The end

Started by enjenjo, July 10, 2010, 12:18:36 PM

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I too am as guilty as the next for lack of posts. I do check in at least twice daily to keep abreast of the happenings. The information here is invaluable and one of the best tools in problem solving available anywhere. You can develop a strong bond with the other members without ever meeting the majority of them.

Guess it is time to quit lurking and contribute to site. I'd hate to see it disappear. Once I figure out how to post pics, I'll show you folks what is going on in my shop!

Thanks to enjenjo and fat cat for their hard work. We owe it to them to help make this work.


Ohio Blue Tip

Thanks for not shutting down, at least for now.  I am guilty of not posting much, but look at the board every day and would miss it very much.  I have met many friends through this board that I would not have with out it.  
Let me know if I can help in any way.

Some people try to turn back their odometers
Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way.
I\'ve traveled a long way and some of the
roads weren\'t paved.



I am relieved but I can't make any wordy promises. This place has given me two very good friends and their families. GPster


Awwwwww maaaaann, that really sucks!  I don't know how many people I've told "check out rodding roundtable - they're ALWAYS got answers to problems I've had!" To me this was / is the best site because it's SO easy to use and there's lots to learn here. Really sorry to hear it's going away.  Larry :(
"If a man is alone in the forest and speaks, and there\'s no woman around, is he still wrong?"


Okay, so after posting above I read a few more posts to find out that Franks not shutting down after all, at least for the time being! Glad to hear that! I'll try to be a better member!! :D
"If a man is alone in the forest and speaks, and there\'s no woman around, is he still wrong?"


Quote from: "WZ JUNK"
This is just one example.  Somebody posted years ago about how to do a tilt front end.  I answered and Sumner answered.   Sumner and I started to visit and we found out how much we had in common.  I made a life long friend.  In turn Sumner invited a group of us to his house and then to Bonneville.  On the way home Hooley said, "I think I will build one of them race cars".   I said, " Well Hooley, if you want to do it, I will help you."  And that opened up a whole new world to me.  I have had more experiences because of that race car than I could have every imagined.  Most of the crew of that race car are members of this board.  I can clearly say that if it were not for the RRT the # 974 would never have been built.  That is just one way the RRT has changed my life.  There are many others.  I value the friends that I make and I have made many here.    


I had always dreamed of some day going to Bonneville. Through this forum I learned of the # 974. I contacted Hooley through the forum. He invited me out to the salt flats and their pit. I have been there the last 2 years. I watched Hooley do his dance after breaking his old record. I visited in Sumners shop and home. I rode in Charlie's beautiful roadster on the salt. I got to wrench on a record holder. The other guys in the 974 crew are all special too. Of all the automotive memories I have those two visits are the most memorable, not only because of the place but because of the guys I have met and now consider friends. I owe those trips and friends to this forum. Thanks guys!

Back in my early years on this site, Carl coached me through a complete paint job. I couldn't have done it without him. That paint job won a PPG Best Use of Color award. I owe that to this forum.

I am no longer a regular poster here. I do check in from time to time. The RRT is still on the top of my "favorite" list. I have fallen away not because of the site, but because of my lifestyle. I still love the cars but am much less motivated to get out and work on them. I spend to many hours at work, and not enough with my passion. I'm tired and dreaming of retirement which is years away. When I finally retire I hope to return with a vengeance.


i check in here every evening, and i do learn something new at least once a day, and although i read every post, some times i have to ponder my wording, and by the time i figuire out how to say what i have to say, someone else has said it.... thankyou Frank and fat cat for all that you do


Hey Frank

I just thought I would post and say how glad I am to hear that the site is getting a stay of execution.

I am clearly as guilty of anyone of not posting. No real reason, just busy.

But I do lurk whenever I can.

I shall make an effort to frequent the site more often, because it is too cool to loose.

I too am an IT geek, and remember well your support when HRI went turtle. Any assistance you need, just yell.......although if it dived to 5 posts a day, I guess more helpers isn't the problem  :roll:

:oops:  :oops:  :oops:  I just checked my stats, and found I haven't posted in almost two years and had an unopened pm from 2007  :oops:  :oops:  :oops:


Thank you Frank for giving us another chance.
I don't post often.
Heck I live on the other side of T Town and only bump into you a few time a year.
( I will be at the hony bear this friday)
I don't think it's just this board that is slowing down,I see it on other boards too.
But Thank for hanging with us.


When I started this post, I was going by numbers only. I did not realise how many of you visit without logging in, so you don't show up in the stats. PMs from many of you made me aware of it. With the post count down, and the visits down, all I could see was in was no longer relevant. All I really needed was some feedback.

The mention of the Huggy Bear made me think about this. It's less than a mile from the house, and has been going on for several years, but two weeks ago was the first time I had attended. Lots of reasons, but none of them were really valid. Mostly, I was just to lazy to make the effort. When I attended two weeks ago, it was the first time the Marlin was out of storage since last October. I've had it at three cruises or shows in the last two weeks. I enjoyed all of them. Mostly the drive to, and from the cruise or show.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.

chris spokes

8) gee i'm glad your not shutting it down i also drifted from everyday to one visit a month and it was by chance that i found out you were going to shut down as on ozrodders i don't normally check the off topic section but today i did and i promise to drop in every day from now on  8)  :wink:
he who has the most toys wins


So what can we do to inject some life into this forum? It's been done before but some of us old farts can tell what we remember about the 50's and 60's. How about some shop and project pictures? How about some local car show pix?
Frank, when do you guys think you will have the Crosley ready to go?
I am shooting for next Spring on the Fiat--MATCH RACE! I'll meet you half way somewhere.  So far all I have is the drive line and body so I am pretty much starting from scratch. It will be a legal altered for " nostalgia racing". :idea:  If there is any interest I will take a bunch of pictures and try to do a build thread on it.
Just when you think you are winning the Rat Race, along come faster rats!



I just read this post. I too would miss this site a lot. The information and answers to questions is worth a million bucks to me. Not to mention the friends I have made.
Don Colliau


Boy am I glad this thread changed direction. It is my first look daily also. As far as not being logged on, I don't unless I am going to post because I have to log in each time. That is ok with me, but you don't know I'm here.
I respect the others on this forum and greatly value the info available here. Yes I do look at some of the more active sites, but I do not value them as much as RRT. Please hang in there. Joe


QuoteIf there is any interest I will take a bunch of pictures and try to do a build thread on it.

Sure, post them, where else will I steal ideas for the Crosley. :roll:
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.