new to board and wanted to give a brief intro

Started by meanmachine, August 04, 2004, 01:45:30 PM

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I'm new to the board and decided to join after reading through alot of the post and most of the tech section.
there is alot of knowledge on this board and hope to learn more from all the members here.
currently I am working on a 54 pontiac 2 dr ht. I have decided to keep the flathead 8 and trans for now mainly due to the fact the it had just been rebuilt just a year before I got it.
but 90% of the stainless is missing so I am going to shave it clean and if I can get some one to teach me chop the top a few inches.
Again thanks for allowing me to be a part of this fine board
That which one can dream can be built......


Welcome. I hope you learn as much from this board as I have.
'32 3W

I write novels, too.


Quote from: "meanmachine"I'm new to the board and decided to join after reading through alot of the post and most of the tech section.
there is alot of knowledge on this board and hope to learn more from all the members here.
currently I am working on a 54 pontiac 2 dr ht. I have decided to keep the flathead 8 and trans for now mainly due to the fact the it had just been rebuilt just a year before I got it.
but 90% of the stainless is missing so I am going to shave it clean and if I can get some one to teach me chop the top a few inches.
Again thanks for allowing me to be a part of this fine board

Welcome.  I had a 50 or 51 Pontiac ambulance as my daily driver in the late 60's.  Moving from Ill. to Wyo. I was pulling a trailer with it in the summer.  It kept overheating and the only way I made it was by putting the hood in the trailer.  That was another car I should have kept.

Hope we can help some.  Just ask questions.

c ya, Sum


Thanks for the warm welcome.
most of the questions I have have been answered in either other post or in the tech section. but Iam sure I will run into some as the project gets further along.
That which one can dream can be built......


QuoteI had a 50 or 51 Pontiac ambulance as my daily driver in the late 60's

About a mile from me is a 50 ambulance that has been sitting in the same spot since I moved to Indiana 9 years ago. The owner will not even talk too you about it or the 53 merc sitting beside it both are in need of repair but either one would make a great rod.
That which one can dream can be built......


Hi Vill,

Welcome to the RRT.  Looks like a great Pony project ...keep us posted on your progress.  Lots of good rodders here with great experience to help when you need it.    :wink:
Great Grandma Lee always said;  FAIR something you pay when you get on the bus!


Welcome! Everyone's pretty easy going here so fire the questions when ready.



You won't find a NICER bunch,anywhere..........
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.


Welcome! Jim is exactly right...You will be hard pressed to find a better bunch...this past weekend at the Nat's was certainly evidence of that !
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"