Serial numbers on frames

Started by Topsterguy, October 29, 2010, 06:54:41 PM

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Hey Folks!   a friend of mine is looking at a glass 34 coupe, supposedly on a stock 34 frame in Indiana. The owner says the reason there's no serial numbers on it, at all, is because they didn't start putting them on the frame til the late 30's. This doesn't sound right to me - I thought they started that with model A's ?  He says he can show a paper trail on the car back 10 years, but has to apply in writing to the MV branch to get it.  I told my pal to ask what the serial number on the reg is and where that came from.  Thoughts????
"If a man is alone in the forest and speaks, and there\'s no woman around, is he still wrong?"



I bought a Model A frame last year specifially to get a number; it's there on top of the left rail, stamped from the factory.

chimp koose

my model T had a serial # on the frame.



Charlie Chops 1940

If your pal is in BC he needs to fully understand what documents and visual proof, if any, is required for the VIN number upon presentation for importation. If he is in Washington state I hear they are prickelish to some degree.

As for the why it's not on the frame, or at least visible is probably because it doesn't match or hasn't been put on...wink, wink. It's not necessarily a deal stopper yet, depending on where he is.

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!


Thanks guys!  As always, good info!   :wink:     Larry
"If a man is alone in the forest and speaks, and there\'s no woman around, is he still wrong?"

Uncle Bob

Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity meet.


I heard of a young fellow who got an abandoned car , 50's vintage, off a farmer. He spent about $25,000 and several years on it till it was finished. Time came when he wanted to put it on the road. He did a trace on the car and found that the last registered owner used to be from Vancouver and so he contacted them. The fellow at the other end said he would be glad to  sign off on the car and that he would be in the kids area some weeks later. Arrangements were made and the kid was waiting for the fellow on this saturday afternoon....... Down his driveway came this pickup and trailer. Behind it was a police car. The kid was told by the fellow that he came for his car,,, the cops said there was nothing he could do but return the car to it's registered owner,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The kid watched devastated, as his finished car rode away on this guys trailer. Everyone was disgusted by what had happened ,,, even the cops,,, but it did happen.

Get clean papers, don't do a car until you do. This is a true story and makes one sick that someone could do that but they are out there.
What\'s that noise?,,, Never mind,, I\'ll check it later


Thanks again, Folks!  He talked to the guy and he was adamant that there were no serial numbers on the frames til the late 30's, so things just didn't seem right he passed on it.
"If a man is alone in the forest and speaks, and there\'s no woman around, is he still wrong?"