I need HELP - 48 Plym. trunk lid spring system???

Started by jakesbackyard, July 07, 2004, 08:17:27 PM

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I'm doing the interior (almost done) and trunk on a '48 Plymouth. It has been apart for years and now I have to figure out how to put the trunk spring mechanism back together and in and hopefully working. It has a metal bar that runs inside a spring. The bar attaches to the lid on one end and the car bracket on the other. I know it will be a real trick to compress the spring, but my real question is what was used to attach the front end of the bar and the rear end of the bar??? The front looks like a long rod or bolt will work, but the rear looks like it must have used two rivets or something. If I attach the rear with rivets or bolts first, then it will be real hard to compress the spring. If I mount the spring first, it will be real hard to put in bolts or rivets in the rear mounts.

Anyone have any experience with htis setup. Any help would be appreciated. It looks like a good idea, I just wish it was together.

Thanks for any help.


Hi Jim!

Is the car a coupe or sedan?
I have quite a few 47-48 plymouths in my yard and can check it out.
I will get some digital pics and e-mail them to you if it will help.
I built my 47 coupe about 25 years ago, but "CRS" has taken its toll on me.   :(  
It couldn't have been too difficult or I likely would have remembered that!



I don't know how to assemble it but I think this is a picture of one.   Maybe it will help jog someone's memory.  The springs even look like they're under a pretty good load with the trunk lid up.  I was thinking of using that kind of setup for a rear flip up door on a moredoor converted to a sedan delivery.



Thanks for the replys Rick and George. That's what makes this a great place to come for information.

Rick - it is a coupe.

George - it is very similar to the pictures - but the ears of the bars on the one I have go back toward the front of the car. In other words, when the spring is installed it is in side those two ears that the pin is going through in your picture. That's why I figured rivets in that spot. You are right - when it gets together it will have a lot of pressure.

I have to make new ends to the bars (one is broke off) so maybe I'll weld them on like the pictures. I'm afraid it may put more pressure on the whole thing though as the spring will have a shorter length to travel.

I have to attack this tomorrow in the late morning, so I'll check in here in case anyone has any more info.

Thanks much for the replys, info, and pics.


Took these of my 48 Dodge,hope they help. The flat rod inside the spring is slotted and slides over the pin in the front(photo 3).  Also there is a rubber stopper on one hinge to keep the trunk lid from contacting the body when opened.
I got lost in thought, it was unfamiliar territory!


Thanks for all the help guys. The pictures were a great help.

I got them together today - what a royal pain in the posterior!  One of those - "think about it for a couple of hours and then do it in a half hour" projects. After making a new end for one of the bars, I loaded the springs using my drill press to compress the spring over the bar with a vice-grip under and closing it when the spring was compressed. Then mounted the loaded assembly on the forward mount first. Then used short machine screws for the rear mounts. I always get nervous when working with loaded springs. I think about everything letting go and loosing a finger or something.

But they're done and the trunk is about half upholstered with no loss of fingers or eyes yet. The system sure works good when all together.

Thanks again.