Need help, code 33 on TPI w/ MAP run bad

Started by 40_Tudor, October 02, 2014, 05:32:47 PM

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wayne petty

the cardone Reman distributors have a completely different reluctor

this is a V6 distributor reman by cardone..  the V8 versions are similar but with more pole pieces ..

hint.. before you take the distributor out... slip the rotor back on it..

bump the engine around till the rotor is pointing toward the #1 wire position..

pull the rotor if you cannot see past it.. and perhaps with a friend.. turn the crank in normal direction of rotation until the reluctor poles line up perfectly with the pickup coil pieces.. look down at the timing marks.. see where the damper mark lines up with the pointer on the timing cover..  you can now.. remove the distributor.. install a new one..  get the rotor pointing in the proper position.. verify the distributor has dropped onto the oil pump shaft..
you can if you have to with the distributor almost fully installed.. bump the engine around two more turns at the crank.. this should bring the distributor back to the exact same spot.. align teh damper either to your previous setting or to base timing..

turn the housing to align the pickup coil poles with the reluctor poles. and lock the distributor down..  you are now ready to install the rotor , cap.. wiring.. and it should start and be so close to perfect..

i am just waiting till i get the next small block chevy on the stand so i can get somebody to video tape this for you tube.. i can perform this so fast its crazy..  i loved working in shops.. i would say.. oh.. i have to take the distributor out to work on it.. what i did not say is that i preset the engine and distributor.. so i could yank it out and know exactly where #1 is when i go to reinstall it.. when i drop it back in..  i then lock it down and reach thru the window.. turn the key and it fires up on the first try.. blowing everybody away..  i would just answer them.. why do you think they hired me..


The guy I used to work for taught me to do it that way too.
He started the business in 1946. I started working there in high school and went back on and off, between jobs and collage. He probably forgot more that I'll ever know about working on cars. He's gone now but the guy that took my job when I left, about 30 years ago bought the place a few years ago. He still lets me take my cars in to work n them there.
I called him this morning and he has a use distributor I can have to try.

I'll put this one in and if that solves the problem I'll look for a new one at one of the car shows.
Any recommendations, Accel, MSD?

More updates later.

wayne petty

Quote from: "40_Tudor"The guy I used to work for taught me to do it that way too.
He started the business in 1946. I started working there in high school and went back on and off, between jobs and collage. He probably forgot more that I'll ever know about working on cars. He's gone now but the guy that took my job when I left, about 30 years ago bought the place a few years ago. He still lets me take my cars in to work n them there.
I called him this morning and he has a use distributor I can have to try.

I'll put this one in and if that solves the problem I'll look for a new one at one of the car shows.
Any recommendations, Accel, MSD?

More updates later.

i have tried Neither in an L98...  probably the MSD would be better.. easier for parts..

mostly i find the remans with a lifetime warrantee for a bill plus with the improved reluctor design work great..  nice clean sine wave output from the pickup coil..

i am glad i am not the only one to know that trick..  i do try to share is when i can..


I used the Cardone reman on my TPI  per Waynes recommendation and it was a major improvement. 20,000 miles with no problems.


Thanks for the recommendation Okiedokie.
Always better to find someone that's used a brand and got good results. I'm going to try the used one from my old shop to make sure I have missed something else before I buy one. Pick it up Friday then put it in the first of the week.

More updates later.


If you live close to an Advance Auto parts store, look up their online coupons and order online then pick up at the store, save up to 30%. Do a search.


Finally found the code 33 MAP sensor problem.
Mechanic at work brought his OBDI Snap-On scanner so I could use it. Problem is you have to have a vin to get it to run. None I tried would work. Finally ran a jumper from ECM to ground on MAP sensor, "like Wayne suggested in the first place" and cleared the codes and started it up, no codes. I was running another ground wire out through the file wall and had to cut some of the zip ties off the wire bundle way up under the dash to add the new wire when I found the old MAP ground cut by a sharp edge on a zip tie.
I'm going to check all my inventory of zip ties and through out any with a sharp edge. You wouldn't think a piece of plastic would cut wire but id did.
Fixed the problem now its snowing so I cant drive it anyway. Bumber.

wayne petty

glad you were able to find the problem..

decades ago.. an 81 camaro.. computer control.. critters ate into the engine control harness.. i had to cut and splice it.. but even though i had been to GM tech classes.. i was NOT aware how easy the harness was to get out..
i was there with a beckman multimeter probing each wire looking for continuity and looking for shorts to ground..  i had been looking for this last short to ground for about 2 hours...  continuity beeper going on constantly.. i had everything on both sides of the firewall disconnected..  the boss said. close it up for the night..  i did not want to loose where i was hooked to so i pulled the wires from the face of my meter..  it was still beeping without any test leads plugged in..  DOH!!!!!!


Thanks for following up on the problem. This will go into my TPI file.


glad you found the problem. Grounds are often over looked... in this case it was a hidden fault.  I would not think a plastic pull tie would cut a wire.  Something to keep in mind

For decades I have said : "The simple S**t will get you"

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Who would have thought a zip tie would do that it's something else to keep in mind for future reference.
For those of us not to clued up on electrical diagnosis we tend to over look earthing problems because we think it's something more sinister.
I got caught out earlier this year with my coupe and it was as simple as fitting an earth strap and a new earth wire.
Glad you got it sorted and too bad about the snow. It's the start of summer here the weather is starting to warm up.
I maybe from down under but I know which way is up.
Oh hell there goes another head rush.