his Dad for Fathers Day! The portrait part came out very well, I got lucky! 😃

Very Nice!   :!:

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


The tail gate handle on Shelby's 2005 Silverado broke, so I am replacing it. The whole mechanism is junk. I pulled it all out, cleaned all the rust off everything, and painted it. I greased all the pivot points and it works much better. I am still waiting on the tailgate cables to come in. Next the right door handle.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "phat46"Finished the commission piece today. The young man that requested said he "felt his whole body lighten" when he saw it. He really liked his uncle, he said he will give it to his Dad for Fathers Day! The portrait part came out very well, I got lucky! 😃

That portrait looks to me to be a good likeness even though I don't know the guy. Its just nicely descriptive of an individual. I wanted to toss out some casual thoughts not as critique but as encouragement from somebody who went to the Art Institute and if nothing else, picked up on some techniques for advancement in illustrations.

One instructor felt it very important to pull the rug out from under the students each quarter by establishing the strengths they have shown then assigning a project where that doesn't apply. From me to you, I would say if working from photos is mostly what you end up doing in your own hand, that if you were to do some still life as practice with the acrylics, and do some dark images with subtle coloring and low light... you may find that what you encounter doing that could send your portrait, and other, skills into orbit. For personal satisfaction of course, but potentially for gallery activity and perhaps paid stuff if you wanted.

Just friendly artist to artist discussion there, I know I do prefer specific input to general encouragement myself. What I'm saying is I'd like to see what you can do with a vase of flowers or stack of books next to an open window on an overcast day with the lights off in the room and curtains half open for example. Big shadowy areas, big tube of black. One thing that seemed to be consistent among teachers I've had is to boldly establish dark background areas first thing. Of course when you are doing cars it has to be more precise than with faces or scenery but it amounts to just more intense planning. Your way with textures and overall mood is great but you can be bolder and more confident now.

One thought I had about the kid's face is that, aside from like I said, working from two dimensional reference material maybe being a hindrance... you just most often see a child's face from a high angle rather than straight on or low, so getting a likeness is probably generally easier if the view is a little above eye to eye. Make sense?

I had a hell week, a heaven Friday, and am just rambling while I cool down from yard work. Better stop now, I see I got into a few ants! :shock:


Quote from: "idrivejunk"
Quote from: "phat46"Finished the commission piece today. The young man that requested said he "felt his whole body lighten" when he saw it. He really liked his uncle, he said he will give it to his Dad for Fathers Day! The portrait part came out very well, I got lucky! 😃

That portrait looks to me to be a good likeness even though I don't know the guy. Its just nicely descriptive of an individual. I wanted to toss out some casual thoughts not as critique but as encouragement from somebody who went to the Art Institute and if nothing else, picked up on some techniques for advancement in illustrations.

One instructor felt it very important to pull the rug out from under the students each quarter by establishing the strengths they have shown then assigning a project where that doesn't apply. From me to you, I would say if working from photos is mostly what you end up doing in your own hand, that if you were to do some still life as practice with the acrylics, and do some dark images with subtle coloring and low light... you may find that what you encounter doing that could send your portrait, and other, skills into orbit. For personal satisfaction of course, but potentially for gallery activity and perhaps paid stuff if you wanted.

Just friendly artist to artist discussion there, I know I do prefer specific input to general encouragement myself. What I'm saying is I'd like to see what you can do with a vase of flowers or stack of books next to an open window on an overcast day with the lights off in the room and curtains half open for example. Big shadowy areas, big tube of black. One thing that seemed to be consistent among teachers I've had is to boldly establish dark background areas first thing. Of course when you are doing cars it has to be more precise than with faces or scenery but it amounts to just more intense planning. Your way with textures and overall mood is great but you can be bolder and more confident now.

One thought I had about the kid's face is that, aside from like I said, working from two dimensional reference material maybe being a hindrance... you just most often see a child's face from a high angle rather than straight on or low, so getting a likeness is probably generally easier if the view is a little above eye to eye. Make sense?

I had a hell week, a heaven Friday, and am just rambling while I cool down from yard work. Better stop now, I see I got into a few ants! :shock:

Thanks, any thoughts and helpful ideas are welcome, I am self taught, and the teacher isn't that good! 😃


I pushed my '46 Chevy out of the shop a couple days ago and drained the old gas out of it. The car has been sitting four (?) years with out being started. Today I pulled the distributor and primed the oil system, dumped some fresh gas in it and while cranking to get oil pressure it started like I had just shut it off! Of course the O rings on the balance tubes on the carb are dripping, but hopefully they will swell shut. Looking forward to cruising her around this Summer! 👍


Few pics from the Atwood Ks show.


I did not go out to the shop yesterday. Today I opened it up, and apparently a squirrel got shut in there Thursday. He wanted out badly. He chewed a 4 inch hole next to the man door, and stopped when he hit concrete. So he started over  next to the overhead door, and after chewing through 4" of spray foam, he hit aluminum and managed to push that out enough to get out. It looks like his first try was the window over the tool box, he didn't get anywhere, but he did manage to knock all the stuff on my tool boxes of, and tip over a gallon can of transmission fluid with a loose lid, so I had to clean that up too. I got everything cleaned up, and the hole closed up good enough for today, but I still have to varmint proof it.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"I did not go out to the shop yesterday. Today I opened it up, and apparently a squirrel got shut in there Thursday. He wanted out badly. He chewed a 4 inch hole next to the man door, and stopped when he hit concrete. So he started over  next to the overhead door, and after chewing through 4" of spray foam, he hit aluminum and managed to push that out enough to get out. It looks like his first try was the window over the tool box, he didn't get anywhere, but he did manage to knock all the stuff on my tool boxes of, and tip over a gallon can of transmission fluid with a loose lid, so I had to clean that up too. I got everything cleaned up, and the hole closed up good enough for today, but I still have to varmint proof it.

They can be nasty little varmints ... We had one at the shop about 3 years ago.  The owner setup a trap and caught it.. the varmint thrashed around so hard in the trap , it died.

On a different note:  we had another large rat that was trapped in the front office at work 1 week ago. It had died over the weekend in the trap..  that special smell greeted us monday morning.


 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Quote from: "enjenjo"I did not go out to the shop yesterday. Today I opened it up, and apparently a squirrel got shut in there Thursday. He wanted out badly. He chewed a 4 inch hole next to the man door, and stopped when he hit concrete. So he started over  next to the overhead door, and after chewing through 4" of spray foam, he hit aluminum and managed to push that out enough to get out. It looks like his first try was the window over the tool box, he didn't get anywhere, but he did manage to knock all the stuff on my tool boxes of, and tip over a gallon can of transmission fluid with a loose lid, so I had to clean that up too. I got everything cleaned up, and the hole closed up good enough for today, but I still have to varmint proof it.

At least it was gone when you went in there, they can be fun if they are trapped still when you enter. Had one fall down my chimney and squeeze out the furnace draft diverted ...my basement looked like a murder scene when that was finshed...


I kicked back , took it easy on sunday for the large part.  No car stuff.  Well , not much.

There was a road trip to Harbor Freight.. bought a new item.  Will need to take a few photos for the Tool review thread.  8)

Weather has been kooler, windy , cloudy here.  Not a normal start to May for Arizona.  There was even some snow up in the mountains and on I-40 highway

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Today was a rain day. I spent half the day in the shop cleaning. The work bench is usable. I organized some of the machine tooling. If the weatherman is correct, I'll spend tomorrow doing more of the same.