12 Volt Conversion Question???

Started by 40, September 05, 2004, 12:43:41 PM

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I am contemplating converting one of my old Fords to 12 Volt...The 6 Volt system is positive ground,the 12 Volt will be the standard negative ground.My question is...How will this affect my gauges etc??Thanks in advance for the help!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Here's what I did when I changed over my 53 Merc.   I got a voltage reducer from Radio Shack to drop the input from 12 to 6 volts.  The amp gage has a wire passing thru two "loops" that needs to be reversed. i.e. pull the wire out and pass it thru from the other direction or else the gage will read discharge when it is charging and vice versa. Oil pressure gage worked fine but the temp gage worked backwords.  however the oil pressure gage works in the opposite direction of the temp gage, so I put the movement from the oil pressure gage in where the temp gage was.  Gas gage works normal.   Hope this helps and doesn't confuse you.  Tom..