Started by river1, January 05, 2014, 11:21:29 AM

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chimp koose

We had the equivalent of -58F with the wind chill here on the weekend.I had to top up brake fluid in one truck and it poured like honey.


oh ... I am still riding my Goldwing to work. Heated jacket liner, plus the bike has heat on seat n grips.

Upper 30's this morning

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


My daughter works as a dispatcher 4- midnight shift, i had texted her last night to tell her to call if she had any problem starting her car after work. At 1 a.m. I get a text. She got home o.k. But now she has frozen pipes in her house. When i drove over there it was - 13. So till 2:30 a.m. This morning we were thawing pipes in her basement. Due to the 1885 construction and the placement of the pipes when water was added to the house it looks like we will have to add heat tapes to the pipes...if we can reach them, they are in an area that overhangs the foundation with only small openings, just big enough to put the nose of a heat gun in, to get to them.


40F out here on Vancouver Island, British Columbia.




Got up to 0 degrees (actual) and windy here today.  Temps near 40 and rain predicted for this weekend.  Might have to break out the summer clothes.


George, the pic of the dog was great!


Quote from: "purplepickup"Trying to housebreak a pup and I can't tell if he's peeing, pooping, or just stuck in the snow.

Hey George, Is that a new buddy for Murph or did something happen to him? He looks high-centered to me! Absolutely nothing cuter than a Golden pup!
Really cold here as well but fortunately,not much snow.....stay warm everyone!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Quote from: "purplepickup"Might have to break out the summer clothes.

Don't be thinking we need pics of this :-}  )bye(

later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


Quote from: "40"
Hey George, Is that a new buddy for Murph or did something happen to him? He looks high-centered to me! Absolutely nothing cuter than a Golden pup!
Murf is 12 yrs old which is getting old for a Golden.  He started sneezing blood last fall and had something growing in his nose. The vet did surgery and said it was a fast growing type of cancer that had spread to the bone.  We're treating him but they give him maybe a month or two, maybe longer...depends on how the treatments go.  Having a pup around will be somewhat of a distraction when Murf passes plus he likes having a little buddy.  I did the same thing when Drifter got old and I got Murphy.  It helps.  Aside from the nose thing, he is an active, playful 12 yrs old and doesn't know he's sick.  He's also nearly blind with crystally cataracts but it doesn't seem to bother him much.  He bumps into things once in a while.  He's laying here next to me right now snoring a little.

Aside from all that I am a dog person and can't imagine life without one.  A good dog pal keeps me grounded in this crazy world.  The pup came from the same lines as Drifter and Murphy....a very good breeder... and he is showing potential of being an outstanding dog.  He is very smart, eager to please, and has an excellent temperament.  He's a puppy but content to happily entertain himself at the same time.  He is very easy to train.  His name is Riley.

And so the world turns...

Here's a couple more pics.  Sorry for sort of hijacking the thread.


Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


Just a pic of the other extreme from june or july

later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


12 below this morning and the pump in the well has crapped out. Waiting for 8 AM to start calling for help. :cry:
Don Colliau


Quote from: "348tripower"12 below this morning and the pump in the well has crapped out. Waiting for 8 AM to start calling for help. :cry:

The plumbers are going to be busy. There have been a couple folks calling our handyman business with frozen pipes, in basements! One had a plumber there for a burst pipe and the plumbers said he had 18 more calls lined up!


Like most of the midwest we got a little over a foot of snow on Sun too. With the extreme cold the salt used on the roads here didn't do any good. Drifting was bad due to the high winds. Only about a third of the guys made it to work on Mon. I got called to work Sun night. My new Jeep got me through the mess. I've been working double shifts, lates and days since Sun. I spent the evening at work last night so I wouldn't have to drive back and forth. I am heading home in a little over an hour and going straight to bed. A full 16 hr off will be great. They ask me to pull another shift, middles, today. That would have been 24 hr straight. I declined.
The temp is warming up a bit today. That is when we find out at work how bad things really are. The frozen water and steam lines won't start to leak until they thaw. A lot of our engineering is done in Houston. They keep saying St. Louis is a southern city. They should spend a winter here. They would learn a whole new meaning to "hard water". We even have hard steam.
I'm told the roads are clear now. I'll find out soon.
Freezing drizzle and light snow expected tomorrow, but only 1/2 inch.