NHRA shortens 1/4 mile pass to 1000 feet

Started by Crosley.In.AZ, July 04, 2008, 12:35:09 AM

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NHRA has shortened the track length top fuel and F/Cars run to 1000 feet as a temporary safety measure  attempt for these cars.


 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Quote from: "Crosley"NHRA has shortened the track length top fuel and F/Cars run to 1000 feet as a temporary safety measure  attempt for these cars.


Yup, long thread over at the H.A.M.B. on this. Lots of opinions.....


Long past time they got serious about this.  :idea:


it is a problem that neededd more attention a long time ago  ,  IMHO.

i wonder how this affects the records for speed - ET?   usually the records are on 1/4 or 1/8 tracks.


 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Can't see it fixing anything. The drivers and crews will still be trying to beat one another to the other end. More power will be made to gain an extra 100th or more to beat the opposition. Engine blowups and gearbox,diff and clutch explosions will multiply. In my mind safety could be compromised by the extra pressure on crews and drivers to win over the shorter distance. 1/8th mile crashes are no less than full 1/4 quarter mile races. Formula 1 and the GP bikes have tried to restrict speed and corner speeds for years. None of the changes have resulted in slower lap times or made a difference to the amount of accidents. The only way to have safer racing is to have smaller restricted engines,skinny tyres and a fastest ET and top speed cut off. Go too fast and you are eliminated. How boring and how quickly would the spectators stop attending ?
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Personally I think it's BS. Racing is dangerous whether it's on foot or in a rocket. If you want safe racing do it on a computer. If you're scared of crashing do something else, croquet is pretty safe. The safety attention should be on the cars and the track run off area. If you shorten the track how long will it be before cars are doing 300mph in 1000 feet, the "extra" 320 feet of shut down ain't gonna do much good if your chute don't open.  Besides "What'll she do in the sixth?" just don't sound right Jbird 8)
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