Update on Hooley's Salt Stude...

Started by 1FATGMC, August 07, 2004, 03:54:59 PM

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Thanks to a lot of work by John, Hooley and a bunch of his friends the Stude is getting done.  He fired the motor (mechanically injected 400 sbc running alcohol) yesterday.  Hopefully a week from now it will be getting ready for it's first run down the salt.

John drove 80 miles, one way, to Hooley's in Ok yesterday morning and got the car on the trailer and went back to Missouri with it.  At his house he mounted the newly painted frontend and hood and then returned it to Hooley's before Hooley got off work (320 miles plus some work).  You did good John.

Here are a few pictures that John e-mailed me that I wanted to share with you guys and gals.


A picture I took of the car when I saw it after the OK NSRA min nats a couple months ago.


With the tunnel ram looking mechanical injection installed a couple weeks ago on a dummy block.


The inside as of yesterday.

With the newly painted, by John, frontend on it as of yesterday with John next to it before he hauled it back to Ok.

These guys have done a lot of work in a short period of time and thanks to all of their work I and some others are going to get to enjoy being with the car and them on the salt.  Thanks guys.

c ya, Sum


Looks sharp - can't wait to see it in action.  What class is it going to run in?


Serious looking salt racer, Sum! What is their class -- B/FCC?


Quote from: "av8"Serious looking salt racer, Sum! What is their class -- B/FCC?

Yep, for you guys that wonder what the letters stand for and don't have a rule book:

B is the engine size 373 cu in to 439 cu in
F is fuel (any fuel besides gas)
CC is Competition Coupe

It falls into the Competition Coupe class because of the top chop.  Since in CC the only part of the body that has to stay stock is from the cowl back and below the roof he is running in a class where you see the coupes with the real long noses.  The record in this class is 278.350 mph.  Hooley knows he could never run that with this car.  He is just hoping to run over 200 for personal reasons.

Competition Coupe has some very heavy hitters especially with the larger motors.

If he returns in the future with a blower (he runs one on his A that he drag races) then he would be B/BFCC with the B after the / telling you that it is a blown class.

c you guys on the salt,



You guys will be easy to find!  That's a stand out stude!  

Dad and I are headed out tomorrow morning,  we'll mosey our way down and hopefully be able to put in a day or two helping with the set up.  

I'll look forward to seeing you guys next weekend.



Quote from: "Cword"You guys will be easy to find!  That's a stand out stude!  

Dad and I are headed out tomorrow morning,  we'll mosey our way down and hopefully be able to put in a day or two helping with the set up.  

I'll look forward to seeing you guys next weekend.


We are hoping to get in there Thursday evening and be out setting up the pits early Friday.  We'll try and get near you guys.

c ya,  Sum