Model A job

Started by idrivejunk, July 25, 2018, 08:54:51 PM

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CK, in all my travels on this project I did stumble onto one vertical reference point. With floor level, a perpendicular line will meet the back of the drip rail, follow the side window opening rear edge, and the point at bottom of quarter where wheel opening begins.

I have nothing against contour gauges.

I also have some interesting pictures for you. However if you wish to see them, you'll need to vizit my blog and go to the bottom.

Stand by for an announcement-

chimp koose

lots of pictures there! 8)


You boys got ahold of the nozzle good? Opening the pic valve now. 86 the announcement, all is well. 8)

Got the T strip areas matched up-

Went this far with fitting the roof insert via screws-

Thats where I left off today. So far, so good. I also have the final version of trunk gaps to show, equally satisfactory. Knocking down the hard parts left and right here, yee haw.  :)

The roof has plenty of support and the padding under it is infinitely adjustable so prospects for success are good.

I'll get back to catch up a little later on. :arrow:


I really do feel like a king when I work on this thing. I might miss that. :cry:

OH WELL!  :lol:  

I have not yet put the exactamundo on the roll pan, left one end kinda loose just in case. But I did start to, and its better than it has looked. Just loose.

Anyhow, these are the forever gaps on the trunk and among the piles of satisfying accomplishments contained in this project, it stands out for me. I would have trouble ranking roof, trunk, doors and might go bonkers if I tried. Each was like a level boss in a videogame.

Guess who is back from blasting

Will the circle (ever) be unbroken or will the cycle be broken? Whew.


It's not near as bad as some of the past!


Quote from: "kb426"It's not near as bad as some of the past!

We, the people in the grey room... all think its the worst ever. My take on it? Picture me lumbering toward it with blank stare and tools in outstretched arms, shuffling ever closer while making zombie noises.


The passenger side was just like I want it to look. Driver's side wanted to dance, to match it. I twirled her around the floor til she gave out and behaved. Now I just got the window panel tacked up. This is one touchy as hell operation but so far I've kept her in line. So far, so good. You guys travel safe if you do, for the holdays. I am going at it half the day tomorrow, and back at it Thursday. Probably same deal next week.



Half a day of mostly massage work left rear roof corner. I have the sides and rear like I want. Mike and Ken both approve. Must be right.  :arrow:

Theres still a rib or two too curved at front but I took the visor out to plug weld these before tackling the roof front area. Then it was Christmas.

While I'm posting... heres some random Imp shots-





Only got three hours in today on the A, but I'll post five pics to fluff it up, howboutat?  :)

Smooth, albeit slow and spotty, sailing thus far. Oil canning was encountered at the rear after a couple rows of tacks, caused by the window panel. Took me awhile but I found it there and wasn't suprised to. It was mainly affecting the insert so it was misleading. As always. Got past that. Pretty sure I could set a wheel and tire on roof without hurting it.  Up the back of the roof, the T strip areas require a lower welder setting because both sides are ninety years old. Hammered as they are though, the roof sides are welding up fine.

That last pic shows the visor sticking up leaving a gap. I only tossed it on with old screw holes. The extensions I added to the visor corners need some revision so it will drop on down for trimming.

I want to make some angle pieces to give a double wall at the glass bed, at least partially because one layer is too floppy.




There's something about a hot rod with a ribbed roof. It's like the thin fender cars are just made for them.
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)


One guy said ribbed roofs are so 80s. I said tell it to the owner. :lol:

Not much difference to show here, almost 3 hrs but I have the post welding straighten and planish done on all but a couple feet.

Without fail, every person who sees this car has the same reaction I did. But thar she blows, blasted and epoxied. Why couldn't we just buy a better car?

Talk to the owner.  :lol:





I was surprised at the comment about the ribs. What did he think would take the flop out of a big piece of sheetmetal? People have been using ribbed station wagon tops forever. :)