Local gasoline prices

Started by Crosley.In.AZ, February 05, 2011, 03:27:51 PM

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Paid 3.08  on 12-18-2011  near the house Costco

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)

phat rat

Was $3.07 last night about 20 mi south of me. I saw $3.03 along I-80 in Ind. yesterday.
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


away from the house i paid $2.99 :lol:

near the house costco and nearest cheapest was $3.01

later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


I was up near Bell Road and 30th street today.. Fry's food store  had 2.98 on their signs for regular. Not sure if there is a discount card involved at that price

The Goldwing was near full, so I rode on... It will nice if the sun returns to AZ sometime soon

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)

Uncle Bob

You guys must have kinder taxing authorities, $3.29.9 at Costco yesterday, 3.35-3.40 out on the streets.
Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity meet.

Boyd Who

Prices dropped almost 10 cents/litre here today. It's down to 99.9/L now.


My wife called on her way to work and said gas was $2.95 at a station by my daughters house, it was  $3.19 yesterday....I'm leaving for Raleigh on Friday so do i fill up now and chance it going lower or wait....... :?

phat rat

Fill up now. That will guarantee the price will go lower.  :wink:
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


Quote from: "phat rat"Fill up now. That will guarantee the price will go lower.  :wink:

HA, got it for $2.95, my daughter came over for lunch and when she got home she texted me to let me know it was $3.39 at the closest station to my house! The $2.95 station was a madhouse, the Canadians were filling plastic cans and loading them in their trunks!!!  :shock:


Yep, filled my Pickup up with $75 worth of $3.03 gas just last week and now it's $2.99 here.

Bruce Dorsi

Quote from: "Carnut"Yep, filled my Pickup up with $75 worth of $3.03 gas just last week and now it's $2.99 here.

I'm often amazed by our concern of a gasoline price increase or decrease of a few cents.

I'm not criticizing Carnut for his statement, but I will use it as an example to perform the math.

The $75 purchase of $3.03 gas yielded 24.75 gallons.  

24.75 gals @ $ .04 difference = $ 0.99 which is approximately 1/3 gallon at the lower price.

If his vehicle gets 10 mpg, it would only go an additional 3.3 miles.
If his vehicle gets 30 mpg, it would only get an additional 10 miles.

So, at 30 mpg, that's an extra 10 miles for every $75 spent.  .....One would have to spend $750.00 to get an extra 100 miles.

What's my point?  ....Read on.

I was at a station to fill-up on a Sunday.  ....The attendant told me if I waited until Wednesday, I could save 8 cents per gallon.  

My response was, "I don't like to walk!"  .....He was confused, so I explained that I need gas for the next few days.  

He then suggested that I buy just enough to hold me until Wednesday.

I then explained that my truck took 30 gallons (that purchase), and even with the 8 cent difference ($2.40) it would not buy me another gallon, and at best I may get an additional 12 miles out of that tank, which is not enough incentive for the inconvenience of returning to the station 3 days later or risk running out of gas.

The attendant look dumbfounded and replied that nobody ever explained it to him that way.
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If being smart means knowing what I am dumb at,  I must be a genius!


Heh, heh, yep Bruce you nailed it.

Kinda why most of my posts in this thread are tongue in cheek.

Sure wish more of the country understood this math, especially when considering car purchases for 'better gas mileage'. Kinda like spending $30k to save $100/yr.


I usually don't sweat a nickle or so per gallon, but i saved 40 cents per gallon today; that worked out to $8 on my fillup, well worth the 1.2 mile trip in the rain, for me anyway!  :lol:  As i type this they are saying on the news that gas is rising and expected to go even higher...must be time for me to be taking a trip...800 miles each way. :?

Uncle Bob

Careful Bruce, you'll end up on the same list George and I are. :wink:

In our modern society, fuel/energy is right up there with food and shelter as far as value in our lives, it enables so much of what we do, including freedom.

Just something to cogitate: is there any other line of business that posts the price for it's primary product offering out where customers can make a purchase decision, up or down, before they even come in to the store?

I suppose an internet store would come close, but not quite the same.
Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity meet.