Safety reminder

Started by Crosley.In.AZ, June 11, 2004, 09:05:49 PM

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Be careful out there.   Wear your saftey glasses.

I've had NO recent  injury, but a fellow at work took to not wearing the glasses while on the wire wheel/grinder  or the large disc sander.  Several people mentioned to him about the lack of safety glasses.

Soon the word got to his supervisor and here is the best part..... the guy was PO'd about someone reporting him!

He is over 40 & can chew gum while walking . So you would think the guy had some brain power.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Anyone that would run a grinder without safety glasses on......
is proof pisitive that God DID "P" in the gene pool.......

My buddy stopped up the other day........face RED......both eyes bloodshot and watering like crazy..........When I asked him what was up..........
47 years old and dumber than a box of rocks.
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.


Couple of weeks ago my right eye started to water and I experienced some discomfort.

My wife called the doctor that did her lasek surgery and they told her to send me over.

They were waiting for me when I came in.  The assistant put some numbing drops in my eye and the doctor had me look into some kind of optical instrument.  

"You have a big hunk of metal in your eye" he said and had it out in a flash.

I told him I had not done any grinding in a while, a week at least.  He told me it was on top of the cornea and therefore "fresh".  Also told me that a lot of people get suff in their eyes when they sweep or rub ther eyes with durty hands.  Told me I would be smart to wear safety glasses whenever I am in the shop.

I was in the office all of ten minutes.  About half of that was spent filling out the new patient form.  My insurance paid some.  But my share was abot $100.
An Old California Rodder
Hiding Out In The Ozarks

58 Yeoman

We just had an email sent to all employees at work, from the plant manager. An employee at one of our other plants was at home whacking weeds with his gas weed whacker, and felt something hit his eye. He went to the DR, and they couldn't tell what it was, but had hit him just below his eye, then shattered, and pieces had flown into his eye. He said that he usually used eye protection, but was in a hurry that day.
I survived the Hyfrecator 2000.

"Life is what happens when you're making other plans."
1967 Corvair 500 2dr Hardtop
1967 Corvair 500 4dr Hardtop


Wear GOOD safety goggles.

A month or so ago I was grinding with my eye protection in place, with my glasses underneath, and still got a piece of metal in my eye.  

It had to come in through breather holes.

After the discomfort, and the doctor and medicine bill, I've decided to wear the same safety goggles with full face protecter over that.  It will look like overkill, but I'm old enough not to care. . .


Quote from: "OldSub"Wear GOOD safety goggles.

A month or so ago I was grinding with my eye protection in place, with my glasses underneath, and still got a piece of metal in my eye.  

It had to come in through breather holes.

After the discomfort, and the doctor and medicine bill, I've decided to wear the same safety goggles with full face protecter over that.  It will look like overkill, but I'm old enough not to care.

Last year I got a piece of steel in my eye for the forth time (the last 3 with safety glasses on)
Called my eye doc, Hammid Moosavi, who told me he no longer considered me a patient as I hadn't been seen in 3 years.
Told him I was sorry I hadn't gotten hurt in 3 years, but the steel was there and it was an emergency.
He told me he'd give me to the doctor on call, and would call me right back and tell me who it was. He never called back.
I want to get him deported back to Iran!

Anyway my new eye doc took care of me.
I asked if I had soft eyeballs, since this keeps happening to me with saftey glasses on.
He asked if I wore a hat in the shop. I told him I'm bald, I always wear a hat.
He told me if you wear a hat to turn it backwards, as the crap hits the brim and bounces under the safety glasses and into your eyes.
He said he couldn't believe my other eye doc never told me this.

As for welding burn, do you see those yahoos on OCC tacking stuff by shutting their eyes? Not good!
I've done it, but I always turn my head.


Had a grinding wheel blow apart with safety glasses on last year.  Off to the ER.  Now its full face shield. Should be using a mask also when grinding ......never even thought about it till the 2 or 3 bouts with pneumonia(spelling) and the Doc said you cant keep getting it.
Old racers go in deep and come out hard