Minor Posting Issue..

Started by Arnold, November 09, 2012, 09:15:15 PM

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If I take too long responding to a post..with no warning..I get cut off.And DON'T KNOW IT.
By the time I am finished..and I hit submit..it is already too late and the sign in screen comes on. And then I cannot find what I typed?
I am very computer illiterate. Maybe there is something that is telling me to shut up haha.

wayne petty

for HUMOR ...   you can use more than one finger...

to answer your question...   when fat cat reads this.. he can probably extend your time out setting...

you  can also click the PREVIEW button

then find where you were at and continue typing there..  its just below where the window refreshes at...

do not hit the BACK button...

it works as far as i know...

you can also type your reply in word or other text program.. then copy and paste the words into the thread..

Fat Cat

The only way that can be happening is if you are doing something weird with the cookie the forum installs on your computer. For some reason either your cookie is timing out due to something you have configured on your computer r you have some software that regularly deletes cookies within a specified timeframe from when they were created.

I myself do not ever remove the cookie from my computer nor do I log out on this machine. So I do not have the issue you describe. I have left my computer set all day with a posting window open and was able to add it to the thread when I got home that evening.

Fat Cat

Quote from: "wayne petty"to answer your question...   when fat cat reads this.. he can probably extend your time out setting...

There is no timeout setting for posting messages. The only timeout is for the login cookie created on oyur computer. If the user does not click the remember me box then they cookie should last until they close the browser session. If the cookie is not lasting that long then they have setup some way of deleting the cookie before the end of the session.


Quote from: "Arnold"If I take too long responding to a post..with no warning..I get cut off.And DON'T KNOW IT.
By the time I am finished..and I hit submit..it is already too late and the sign in screen comes on. And then I cannot find what I typed?
....seems like it always happens after you've taken time to put a lot of info in a post doesn't it? :evil:

After having it happen to me from time to time, I tend to make my longer posts in MS Word then when it's got everything covered, I copy and paste it into the post window.


Thank you for ALL the help.
I think Wayne had it right..quick..I NEED to use more than one finger HAHA..or think,type QUICKER
As for Word or other text programs..MS..copying,pasting..I used to be an automotive machinist..you think I know ANYTHING about ANY of that stuff haha.
Cookies..my g/f makes the best oatmeal cookies!!

It is not a big deal..I just figured I would ask..
I should add that it happens at home on my laptop..and at another location where there are 3 other desk computers and a laptop and a different server. That is why I thought it was a timed thing.

Gotta type fast here now before I get the boot haha.



I had the same issue when I was using aol for my isp. Changed to Internet Explorer & no more problems. I'm still a 1 finger SLOW typer.
grandchildren are your reward for not killing your teenagers!


You are not alone Arnold.

I just finished a post on another Forum that took me almost an hour to complete.
It involved finding part numbers and much messing around looking up stuff on the internet for someone.