What are you doing today?

Started by enjenjo, April 23, 2010, 04:57:12 PM

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That's a fact. When a big fluorescent tube hits the floor there's glass everywhere.
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)


Put the Impala away for the winter, no more scraping the truck windshield.  
Should be bringing home my cherry picker and TIG next weekend.  Want to pull the motor that I sold out of the Vicky and get new pictures.  Going to try Auto traders Classic, and then possibly Ebay.  I have spent plenty on Ebay, but never sold anything, should be quite an experience.

1965 Impala SS  502
1941 Olds

Watcher of #974 1953 Studebaker Bonneville pas record holder B/BGCC 249.945 MPH.  He sure is FAST


58 Yeoman

Sitting in U of Iowa hospital with a gold plaque on my eye with radioactive pellets in it. They found a melanoma on my eye earlier this year, and it turned out to be cancerous.  The installed the plaque on Friday, and it will hopefully come off Wednesday.  The operation wasn't really so bad, but I got really sick on Sat and Sun.  Don't really know if it was the meds or radiation...I"m suspecting the meds, because I feel much better today.

I had gone to the VA early this year for a new pair of glasses (first time there for that), and the opthomologist found the spot.  She sent me to another eyecare place up the street, and they confirmed it.  She then referred me here.  I've had a lot of skin cancer surgeries, but I'm told that they aren't related.  I'll just be happy to be out of here.

On a happier note, when I go back to work next Monday, I'll only have to work for four days, then go in on Friday for my retirement lunch and be gone after 40 years at the same place.  I'll be joining the ranks of every day being Saturday.  LOL.
I survived the Hyfrecator 2000.

"Life is what happens when you're making other plans."
1967 Corvair 500 2dr Hardtop
1967 Corvair 500 4dr Hardtop


Quote from: "58 Yeoman"Sitting in U of Iowa hospital with a gold plaque on my eye with radioactive pellets in it. They found a melanoma on my eye earlier this year, and it turned out to be cancerous.  The installed the plaque on Friday, and it will hopefully come off Wednesday.  The operation wasn't really so bad, but I got really sick on Sat and Sun.  Don't really know if it was the meds or radiation...I"m suspecting the meds, because I feel much better today.

I had gone to the VA early this year for a new pair of glasses (first time there for that), and the opthomologist found the spot.  She sent me to another eyecare place up the street, and they confirmed it.  She then referred me here.  I've had a lot of skin cancer surgeries, but I'm told that they aren't related.  I'll just be happy to be out of here.

On a happier note, when I go back to work next Monday, I'll only have to work for four days, then go in on Friday for my retirement lunch and be gone after 40 years at the same place.  I'll be joining the ranks of every day being Saturday.  LOL.

I hope this works out like planned. Best of luck.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Good luck Phil. Enjoy the retirement from a paying job..... :lol:


Good luck with the eye and the retirement Yeoman.
You never have time to do it right the first time but you always have time to do it again.

phat rat

Good luck with the eye and enjoy retirement. I spent 43 years with my employer and haven't missed it a bit. it'll be nine years the end of Jan. It's only 6 Saturdays as you still have Sunday
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.

Charlie Chops 1940

Sounds like the right treatment on the eye Phil. As for retirement - if you're anything like Jack and I - busier than when we worked - you will like it fine. I'm in my 11th year and never looked back.

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!

58 Yeoman

Thanks guys.  I'm looking forward to being able to do my own projects, especially the '41 Pontiac.  Things are looking good with the eye problem, will know for sure Wednesday.
I survived the Hyfrecator 2000.

"Life is what happens when you're making other plans."
1967 Corvair 500 2dr Hardtop
1967 Corvair 500 4dr Hardtop


Quote from: "enjenjo"Friday I put up the last piece of siding on my shop. It only took two years. Now the back shop has to be reroofed, I have all the material. I just need to do it.

I have been working on this 34 Ford, the front spring needed to be replaced, and I discovered the angle of the shackle hole on the perch pin, was not the same angle as the spring end, so I picked up a pair of adjustable perch pins. The first one came out fine with a few taps with a brass hammer. The second one will not move. Since it's a chrome axle, I can't use too much heat, I used penetrant, and heated it with a heat gun, still no go. I spent an hour today making an adapter for my ball joint press, so I can put some pressure on it while heating it. We'll see.

Today I was going to push that perch pin out. So I got out the ball joint press, and you think I could find the adapter I made? I had it saturday, and set it on the bench. Today it wasn't there. Off and on today I looked for it while I was doing other things. I did not find it. I had resigned myself to making another one. Just before I came in the house, I walked by the bench, glanced over, and there it was just where I had left it. :roll: If there was some one here, I would think that they were screwing with me, but no one was here. So where was it?
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Just when you think you are winning the Rat Race, along come faster rats!


Charlie Chops 1940

"So where was it?"  

So! You have my parallel universe segment...I've been looking everywhere for it...give it back cuz there's a bunch of my stuff in it.
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!


"So where was it?"

Your childhood buddy NOT ME had it.
You never have time to do it right the first time but you always have time to do it again.


Couple weeks ago, the guy that works on assembling  components for power glides came over.  He asked if I had the holding fixture for the planetary bowls & output shafts.

I looked around him , through the doorway & I could see the fixture setting on the power glide bench in plain sight.  I pointed to it.. he saw it.  I guess he could not see it when right next to the fixture?  He is MUCH younger than Enjenjo

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


I always set things right where I can find them...... I'm going to stop doing that. Just as well put them under every thing else.... would be easier to find....