Barry Grant closes it doors

Started by rumrumm, February 21, 2011, 10:10:36 AM

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Although I have never been a fan of his products, I hate to see guys who have built a businesses from the ground up close their doors.
'32 3W

I write novels, too.


enjenjo put up a notice in the throne room forum.

BG products were just like most products, some folks love them , others use them to hold the trash can down to the floor.

It is sad, I fear more companies will fall ,  indirectly caused by our failed policy and actions of the O'Bama possee

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


I had heard some time ago that BG had been on shaky ground financially. Too bad he couldn't have filed for Chapter 11 and stayed in business.
'32 3W

I write novels, too.


According to previous information, they had already filed for chapter 11 in October, 2009.

wayne petty

i suspect they would not sell the company to a group who said they would take over and run it as is...  who just wanted to go in and sell its assets off... lease them back... transfer the cash and run off with it leaving everybody else ...

this has happened many times...

its the banks and their buddies...  who are breaking this nation...  divide and conquer

at some point...  the bottom will fall totally out.. at some point after that.. they will come in and buy up everything at one cent on the dollar... if not less...   everybody will be paying them rent..

Divide and Conquer Strategy also includes methods with which to control the funds and resources of the small conquered parties. For example, a powerful leader may encourage a less powerful leader to make unwise financial decisions in order to drain the smaller power's resources. This is often successful if the leaders of the smaller powers have inflated egos and delusions of grandeur. It is important to note that this form of Divide and Conquer strategy is only effective if the smaller power allows itself to be influenced by the larger power.

Divide and Conquer Strategy was used widely by the Roman and British empires. Both superpowers played small tribes and groups against one another in order to control their lands and territories. Divide and Conquer Strategy was used by the Romans when they took Britain, when the British Empire took India, and when the Anglo-Normans took Ireland. Divide and Conquer Strategy is a staple political strategy and is still used by many countries today.

Divide et impera


Corporate America is not what it used to be.  Even sound companies with long term employees are bringing new yonger blood to fill the ranks. The banks dictate what they want to see and the company will oblige or will be cut off.
I really think the down fall of American corporations started when making payments began to go out to 90 and 120 days. That forced business to go to the bank for the line of credit. Thus the bank is in control. The company I worked for had to bring in an advisor and pay him for his services. This was all dictated by the bank.
Notice I said worked for. I was let go Thursday February 11. 33 years of service.
It sucks but life will go on.
Don Colliau


That really sucks, Don. But you are right--it's not the end of the world, just the start of something new. I've been there and you just have to keep a positive attitude.
'32 3W

I write novels, too.


Quote from: "348tripower"
Even sound companies with long term employees
are bringing new younger blood to fill the ranks.

Younger blood = work for less.  

:wink:   :x


The way it was explained to me by a very good friend was,
Every ending = A new beginning.  :D
Don Colliau


Similar tactics for business sales over the years.

I talked to an old time Art Carr trans employee.  he filled me on what Art did near the end when he sold the business.  Then the whole works was moved to Nevada .... then the company re-sold Art Carr Performance and moved to Texas.

You guys did hear that Art Carr Performance in Texas has closed the doors?

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)