08 NSRA Louisville Pics by Travis Drury

Started by Carnut, October 04, 2008, 07:23:49 PM

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Just finished posting 559 pics on 14 pages of 08 NSRA Louisville provided by Travis Drury.


Still have a few more 08 NSRA Louisville pics to go.


559 pixs is that all we took 1200 and I'm still going through them. Actually there were some cars there I must have missed but I don't know how.
It was an excellents Nats and the trade pavilion just blew us away.

While it's good seeing these cars inside, having the high stands and ropes around the cars doesn't make for taking good pictures. I wish they would lower the ropes. That bugged me the first time I went.

Thanks for the photos it still gives me a buzz now. 8)
I maybe from down under but I know which way is up.
Oh hell there goes another head rush.