anglia fender saga continues

Started by chimp koose, March 30, 2008, 04:35:42 AM

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chimp koose

The big brown truck dropped off a pair of rear fenders for me the other day. I took the fenders out and they look pretty nice! I put a fender up to the one on the car and it has the opening 1 1/8" lower than my steel one ! If you remember way back when, I posted about having a pair of mis-matched steel fenders. One is of Australian manufacture ,the other of British manufacture ,or so I think ,maybe they are just of different years. Anyhow ,I was kind of liking the ride height as it is with the wheel set exactly in the center of the opening. This means I will have to raise the car 1 1/8" to center the wheel again.At least I have a matched pair of fenders now.


If they are glass fenders, cut the wheel openings, and put them where you want. It's easy.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.