camera question

Started by awsum34, August 19, 2004, 07:35:08 AM

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here we go again on camera's. I know everybody has talked about this over and over. I know some of you have bought new camera's.
It's time to buy a new camera. I'm looking at a Nikon coolpix, Anybody have one of these? pro and cons.  Or anybody have any suggestion on any camera's.  right now i'm using a Sony  one that use a 3 1/2 floppy.
The only dumb question is the one you don\'t ask


I have a Minolta DiMage "Z1" and love it.

The 10x optical zoom is crystal clear, and at 3.2 mega pixels, it produces excellent 8x10's. If you plan on making pictures bigger than 8x10 though, Minolta has a new 4.0 Mega pixel DiMage called the "Z2".  

It  uses the "SD" memory cards. I have two 64mb cards and one 32mb. At the 1600x1200 setting, the 64mb cards will hold about 61 pictures. Max size with the Z1 is 2048x1536 and the 64mb card will hold 38 pics at that size. I normally take pics at 1600x1200, which produces excellent 5x7 prints. The only time I use 2048x1536 is if I am taking pics that I intend on printing 8x10.

I gave about $425 for mine a year ago, but Wally World has them for about $320 now, I think.


My digital camera is the Kodak cx6330 3.1mp and I am very pleased with it. It uses the SD cards. Someone told me the other day that they were reading about digital cameras and found out that the 3.1mp ones are actually turning out to better cameras than the 4mp & 5mp ones. That's why you have seen those cameras with the higher mp on sale. Companies are trying to get those out of their inventory. I leave my camera on the highest resolution 2032 x 1524 and then I shrink them down to a size that I can use on my website. You can see some of the pictures I took at Louisville on my website at
That will give you an idea of what the camera can do. I have been hearing many people say how they like the pictures that I took with this camera. I bought this camera from OfficeMax back around February of this year for $199. This week they have that one for $149 and it is a very good camera at that price.
A street rod is a vehicle made before 1949 that is modified with modern stuff: bigger motors; newer trans; updated suspension, front & rear; a/c.
Following is a street rod plus definition: No known definition because it changes.


I have one that is at here at work does a great job on macro shoots. I use a canon a40 for everything else.
I researched for what I wanted in a camera and the guy was on the money for what the camera will really do.
That which one can dream can be built......


I had a Sony Mavica that saved the photos on a 3 1/2" floppy but have just bought a Mavica that saves on a mini CD.  It has a 5 megapixel capacity.  The telephoto is not as good as the old one but I love being able to save hundreds of shots on a CD then just pop a new one in it.  I can even use mimi-CD-RW discs.

Jimmy Jay

I am currently using a Coolpix 5700 at work and for stills I like it a lot.  The battery life was a little short so I had the co. buy the AA battery conversion and I like that a lot better.  It adds some bulk and a lilttle heft to the thing but makes a great "handle" to steady it.

The up side is the 5.0 Mpixel resolution (and the fact that I didn't have to pay for it!!), the down side is the length of time it takes to make up its mind to take the durn shot!  It is not at all acceptable for moving or candid shots.

I will take it to the Nats North and will have some great static pics and I will try to get some rolling stock photos but I won't hold my breath.

I don't know if any of the lesser models will have the same problem.  The Coolpix replaced an Olympus and I liked that a lot.  Oh well.

Good luck,

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.  :wink:


I bought a gateway at best buy just fore louisville. Its a 5.25 mp and with the accessory kit ie extra battery case and 256mb memory card it was a little over 300 bucks after rebates. I like it.

HotRod John

I have a Canon A70, 3.2mp and absolutely love it.  I use it for my work and fun.  It takes pretty good pictures for the average person, is easy to operate and link to your computer and/or printer, but the clincher is that it also takes movies with sound.  The movies can be up to about 3 minutes each (which is a lot longer than it sounds) and you can take as many 3 minute clips as the memory card holds.  I use a 256Mb flash card and it will hold almost an hour of movies and pictures.  Even better, this is the easiest camera I have ever seen on batteries.  Four AA batteries seem to last forever in this camera.  Price a year ago was $299 with a 16Mb card, the PC to camera cable and a CD for setting up your computer.  I think they are cheaper now and the 256Mb cards are also down to around $35-$40.

HotRod John


We recently upgraded to an Olympus Camedia C-50 Zoom.  It's got 5 Migapixel and takes great shots & short video clips too.  I especially like the fact it is small and will fit in your pocket easily which means you tend to carry it with you more often and get more pics.  The bigger a camera is the more often you leave it behind.  If you're like me you'll buy a 64MB chip to expand the capacity.  Best price is at Sam's Club $324 which includes 16MB chip, rechargable batteries & charger, and computer cable.  Good Luck.   :wink:
Great Grandma Lee always said;  FAIR something you pay when you get on the bus!