Just Posted Pics from the 2012 Starbird-Devlin Car Show

Started by Carnut, January 19, 2012, 07:28:38 PM

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Ernie Callen

Quote from: CarnutJust Posted 565 Pics from the 2012 Starbird-Devlin Car Show Wichita

thanks for the trip to Wichita! Great pics!



Nice !  how long does it take to put up 565 pics???   Tom...


Thanks all.

Tom, after 16yrs of doing pic posting I've got it down to a couple of hrs.

Back in the early days, I used to crop, enhance and resize every pic by hand and then label each pic with an identification.

I considered it one of the quality features of my website, setting it apart from other car pics sites.

That used to take quite a bit of time to do, so long actually that I started getting months and eventually years behind in posting the pics.

I started getting lots of complaints about it taking so long and I'm sure it hurt my viewership, so I decided I needed to change my procedure and get things out quicker or else lose my audience. Lots of other sites were stealing my thunder so to speak.

So now I just take the raw pics, run them thru a file renamer routine, then a resizer routine and load them onto the site as is. Creating the text html for the pages is easy and that is what you get now.

I'm still way behind in labeling, which is needed to ad pics to the 'index' 'and 'Gallery' sections. I'm still intermittently getting pics posted to the 'Index' from 2006/2007. Gonna be awhile before I catch up with that.

heh, heh, and this is all without some mentioning of some life problems kinda getting in the way.

Still no where near as hard as building real cars, but it's fun for me.

Now for this year we'll see if I can get out and actually take some pics of my own without relying on other folks to provide the pics.


Thanks for the pics. That will hold me over 'til Autorama.


Ok, after the comments in the GNRS post on the Roll feature, I've gone and cr]eated my version of the Roll freature for my Starbird-Devlin pics.

Check it out.


Hope it works for everyone.

Guess I'll be adding this freature to all my upcoming car show pics.
