Boggs on Acceleration and Corners

Started by BFS57, October 02, 2013, 11:41:20 AM

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Just to get some answers my 57 started kind of cutting out yesterday when the accelerator is applied. If I apply it normally, it bogs (cuts out?) but if I feather it it seems ok.
My thoughts are eithor accelerator pump in my recent rebuilt Edelbrock, or float level. I did check the vacumme lines and ports on the carb and didn't find any that "seem" bad
Anyone else got any "News?" or "hints?"



Quote from: "BFS57"
My thoughts are eithor accelerator pump in my recent rebuilt Edelbrock, or float level

I think you may already know.

That would have been my first suggestion. But then again, I hate all carburetors. But I still use them.

You never have time to do it right the first time but you always have time to do it again.

wayne petty

Quote from: "BFS57"Hello;
Just to get some answers my 57 started kind of cutting out yesterday when the accelerator is applied. If I apply it normally, it bogs (cuts out?) but if I feather it it seems ok.
My thoughts are eithor accelerator pump in my recent rebuilt Edelbrock, or float level. I did check the vacumme lines and ports on the carb and didn't find any that "seem" bad
Anyone else got any "News?" or "hints?"


use a bright flash light and a mirror...  to look down the primary venturi with the choke blade open..  see if when you slowly operate the throttle lever ONE time from choke wide open.. throttle closed to wide open..

do you see a constant discharge of fuel from the primary discharge nozzle..

there is a check valve pin or check ball under the discharge nozzles as i recall.. this allows the pump to push fluid toward the nozzles.. but not pull it backward into the pump bore..

this leaking check valve would give you an intermittent pump discharge shot as you come around the corners..

can you post an exact edelbrock carb number????

check out the top of page 5...  there is a diagram..

there is a check ball with a weight over it..

i don't want to go too far as it seems that i might bore people..

you might have to play with the pump rod holes also..


The carb on my car is the Edelbrock 1406. I purchased it from an EBAY auction. It seemed new, had the box, instruction sheet and all. I did purchase a re-jet kit from a local parts house (Edelbrock) and played around with it and got it running quite well, that was quite a few years ago.
Recently I had Kens re-seal my intake as I had a suspicion it was leaking. I had them rebuild the carb at that time and everything seemed fine until the other day when it started doing the hesitation (bogg ) on acceleration every time! I'm headed there today to let them try to see whats up, after all, thats what I paid them for in the first place!


wayne petty


If you have vacuum advance, you might check that too, just fixed a Ford with a problem there that caused similar symptoms.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


I don't see how it just went from running fine to hesitation on acceleration but as I had paid Ken's garage to do the job in the first place, I certainly did not hesitate to take it back to him.
I did all the usual checks for any kind of vacuum leaks and such and everything seemed fine!
The car is now fine! Ken told me he had to "massage" it a bit due to the Ethanol in the gas, that things need to be a tad on the rich side. I don't know what he did but that darn ol chevy just gets up and really goes, now!! I'm Happy, Happy, Happy!