Highway robbery!

Started by phat46, June 02, 2004, 05:32:05 PM

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in AZ they have a late charge of 8 bucks a month. if your vehicle is off the road for repair they will forgive the late fees. when you go register you just tell them it was being repaired, they check to see if you have received a ticket for no registration. if you have no ticket they believe you.

later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


The newest deal in AZ is " registration compliance enforcement".  There is an 800 phone number to call and report a person driving on out of state plates or expired plates.

A few of the items the law looks at is : if you own a home , have a job, a professional license ( doctor , lawyer, etc ) or children in school , then AZ considers you a full time resident.  A college student must have paid "out of state tuition" to qualify as non resident and use out of state plates in AZ.

My brother is an enforcement officer with "peace officer " status in AZ. This means he can write you a ticket or arrest you if needed. He carrys no weapon and other common items people see on uniformed police officers.  So most folks think he is full of crap when he starts writing a ticket after they tell him to climb a rope sideways about the purchase of AZ plates.

The stories my brother tells me on how folks try to lie their way out of purchasing AZ plates is real funny & sad.

He has been in the AZ Attorney Generals office after a couple of state attorneys that knew their job requires obeying all AZ laws, yet they had out of state plates to save a few bucks on plates and insurance.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)