
Started by binderskeepers, August 18, 2004, 08:01:24 PM

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Hi! I thought that it was about time that I jump in here with both feet and introduce myself. Of course I could also trip up and fall flat on my face.
My name is Ken Harper, Some of you already know me. I work in Baldur MB Canada at Loboys Rod and Custom. I have a wife, (Tanis), and three kids, (Mark, Tracy, Courtney). All are very involved in the automotive hobby. I have a soft spot (head) for international trucks, the latest one being a KB2 street rod, (under construction). Love old muscle cars,bikes,engines, the list could go on and on and on, say is there an echo in here? I should have been on here sooner, but I have been busy. (don't get much done sitting in front of a monitor). Looking forward to meeting more of you people out there, if I ever get this dammed truck done. By the way 40, I got my hauler truck done, complete to the black primer. I will catch you all later.


Ken...You'll find a great group of people here!I agree,you don't get much work done parked in front of a moniter but we're good for a laugh and a bit of valuable info now and then ...tell that slave driver boss of your's that it's continueing education :P It was nice to meet you and your wife this spring,I am enjoying the heck out of that old Ford coupe I drug home!Sounds like you've made good progress on that hauler...no wonder you aren't on the computer much!You and Rick need to wander South yet this year to one of the remaining events and swing by for a visit! By the way,I've seen that old Binder up close...It's a pretty neat old truck!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"

40 Chev Coupe

WElcome aboard.



Hi Ken,

Welcome to the RRT.  Post some pics of the KB2 when you get time ...sounds like a great rod project.    :wink:
Great Grandma Lee always said;  FAIR  ...is something you pay when you get on the bus!


Hello again. Here are some older pix of my binder. The truck has come a long way since these were taken. Here is a link to my web page. There are 3 pages of pix. Enjoy. Ken
