Live from Kalamazoo

Started by 348tripower, September 17, 2011, 07:43:25 AM

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Does that mean you are homeless? Did the buy the shop too? I could store one of your cars. I haven't had anything to tear up for a while. :lol: My car is still for sale but you would have to bring your trailer for it. :lol:
 Sorry about Denise's mom....


Hi Mike....Hope you're doing well! They did not buy the extra lot and shop....but....I still have 2 families worth of junk in there from them  being displaced by the flood. I'm hoping they can be back in their homes in the next few weeks so I can have my shop back! The Mother-in-law had suffered the last dozen years or so from Alzheimers and had been in the nursing home the past 10 years or so......It was a blessing that she finally went to see Jesus! I bought the lot directly across the street to the North of the shop......I'll have to walk across the street instead of across the extra lot.Got the hole dug,footings in and the fellows are going to start setting the wall pans in the morning.....should have a basement by Monday!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"