Im back how bout everyone else???

Started by Dave, August 09, 2004, 07:34:37 PM

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Sue and I got back from louisville today about 3:30 michigan time. We made a stop in Ft Wayne to see the grand daughter. All i can say is what fun !!! We had a great time met some new people and some we have met before. The show was great and cooler this year. Lots of neat cars pro built and rat rod they were all there. I found the most fun part to be the party in the motel parking lot after the show in the evenings. Ive got a few pics to look at and maybe post a couple but i really didnt take a lot i kinda messed up there cause the party pics would have been great. Sue and I missed the bbq in the evenings for one reason or another but the grille on wheels looks good . Ill be there for the kzoo cook outs..
Im wondering why i havent seen any other posts??? I hope everyone else made it home ok. I guess bob and frank and george were heading to bville and neil aka pope down under who we met on i think friday evening and his friend were heading to detroit to the henry ford museum then off to bville. We saw them in the lounge at the motel last nite and said our good byes and headed to bed. A couple of real nice guys...
Well ... waiting for replies..

phat rat

like you I've been looking for other posts, especially ones with pics. I got home at 11:40 yesterday morning, left L'ville at 0 dark 5 (5:05)
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


The trip home was uneventfull...just the way I like it! My back held up well,I left Louisville about 10:30 Sunday morning and pulled in the drive about 2AM this morning.I showed up on the jobsite today but I sure wasn't worth a *!The timing was perfect as I missed the Brickyard traffic entirely...I was almost able to drive straight thru,I must be getting old,I had to stop about midnight for a 15 or 20 minute nap :roll: It was great seeing everyone again and I agree,the night life at the motel was very entertaining!I am not much of a photographer so I too am waiting to see some photos!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


I had an AWESOME time!  It was wonderful to see so many old buds and meet a few new ones too.  I'd like to add a special THANKS to BobK for obtaining the great spot we had.  Bob put alot of time and effort into waking at o-dark 30 and setting up all the tents and stuff so we would have plenty of room for all of us.  Thank you Bob!

We got home last nite but by the time I checked emails and PM's it was too late to post photos.  Tonight I had a BBQ with family, friends, PopeDownunder and Steve.  The guys headed to bed alittle while ago, and I'm right behind them.  Got some sleep to catch up on.  

I took quite a few photos around the BBQ encampment and will post tomorrow nite if I have a chance.  I'm taking the guys to a couple of local cruz nites, but it shouldn't be too late of a nite.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.



Yeah I'm back too, but Nagoya ain't Louisville, so I'm just sittin here crying in my coffee, waiting for you guy to start posting pics.  Then I won't be dissapointed any more, I'll simply be distraught!   :cry:  :cry:

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


I also had a great time and it was nice seeing everyone again. I think I walked five miles a day--at least my knees were thinking that--but a few beers helped ease that a bit. For the first time in a long time, I didn't need to buy anything--a couple of small things needed later for final assembly and I was able to locate suppliers. The trips to and from were uneventful with a minimum of road construction to deal with. And my 17 year old son didn't have any parties while I was gone so everything was okay at home when I returned. I really needed this getaway--very refreshing to get out of town for a few days.
'32 3W

I write novels, too.


I got home Sunday night. There's just enough time to get the coupe ready, do some laundry and repack for the trip to Bonneville.

I had a great time. Met some new friends, hung out with old friends, took lots of pictures, ate good food and most amazingly I enjoyed the weather the entire time I was there. That's a first.

It'll be a while before I get the pictures up on my site. I'm going to be running WFO until after Labor Day.

Your coupe looks great!


Quote from: "N8DC"Sue and I got back from louisville today about 3:30 michigan time. We made a stop in Ft Wayne to see the grand daughter. All i can say is what fun !!! We had a great time met some new people and some we have met before. The show was great and cooler this year. Lots of neat cars pro built and rat rod they were all there. I found the most fun part to be the party in the motel parking lot after the show in the evenings. Ive got a few pics to look at and maybe post a couple but i really didnt take a lot i kinda messed up there cause the party pics would have been great. Sue and I missed the bbq in the evenings for one reason or another but the grille on wheels looks good . Ill be there for the kzoo cook outs..
Im wondering why i havent seen any other posts??? I hope everyone else made it home ok. I guess bob and frank and george were heading to bville and neil aka pope down under who we met on i think friday evening and his friend were heading to detroit to the henry ford museum then off to bville. We saw them in the lounge at the motel last nite and said our good byes and headed to bed. A couple of real nice guys...
Well ... waiting for replies..

Slick 50

I left Louisville Sunday morning about 5:30 and drove to the Colorado border.  Then on in to Lakewood on Monday.

I'm on the job today. Cool folks so far.

Had a great time at Louisville. It was great to see so many new people.

The cooker worked great, too. It certainly was a topic of conversation the whole weekend.

Ken    8)
aka Slick 50


Quote from: "Carps"Back?

Yeah I'm back too, but Nagoya ain't Louisville, so I'm just sittin here crying in my coffee, waiting for you guy to start posting pics.  Then I won't be dissapointed any more, I'll simply be distraught!   :cry:  :cry:

Hey Buddy Old Pal,
Be glad you didn't come over.
A bunch of us hit a great blues bar in town called Stevie Rays. The beer was cold, the women were hot, and the music was just downright
sick-*-nasty. A couple a cats could really make the Strat whail.
But nooooo, you had to go and make other plans.
And with all the nice things everyone said about you all weekend.
(Of course Chawcoe disputed all of them)
His wife is a sweetheart-I felt sorry for her and offered to take up a donation...
Chawcoe (as she says it) is the only guy I know who could pull his shirt up around his eyes and pass for a large roll-on deodorant.
I better run. He's still stateside, and now he knows where Florida is... :(
:D  :D  :D
***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...


Brian!!!!! I can't believe you went to Stevie Ray's without me  :?   thats one of my favorite places, we hit it everytime were in Louisville  :roll:  :(


Quote from: "KustomLincolnLady"Brian!!!!! I can't believe you went to Stevie Ray's without me  :?   thats one of my favorite places, we hit it everytime were in Louisville  :roll:  :(

It's not his fault Debb, he was there, you weren't. :roll:

I just arrived in Las Vegas about an hour ago. George, and my wife and I stopped to see WZJunk on the way out. Neosho Mo. sunday night, Albequerque NM monday night, and Vegas today.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"
Quote from: "KustomLincolnLady"Brian!!!!! I can't believe you went to Stevie Ray's without me  :?   thats one of my favorite places, we hit it everytime were in Louisville  :roll:  :(

It's not his fault Debb, he was there, you weren't. :roll:

I just arrived in Las Vegas about an hour ago. George, and my wife and I stopped to see WZJunk on the way out. Neosho Mo. sunday night, Albequerque NM monday night, and Vegas today.

Well arent you guys lucky :(  !!
I can't wait till kzoo, I missed all the fun, now if we could just get bry and 40 back for that I could finally meet them. Rob is actually going this yr  :shock: , mumbled something about a swap meet :?


Debb...I would love to make the trip to Kzoo...even thought about a road trip on the scooter...but,I will be finishing up a large project we have been working on all summer and not sure if we'll complete it in time.I just don't understand why the homeowner thinks they should be able to move in on time just because they've spent several hundred thousand dollars...they should realize how that interupts my summer car fun :roll: Hope to make it and look forward to meeting you as well!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Post the pictures, post the pictures...

Ok, you have waited long enough. Go to my website to a page on there I created last night ( and you can see some pictures of the Nats. Enjoy.
A street rod is a vehicle made before 1949 that is modified with modern stuff: bigger motors; newer trans; updated suspension, front & rear; a/c.
Following is a street rod plus definition: No known definition because it changes.